Debate Creation or Evolution?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by God Of Forge, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    There is no evidence for creation. There is lots of evidence for evolution, but not enough to prove it absolutely correct yet.

    Evolution- More than likely the correct answer because it is based off of facts, not opinions or stories that do not make sense written thousands of years ago.

    Creation- There is no fact other than a VERY old book. A book that could possibly have just been written to keep peace, or throw power into hands of people who knew how to use it.

    Evolution obviously has some fact behind it, while creation does not. Does that mean that evolution is right? No. Does that mean it's basically as close as your going to get to the scientific and logical way of looking at it? Yes. If you ever want to teach somebody both religion and creationism in a simple way, use this.
    Reflection likes this.
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Evolution is how it happened, but I believe there is a god. I believe that he started the big bang and had things play out in an intricate way. Think about it if you were an all powerful being with limitless possibilities would you just be like. Ok and lets put this here and this here. I wouldn't, I would have come up with an intricate set of laws and principles to create the universe.
  3. BodaciousBo

    BodaciousBo Ancient
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    If anyone quoted Genesis 1 I may slap some one. lol.

    I believe in God and all that jazz but I believe that God played a hand behind evolution and the big bang.
  4. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i for one would hate to think i came from a monkey, and why are there still monkeys, if they evolved into us? theres plenty of evidence FOR God as well.
  5. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Easy to explain that away.

    Just like their are dogs and different breeds of canines, we came from a different breed of monkey. That breed of monkey just had the right conditions to evolve into us.

    The term monkey is more of a genaral term for species like canine and felid. Chimpansies and Apes are our closest cousin species just as Dogs and wolves are related to each other as well as Cats and Lions.

    Also, the correct term for the Monkey family is Hominidae. That includes humans, chimps and apes.
    headlessbarbie likes this.
  6. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    • Creation?......or Evolution?
    • Pepsi?..........or Coke?
    • McDonald's?..or Burger King?
    • Sprite?........or Sierra Mist?
    • Halo 3?........or Call of Duty 4?
    • How many licks to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

    The world may never know.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Evolution all the way. I want to be just like pokemon.

    Coke, not only does it taste good, but it has a friend in drugs.

    McDonalds. A clown is their mascot. That just says something about them. I don't know what but it says 'something'!

    Sprite. When I ask for something, I don't want to say more then one sylable on the object I'm asking for. More then one, it's ust not worth asking for.

    Halo 3, CoD4 while having a good story, sucks online.

    3. One to get a good taste. Another to estimate how hard it is. And the last for getting to the middle.

    Yes, it will.
  8. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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  9. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Not all of the species evolved the same way. And what hard proof is there of a god. I still believe in God, but God has done a pretty good job of covering his traces.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    I do not find God as a person or a figure; I find God as the good in the people. God is a symbol for our faith.
  11. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    I would have to agree. In my opinion God is an idea that people hold on to because it gives them hope and helps create peace in society. Example - Today is very violent compared to when America was first colonized because religion is not required to be an accepted member of society.

    My opinion on the evolution versus creation theories is simple. I believe in evolution because there are two things that a species does over time. That is to adapt or to perish. For people arguing about how the Big Bang started, human beings can only understand so much. We have a limited knowledge and comprehensioin ability. One day we may discover how life was truly started.
  12. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    We are still evolving, it's something that takes place over millenia and longer.
  13. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Well those are large scale advancements. It also happens on a much short term scale. Have you noticed that insect repellent doesn't work like it used to? That is because the only insects left are not affected by it. It used to happen a lot with diseases and humans, but thanks to modern medicine people don't die as often and evolution of this nature does not take place as fast. And thanks to people who do not get completely cured, bacteria and viruses get stronger.
  14. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    a) We did not start as monkeys; monkeys were created by evolution, too. If you want to know how life was created: I think I know it
    Vulcanic activities in the Mediterranien Sea crates some "Underwater pinacles". There the heat and the chemicals that came out of the earth´s centre created cells (very complicated, to long to describe, i don´t want to write 3 pages), those created cells living togetgher, and they developed to different living species.
    b) It did not stop--we are still evolving, just so slow so we can´t see it during one human life.
    Also, because of medicine, we do not have to adapt that much.
    But an example: Third molars are regressing, some people in my family don´t have any.

    EDIT: Sorry if some of my English is bad...
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Here is another example of evolution that is currently happening to humanity...


    Everybody knows it is not curable but there is a number of people that are immune to this disease. I forgot what the gene was called but I am pretty sure some of you guys know what I am talking about.

    Here is where evolution comes into play:

    This gene can be passed down and inherited. So think about it; eventually in some number of generations, all of society will be immune to HIV/AIDS.
  16. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Sorry, but... no. Hitler has not been atheist. Hitler believed in god. In speeches and letters he wrote about it.
  17. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Lotl, agreed with all your opinions...

    Are you me?
  18. Link Gray

    Link Gray Ancient
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    My opinion on creation vs evolution.

    It just doesn't matter. As a Christian myself, the bottom line is salvation. It's good to talk about this stuff but it really isn't as important as it's made out to be. Christianity, as far as I can tell, is able to go both ways. Personally I believe in creation, but as I said...kind of irrelevant.
  19. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That depends, are you rich?
  20. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    Hey I'm a Christian, this is what I believe

    I know there are many different angles being approached in this debate, from monkeys to the big bang theory, cavemen and a whole lot of other ideas that are getting tied in. Here I am right now as a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ, God, Who I believe is the Good and Perfect Creator of life itself! I know many of you don't believe that and honestly right now I say there is no scientific reason, no logical reason, no materialistic reason, no measurable reason, no psychological reason, no earthly reason to believe in God and there's no scientific, or logical, or earthly proof for Him at all. And I have none of that at all, but man if you guys would truly believe what I say and talk to me about it, please do that. Here I am right now a Christian only because in my soul, I believe in God and His Word (Holy Bible) 100% without a doubt. I'm telling you guys what's being debated here makes no difference if you are a Christian, someone that has a relationship with God because in your heart, your mind, your soul you know God and God the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you! That's why I believe, that's how I even can believe and follow God! It's only out of faith you'll ever be able to have that, and I know you guys have no logical reason to believe what I say. Faith in God isn't of this world and you can't ever prove God to anyone, but God can prove Himself, the Mighty Creator and Perfect God will prove Himself to you as promised if you call out to Him out of faith, willing to believe and follow and accept Him as God! Your Saviour, your God! As a Christian I do have a purpose and a duty as a servant of the LORD, and God the Holy Spirit compels me to spread His Perfect Love and Word to everyone! Man guys if you really just wanna talk to me about what I said or want to know more or just anything, just message me on here or aim = msn = xboxlive = Rushikazy (not always me on though) and I would love it if you'd do that. You can even check out my website I started, and read my testimony for God Almighty on that home page right there, and a little more about me on my "About Me" page. You can check out my profile here too, or my myspace! Guys I'm trying to be here for you if you want to talk to someone period ok? Thank you very much for reading this, and I'm an eternally satisfied beggar that found some bread from a baker Who is God and is telling me to share the news! Here it is! Amen!
    Hey also if you really would like to see more of the technical side of the debate, I very well believe this guy's videos scientifically show some flaws in the scientific "facts" around evolution. This isn't as important but man if you're really caught up in this stuff, just listen to what he says and go do your own research about it!
    Part One =
    Part Two =

    And if you're a Christian man you really should listen to this message and let God work on you...
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