Since we have many film makers, forgers, graphics designers, and especially signature makers, there are many tutorials on how to do these things. We have all these tutorials, which are awesome, mind you, but we don't see what the person does.Now, how do you film these off your computer? Screen Capture Software is the answer. Screen Capture software, or freeware is: 1. First, what you need is a program for recording your screen, or better known for specific tutorials, "screencasts"Some programs are: Camstudio-Free-Very Good BSR Screen Recorder-Very Good Hypercam-Free-Bad Fraps-Free-Below Average Camtasia-Paid-The Best 2. Second, you need to know what you are going to film: Will this be: A tutorial on how to make a signature A chat conversation A video, so someone can help you with your computer Or you can record that record gameplay of the helicopter game, so you can "Pwn some noobs" 3. OK, so now, you can read the manual on how to use those programs, or you can just look here for the basic overview of the instructions: Open up your program You will see a button that says record, or the universal sign for record is the big red button One of two things will happen here: either the main window will minimize down to the taskbar, and you have to select the area from there or, the more likely one, you will recieve a popup after the main window minimizes to the taskbar From either of those, select the area you want to record NOTE: take a look at the hotkeys for the program...they will help you out MUCH So, when you are done recording, either go to the stop sign on the taskbar, giving you a view of the stopping of the video when you watch it at the end, or you can just use the hotkey Save it to your computer NOTE: if it is close to 10 minutes (youtube uploading limit) go into your favorite video editing program, and split it in half; save it as an AVI file NOTE: If your video is not even close to 10 minutes, save it as an MPG file This will help you maximize quality Happy Recording! BONUS PART: Now, the question of where to host your videos comes in: YouTube - obviously the most common one here: everyone uploads here, yadda yadda... Veoh-nothing special here; has a limit on length and size; and it has a good Vimeo-good, but average uploading service; limit on length and size, and quality is above average is the one I use, because there is no size limit, nor length limit, and also allows custom thumbnails, and most important, the VIDEO QUALITY IS THE BEST-HERE for more info So, I recommend, for their superb features, allowing the perfect place for tutorials Yet, the only downside is that our admins on this site may not be able to install an embed BBcode for this website just quite yet. So, we ask ourselves, what is the solution for this? Simple, upload it to YouTube as well, aside from, and embed with youtube, but provide a link with the video too!
cool idea Although i doubt my computer can handle PS and a screen capture prog at the same time lol although i am minted now so i will have a new PC soon
camtasia, the one I use, actually focuses on smoothness, so if your computer lags at the beginning (like mine does for a couple of seconds) camtasia will make it a smoothen out the move (talking about the mouse, and anything else happening on the screen)'s a very powerful program, and looks professionally shiny (jk)
This is good. Hopefully people will start making video tutorials because some text picture tutorials are hard to follow.
this is awesome! i might just use this, but first i have to DL CamStudio(i dont want to have to pay to record off something, im cheap) EDIT - Are you serious?! you payed the $300 for that! EDIT 2 - Hey, for the videos i used CamStudio, i would have posted to get this up, but i had last post.
...exactly why I made this!!! too bad its not getting very noticed, although zeus made a video tut thing already!!! congrats zeus!!! I hope to see many more of these awesome tutorials!
thanks sdrakulich! so far ive made a tutorial on how to make wisps, a solid border(although no one will probably need that), and a transparent border. ill probably make another one later today, but right now im playing a game, and watching Speed Racer =P
Glad it helped shade, I hope more people go ahead and make video tutorials like zeus here! Anyways, I still highly suggest using camstudio if you cant get camtasia in the near future