I thought that Toonami had already been cut, but wow; I hadn't even really thought of how much this had impacted my childhood also. Yeah, I haven't watched it for years, but it's sort of sad to see it go, they did have some great shows for awhile. R.I.P. Toonami...
I liked it better when they had the astronaut as the host. His voice fit it more because it sounded like he was talking through a radio or something. Sigh. Oh well. There were a couple really good shows on there.
Yeah, the original guy was better; but hey, it was oriented at kids and they decided to change it in order to keep a fanbase, so what are you gonna do? At least they still kept somewhat of the same shows. Thanks for posting this, Coolant.
I have trouble believing that they aren't going to air Naruto at all anymore. They will probably just give it a different timeslot. I think it probably is one of CN's major sources of money. I don't really care though, I just watch the original Japanese ones subbed on youtube. Much better.
Ah yes. I remember that one. It aired like every day over one summer. However, i remember my older brother, among all the other kids that went to my school, thought it was really uncool to watch those shows. As a result, every time he walked into the room, I would feel uncomfortable and change the channel. I just stopped watching it after about a half a year. Maybe it's because I live in the country. Everyone was into power rangers when I was little too, but I wasn't. I'd rather go on the swings or jungle gym than pretend back then. Now i wish I hadn't worried about that kind of stuff. Gees, I was only like 7 or 8. I still am not really into the same stuff as everyone else.
I used to watch this back when I was a kid... kind of sad, but to tell you the truth I don't care. I have not been to that channel in forever.
I remember .hack zoids yu yu hokusho dragon ball z yu-gi-oh the older pokemon episodes and a few others not listed because they are undoubtedly cartoons. I remember the old CN also with dexter, edd edd n eddy, courage the cowerdly dog, angry beavers I think it was called?, loony toons etc. Back when it was worth getting up on saturday morning just to watch cartoons. Now everything in the cartoon category is **** pure absolute ****.
Agree with Grif... I remember watching some like Rip Off version of Transformers with like robotic cats and dogs which was really cool. Once they retired all the good shows as in like 7-8 years ago, I lost interest in cartoons.
Dragon Ball Z and Beast Wars (Transformers prequel/sequel) were the shows I used to watch on Toonami. That was when Toonami first aired.....wow.
DBZ, .hack, and gundam were the ****. I remember in 3rd grade when me and my friends would play pretend DBZ. We killed Hercule in so many cruel and strange ways...
toonami started two years after I was born...........thats pretty crazy no wonder I always watched it Saturday morning. lol
I loved watching the old Pokemon (back when it was good), Gundam, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoids and Ronin Warriors and i'm surprised no one mentioned Reboot. That was a pretty cool show too.
Great. One less way for kids to be corrupted by Wapanese Anime translations. Squeaky girl voices in crappily renditioned Americanime edits for male roles? No, thanks.
Even if Nemihara thinks they were wapanese, I loved Dragonball Z, Ronin Warriors and Zoids. After that Toonami got pretty cheesey though.... either that or I just realized how cheesey they all really were. I miss those shows though.
It would be a big impact to us if this happened while we were still watching it. I always looked forward to it after school if I wasn't chillin with friends that day. RIP Toonami 1997 - 2008