I'm on my 3rd Xbox 360, the first got old, it's replacement froze right out of the box, and the third is fine. I'm assuming original Xbox's don't count in the poll, but I've had two.
I'm on my second. This time Ive bought eight idividual cooling unit attatchments. The thing takes a shitload of time to heat up now. On the downside, all those fans combined make alot of noise, but it's worth it.
since xboxes only last about 6 months for me, my current one several months overdue for a death. right now it locks up occassionally during matchmaking for a second or two every couple of games, its only a matter of time. ps, beware oblivion! great game, but it bricked 3 xboxes (mine and 2 friends) in under a month
Mine has been fine since I bought it. A couple freezes, but that's my fault for not letting it cool down enough.
Your system shouldn't need time to cool off. If it can't maintain a comfortable temperature, then it wasn't design correctly.
Though that may be true, if you get to that point, it's about time to go outside or do something else.
Still on my first Xbox 360. I just keep it upright on a wooden desk next to my T.V. Probably half of you who had RRoD keep your Xbox(s) couped up in a bookcase surrounded by stuff. Just put in the open, and this stuff might not happen.
I highly doubt that. I've kept 3 of mine in the open and properly ventilated.....and all 3 have had the RRoD. The system was made poor, and the only thing that a ventilated system will do is prolong the inevitable. Some people got lucky and received a quality manufactored system. Others have been screwed royaly. It was just a matter of chance.
Unfortunately, you're part of the other half that take proper care of it, but still get RRoD. Indeed it is chance...
My xbox is working like the day i got it. Never had a problem, never had RROD, except twice ive gotten one red light...i have no idea what that means, but yeah. Mine is still fine. Knock on wood, of course. Its gonna blow up tomorrow, just cause i said that.