
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Archiver13, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    Original map: Foundry

    Supported Gametypes: All Game types are supported (Recommended for team based games)

    Map Description Conflict is my little pride and joy, I know I am not the best forger and have not mastered any of the interlocking or geo merging features that many of you know, however forging started without any of that way in its early stage before we knew the tricks. So to the best of my ability I present conflict. Ok so now for the actual map details Let’s start of with the hype details shall we? Conflict is a map where teamwork is key and survival is necessary. Two bases separated by a large wall, however is passable through gaps, jumps, stairs (asymmetric only) and man cannons (Asymmetric only). Both bases completely identical but the weapon that you choose to fight with is up to you as there are a huge list of weapons available to you right from the base start. Vehicles however you deem them useful or not are available for both teams. Two warthog’s one gauss, one machine gun, one ghost, three mongooses on each side. Grenades and other equipment lie in the nooks and crannies of your base so be sure to look around for what you see as your best advantage. Ok now that the bases are covered lets move on to the middle shall we? The middle is a high wall with various gaps for whatever your creative mind desires in forms of combat. There is only one way in which vehicles can pass through the other side. To gain access however you must blow the barrels, fusion coils, and other things to get past. On foot you can pass through the gaps that the single boxes fail to fill, however there are fusion coils in those gaps that can either be deadly if you are the one passing or can be helpful for a trap. In asymmetric games there is a flight of stares right outside your base that lead directly to the other side, along with an over shield and a grav lift that can lead you to some goodies. Also by the entrance of your base in asymmetric of course is a man cannon for a direct overhead assault (assuming you live) to the enemy’s base. By your warthog vehicles there is another man cannon this one is active in all games and can take you to the middle with some proper aim. There are various ways to get to the top of the wall including a tele porter in your base, be wary though as the same receive port that takes you there is also the same for the other team. There is also a bridge that connects both bases to each other through the wall. (surely a struggle point for both teams) Ok I will stop talking now And let you see some photos All that I ask however is that instead of yelling at me for not interlocking or geomerging (I assure you I will learn how to soon) Please if you download give an honest review on gameplay aspects and what needs improvement as I can improve by feedback Thank you Ps. This is my first post here

    Base A (note spawn points are few in this pic I however have fixed this)


    Base B (note spawn points are few in this pic I however have fixed this)


    The stairs appear in asymmetric games the grav lift and over shield however are always there.


    This bridge connects both bases directly. this exact area is also the central point for a few of the game types like neutral bomb among others.


    This is the hallway completely identical on both sides with mongooses and a hammer


    From this angle the barrier can be seen, in order to get cars past this you either ram straight through or you can just blow them up , do as you fit.


    The cracks in the wall are lined with two fusion coils they will spawn every ten seconds so watch out.


    this is why i say make sure you look all over your base nooks and crannies


    By each barrier there is a plasma turret for each team , as good as that sounds it can also be very dangerous for look what it is on.


    One grenade


    Say hello to the aftermath


    The goodies


    I do plan to go back and completely re do and edit this when i fully understand geo merging and what not , i know some stuff i just don't feel like it would have benefited me here . hmm what else? enjoy if you like it. :)
    im sorry if you hate it. :(

  2. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    With interlocking and geomerging this may be a good map, but:

    The amount of weapons and the strength of weapons is much too high.
    Someone could get the bazooka AND the spartan laser in only 1,or 2 seconds.
    And even without technics like interlocking or geomerging, you could try making walls etc. stand straight.
  3. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    hehe yeah i noticed that as soon as i put the picture up i was like darn it i left a wall crooked
    hmm well i guess when i learn how to fully geo and interlock i can remove some of those power weapons
    thank you for the feedback
  4. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Ya, this would really be a great map if you had everything straightened out and well interlocked. Also the bridges do look much better if you flip them to the other side. I promise. Also, there are some many power weapons that it would just be way overpowering if no team got them all. Okay, just to say, i am not flaming you. All I want is for you to learn some of the forging skill and help you get better. If you need help on anything, just PM me and I'll try to help.
  5. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    Well it looks like a fairly good map considering it doesn't have interlocking or geomerging, they however aren't as important is making sure the objects are aligned evenly.
    I also don't see the point of the pallets under the turret, when they're destroyed won't the person just float instead of falling?
  6. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    thank you i understand you are not flaming as i asked i know many of you are way better at this then me so i plan to take in all your advice and take it with me to the next map or version of this
  7. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    hmm no i was testing it with people and if the pallets fall either your most likely dead from an explosion or you will fall straight down
  8. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    well its a good idea for the map and the only gripe i have besides the already said crooked wall and the spartan laser placement (weapon holders make everything better) is the ghost placement i mean the only place i can see that you can drive it is into the tiny room that the turrets looking over so you might want to move that somewhere else
  9. The Alb1n0

    The Alb1n0 Ancient
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    seeing that you took the pics in forge mode, I didn't see any respawns. And the default respawns of foundry stink, but other than that the map is great. It would be even better if you used interlockszors.
  10. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    this map seems kind of nubish you should merge some stuff together on this map move around some weopons and then post a v2
  11. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Like a lot of people have said before, there's a lot of stuff you could fix here, but something that would definitely help it look better in the next version is to flip over the bridges. It looks 5x better when the bridges are flipped over, and you just see the smooth back of them instead of the crossed metallic side.
  12. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    i think you should make a V2 and go back and flip over the bridges and double boxes
  13. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    ok if youre going to make a non-interlocking or geo merging map, make sure it is neat. everything is kinda sloppy 2/5
  14. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Yeah, I agree with you. This map looks very sloppy and interlocking and geomerging would really make it great! It also seems cluttered with scenery and as others have said I am sure: you need to flip your bridges and boxes!
    Keep forging and keep improving this map, with a bit of work this map could be incredible. As of now however the map looks sloppy, cluttered, and a mess...

  15. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    Thank you like i said im going to remove some of those power weapons seeing as how the map overall size is small and can really give a hand towards those who get it.
    hmm the ghost idk i just felt like using it you know?

    i took the pictures before i put spawns up , so there kind of not there i did add them on my own though

    hmm thats because it is
    i dont have geomerging down to well yet and i rather not look like an idiot geo merging if im not good at it
  16. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    hehe got you guys thank you
    u see i knew you guys could really help me out here

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