Reaper of bunny, you should consider making your sigs a lot bigger. Like can't see much in the small's just too, small.
It's WAY too big... Also it looks like a screen shot and they usually don't make for the best sigs... Anyway it's not terrible for your first and the perspective seems to be pretty fluent, as in it's the same throughout the sig. I would suggest scaling it down to about a 150x400 and also the really light grey at the bottom seems pointless. Also the blood is just there, it doesn't really have a victim or a reason it's there. =)
yeah signature size is way too large.. the real reason i came here was because i feel like i finally made an at least ok signature. what do you think?
I can't see the rider very well... Other than that it looks great! The BG flows nicely and it has great depth. Also you can still see the trees which makes the horse and rider look more in place. Great job! =)
wow i hadnt noticed that.. there actually werent any seeable trees in the original.. i must have a certain skill with that haha cause i did another sig a while back and i completely on accident added a bunch of trees without knowing it. thanks though. im actually finishing another one just now EDIT: heres my next one;
You guys have learned how to use the thread. Yay. =] I sent Sevensinsam a profile message alerting him about his sig, just in case he didn't visit this thread later, so yeah, don't worry about that. @Knight: That's nice... I just don't like the colors too much, I like stuff with brigther colors... That face in the background is soooo creepy... Oh, and I'd get better font...
Yeah, lol, I meant the font style. Try making it brighter, at least the font, or outline it, so we can read it without squinting...=]
hmm too much color in the first one.. definetly not enough in the second one.. the third one... sepia doesnt really work for that sig but it looks ok. i like the sig though. maybe if the colors werent so vibrant
It's better. I'd still make it a lot brighter, but that's just me. @Alby: wtf is that guy? And why does he have the ''imma eat your babies'' face on?
I think it loses its feel when it has no colour. The top one is the best. Maybe a bit stronger contrast. text is subtle and fitting. It loses its feel without colour. I think the vibrant colours work very well in the first.
I made smaller - can you tell me what you think of it. Oh and by the way Zeus, I can't remove the flare because I don't really know how to lol I'm newbie! And beleive me it looks better with the flare anyway - without it, the sig looks boring.
If it were sharper and clearer it would be much better. At the moment it looks very low quality. Ie: Blurry, pixelated. Something I made real quick, which is a peice of crap.