
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Weremidget, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Aah, Lynnjynh, you just don't like my asymmetric maps do you?!

    And it's named Combustion because of the weapon set including a Flamethrower and 2 Firebombs.
  2. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    That has to be the best map I've seen yet! The weapon placement is excellent, and the whole this is put together well. 5/5
  3. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    Awesome looking map I'll download then post a score from what I can see 5/5
  4. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    That guy's not coming back, is he?
  5. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Ha ha, I don't think he is. Quite a shame, he looked legit - look at his score he gave you without even playing the map!

    Dude, you know I love you and your maps; this one isn't any different than the others. I still say you should make an Uprising remake, though - I still have that on my hardrive.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Truly an amazing map. You did a great job on the interlocking! It looks to me like the gameplay will be fun.
    You: Keep Great Maps Coming
    Me: Curse the map limit thing whilst deleting a map for this!
  7. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Might look at an Uprising rehash if and when I try another Competitive map. But God damn it, so many good games releasing soon...

    Thanks for the comment Mister Whats a Scope, much appreciated.
  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    You are welcome.
  9. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I really like this map! iT'S cool that you put weapons such as the flamethrower and fire nades because I just love to burn people =) I also like the aesthetics! You have done a great job with the interlocking and geomerging, very impressive. The layout looks very fun for slayer (ffa). Don't stop publishing maps, you have real talent!

  10. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Hey, thanks, Crazyzebu. Love how I always seem to get a lot of comments from warned or banned users...
  11. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    haha =)

    great job on the map, I'm always warned =(
  12. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Wonder why, seem like such a nice person.
  13. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    LynnJynh9315 reviews Combustion- and says farewell to the greatest of forgers.

    Ouch, that hurt bad. The idea of this being Weremidget's last map is a hard idea to follow. I remember playing Monolith for the first time with some people and deciding to send Weremidget a Friend Request. Since then, he's been an invaluable source of criticism on all my maps- and I've even given some advice on some of his as well. Now, its over.... and I just might join in those tears of his.

    Combustion, a map built upon fire weapons. Lets be honest, most notable map makers tend to shy away from power weapons, but Weremidget just decides to plow on into it. You have to admit, its a bold move- especially for his final map. Unfortunately, I've always believed power weapons to be taboo for a reason: Its just not a whole lot of fun being set on fire while trying to desperately run away (yes, I run away alot). As a result, I find this map to be surprisingly unbalanced. Weremidget and I played a game of 4 player FFA on Combustion and it just didn;t have the power of some of his other maps (Habitat Beta, Atrium, and Cerebrum were really well done).

    Its really hard for me to say this (it being Weremidget's last map), but I feel that this is probably his weakest effort so far. Lets break it down.

    Gameplay- 7/10
    I hate flames, it leaves a horrible burning sensation and it hurts REALLY bad. The thing about this map is, whoever has the flames has all the fun and whoever is without is let to scream and weep and his helpless form and roasted over and over again. How then can I call the map balanced? One weapon is supreme over all others. I will admit that its fun while I have the flames, but I rarely have them.

    Design- 8/10
    Okay, flame weapons are a pretty bold move. Weremidget did a really good job putting all the flame weapons in neutal locations and making them balanced between teams and there isn't an insane amount of those flame weapons all over the place either. But is that necessarily a good thing? Finally, what about the map itself? Its good, the design is as tight and Weremidgetian as ever, but it still lacks the visual beauty of his other maps. Take the bridge on Cerebrum for example- that thing was stunning. Unfortunately there's nothing like that here. If we want beautifull archetiture we just have to settle for the ramps shown on pictures 3, 4 and 5. Sure that's some good interlocking, but Weremidget fails to live up to his reputation.

    Overall- 7/10
    I'm harsh, I admit it. I'm very critical of the forger I personally consider the best map-maker on this site. He's bold, visionary, artisitic- and his maps are always tons of fun to play on. This just doesn't seem to meet those expectations as well as I like. Weremidget, you are an awesome forger- and you'll be sorely missed- but I find myself looking at this map and looking at your other maps and saying: I hate to say it, but this just isn't his best. I really hope you can forgive me, but I cannot give this map more than a 7/10 and still hold your other maps in such high esteem- it would be an insult to your previous works.

    On a more personal note, thank you for your comments on €T€RNITY, I highly doubt I'll ever get a map featured but it was certainly nice just to know you liked the map. It took me a long time to polish that map enough to publish it, and has still only reached a 4 star rating. Sigh- I was really hoping Eternity might be "The One". So much for hope.
  14. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Nope, I guess I don't. You know that Monolith is my favorite- and its not even up anymore. You should totally keep on making maps like that. Maybe if you're not releasing anymore full maps alone, you and I should get together and co-create one (just an idea).

    Lol, I know what you mean. I want Farcry 2, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, F.E.A.R 2, and so many others....

    BTW, PLEASE do release another map!
  15. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    It's good to have an honest critic :D

    Thanks for the in-depth review, Lynnjynh.
  16. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    wow that map looks amazing and fun, very well thought out. In the 3rd picture, it almost looks like an escalator, it also look like the map has some little things built in (pic 5) maybe just for looks, but it looks really good. 5/5
  17. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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    I had the chance to play on this map recently and really loved it for slayer. Seemed to work really well too. Only thing I noticed is it is easy to get cornered in the left base more than the right (based off of your diagram's view) While it isn't much it is bad when they can bring a flame thrower and get a plasma on the way. However, you will be "saved" by another player quite commonly since it is a free for all. Therefore the gameplay may compensate for itself in the longrun. Overall this was a great map and one I will probably keep to play in small parties.
  18. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    I think the flamethrower is a largely unknown quantity to a lot of people. In the right hands it can apparently devastate, but otherwise it's a suicide bomb. Makes it hard to put into a map without distorting the balance.

    Thanks for the comments, guys.
  19. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    wow te geomerging and interlocking are spectacular im am impressed this map kicks so much ass and probably should get a feature. and i really like the design its very awesome. good job!
  20. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Thanks, the geomerging in the corner's probably tidier than I'll ever be bothered to do again.

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