Alright, I have been waiting so long to write this post.... FTP is a variant that I have invented, it has about 10 variants and soon there will be 3 maps, right now I have made 2. FTP stands for F_ _ _ That Person, don't ask. FTP is a fast spawn, random weapons, infinite grenade, 20 minute, unlimited score, maddness. Basically, it's fun. Most of my friends enjoy it. (I have 40 something friends if you must know) On to the screenshots. This is FTP Korridork, the first map in the FTP series. It works with: Slayer Slayer Legit Team Slayer KotH Infection This is FTP Duo, the second installment of the FTP series. It works with: CTF Slayer Slayer Legit Assualt Infection KotH This baby, is FTP Xceleration, the third map in the series. It's nearly done. READ BELOW Some of you, actually most of you are wondering, "OMGz!!! No links to map downloadz?? Noob!!!!" Well, if you must know, I have been temp. blacklisted from Bungie forums, apperently saying something in a Recon thread, promotes it so, yeah. The maps will be here approx. 9/26/08......
You need to finish the maps before you post and give a link. Though the gamplay for the maps would be really awsome if you take the vehicles out.
Read the bottom of the post.... They are done.... And Vehicles are nessecary.... It's part of the maddness which is oddly fun....
You can't post a map without any map to present. Have a friend of yours put it on their fileshare. Repost ur map when its ready. LOCK PLEASE, MODS. NOBODY ELSE POST IN THIS THREAD PLZ.
Sigh, hoped people would undertand..... oh well lock this up, go ahead. I'll repost it in a week. When you get unfairly blacklisted from any forum, a tiny laugh you will hear behind you, when you turn around, there will be nothing there.
I am not a fan of these first you dont want to use that many sheild doors and the interlocking is really sloppy and the maps dont need mongooses or ghosts no offence but you can doo alot better
You can still link a map even when blacklisted as you don't have to actually post the map on the Bungie Forums. Example: Your map, Max Security. All you need to do is place the map on your File Share and click the map's name and it will bring you to another page and copy the address it gives you. For the maps themselves, I might give them a look as they seem interesting, but most likely not since I'm at my content limit.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The maps are realy cool but i think it would work better without the vihicles. They dont realy make much sence. But other than that, they are good maps! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Seriously, it's possible to get out of any map, it doesn't matter if you get out Korridork only way in is if you go through tele, which makes you die. Duo, Tele again Xceleration, i want people to get outside the map, there is a puzzle to solve to get vehicles.
These are very small maps, there not much for cover that doesnt take up space. The x in xceleration, looks freakin awesome, and finally, vehicles are what make these maps special, if you don't like em, don't freakin critisize me for what I think is fun.
WTF FTP, what does that even mean. Oh yeah, wasn't supposed to ask =P Your maps seem decent. There are a little too many shield doors and mongooses (why!). I also see the need for a ceiling because it looks like anyone could just grenade jump out, especially because the gametype includes TONS of grenade spamming. And yes, I will critisize you even if YOU think something is fun. My Impressions design 2/5 gametype 3/5 creativity 3/5 aesthetics 2/5 interlocking and geomerging 3/5 Overall 3/5 dude, triple post, NOT COOL =(