No. Are you saying that it's not fun for the hiders? 'Cause that's just wrong. I've played a couple hiding games and had huge amounts of fun with them. I've played a game on Epitath where I used and hit and run tactics. Except it was more Hit when they pass near you and then find another hiding spot. People who hide are eitheir just doing it for the lulz or they want to test how hard it is to find someone in a particular place. Now, if they just hide instead of rushing to the power weapons, that's taking a risk n wether you can take out the power weapons. Eitheir way, the non-hiders can quit at any second. Nothing is stopping them from staying there. If that's not their idea of fun, tough.
Are you aware that hiding completely ruins the game for the other team? Because it really does. So either you are amazingly ignorant or a complete prick. The other team can quit out, but they shouldn't have to. Camping is probably one of the cheapest things you can do to win that is within legal bounds of the game. Congratulations, prick, you can win by hiding and jumping out at people. You don't have to be good at all to win that way. And how is just sitting in a hiding spot fun for you? Fun to rank up and laugh at the other team, but that just makes you even more of an asshole. Kill yourself, douche****, you and people like you are ruining Halo 3 for a lot of people.
Exactly. You look at someone who purposely lags the other players out of the game, for instance. What's the first thing you say? "Oh, that takes no skill. They're cheating! I paid $60 for a game, and I can't even play it properly because people are abusing it." And lo, I say to you now: "Cry me a river as long as the Nile. Build up among your people a bridge. Then, get the hell over it, because you have the same amount of respect for gaming as every hacker, cheater, and purpose-lagger that's ever been."
Ouch, I think you are going a little far there. Hackers, cheaters, and purpose-laggers are cheating, and do not actually play the game. Hiding people do. I bought the game, I can play it anyway we want, as long as its not cheating. I actually do have a lot of respect for Halo 3, and I do hide occasionally. Cheaters are much worse. Besides, I actually don't mind a little hide and go seek in sometimes. It is a legitimate strategy. I like the way Telrad put it:
I was merely over-emphasizing for the sake of argument. My point was obviously misconstrued, but I'll live. Now: There is quite an amount of different between effectively using something such as the Active Camouflage or Shotgun and getting just a few kills over the other team, then relocating to a "secret" spot. I sit around a corner and wait for an enemy all the time, but only if I know there's one present. Never would I pick a random corner to camp on with the Shotgun just because I felt like it. That's just plain boring for me. However, the issue (or what I feel to be the issue) is when players purpose in their minds to hide out the majority of a game. This usually takes place because they're not good enough to earn the win, and it ends up ruining the entire game for those who genuinely love the game. To end, I'll note that I like the way you put it best:::: lolwut??
hiding isnt cheating. in halo, you are placed in an arena, for 10 minutes or 50 kills (whichever comes first) and you are allowed to use your controller to do whatever you want to do in that arena, whether it be standing in a corner, hopping up and down, or running laps around the perimeter. you dont have to fulfill certain requirements or sign a contract to play a match, your course of actions is entirely at your discresion. with that being said, the prevalence of hiding as a tactic is merely a sign of what many gamers will consider poor gameplay balance. while griefing is lame and an example of poor sportsmanship, i dont see a logical way to consider it cheating
Well the team who hides has to take the lead before they hide, right? So if they do get that kill, isn't it the other teams fault for letting them get that kill? If they win 1-0, then that team should be mad at themselves for giving up a kill. Hiding is a tactic. A coward's tactic, but a tactic nonetheless.
It ruins the game for the people who have no patience or those who aren't smart enough to quit the game. Try hiding. Do it now. It's not as easy as it looks like. Especially to get to spots that people will never find. Fun is entirely subjective. Some people like to play Hide and Seek. Some like to hide in games of Halo and others love to teabag dead bodies.
Hiding is not cheating. It is cheap however. I know most hiding places on the current maps, and how to get to them, just incase someone disapears from a game. I had some people trying to be HLG in team slayer versus me and one other guy. It just resulted in them camping the bases once I assasinated them for hiding. Bublesheild/shotgun/beam rifle in one base = fast deaths. We lost by about 5 kills, but considering that it was 2 v 4 it was pretty satisfying.
when bungie made halo 3, they intended people to play normally, (killing, flag-capturing etc.). but you cant have over 100000 playing a game and expect for everyone to play the intended way, some who wernt "the best" decided to go in fore and look for hiding spots, they found some and told their friends (who were a little better) and they, for laughs, decided to go do it in MM, it worked, they won some games, not the end of the world. HLG is a good strategy, you people are just to competitive, if you want to beat them, then dont let them kill you. i am a member of HLG, and somtimes to get that kill, i got killed and ended up have a score of 7-6 (we were 7) before we could hide. and anyway, its a game, and its not cheating, i dont care if you lost a match to HLG people and now hate them, get over it, ITS A GAME
After reading some more comments I have to say that there is a difference between hiding and camping. Camping is waiting in one spot because it can guarantee kills, and is more or less good strategy. An example would be waiting in the gravlift room on guardian with a shotgun, or getting up to the second level of a base on the pit with the sniper rifle. You hide to get kills. Hiding is hiding in a spot that is hard to reach, or unknown to other people, perhaps a glitchy spot of a level to ensure you don't get killed by the other team, usually after you have gained the lead. This is like getting into the gaps in narrows where people almost never look (or know to look) in order to win, while the other team runs around looking for you. Hiding is fun for one side, which is selfish and really probably should be banable if people constantly do it (like, every single game). Its not an altogether huge deal, but it can piss you off if you just want a decent game or two.
This is the most hilarious gameplay method I've seen. Retarded, but hilarious. I love how pissed off people get about it, too. Too bad I've never encountered anyone doing it, though. Hide and seek sounds like fun.
It's certainly not cheating, but it is a lame tactic. The "Hiding" tactic is exactly why there is no time limit in the slayer variant for the 2v2 tournament.
Read better mother ****er, ARE YOU AWARE THAT HIDING/CAMPING AN ENTIRE GAME RUINS THE FUN FOR THE OTHER TEAM? Nobody wants to look for you unless you're playing Hide and Seek. Hide and Seek isn't in matchmaking. You're either blissfully ignorant or a completely asshole, take your pick.
please? would you shut up now i really dont care that you wish to make HLG look stupid cause you lost one match to them. HLG/hiders arent constantly hiding in matchmaking, and anyway, i think hiding in in-map areas are fine, if the other team has any skill they will find them and have poweer weapons
It's not because I lost to HLG. I actually have a friend in HLG, but he doesn't hide when I play with him because even he's aware that it's a ****ing stupid thing to do. I'm pissed at the people who hide in MM because it ruins the entire game. I don't want to go in to MM to find people, I want to play the "fun" way. Both teams shooting at each other. I'm pissed at people who get a lucky start and then hide the entire game instead of actually playing. I have no problem losing to people better than me. I get pissed when I lose to someone because they use undeniably cheap tactics. Learn to read mother ****er, IT RUINS THE FUN OF THE GAME FOR THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS.
Here's the thing. Ranked is there, not to cater to peoples love for fun but to peoples competitiveness. Same with Hardcore. As soon as you are in a game, you are playing for competition. Now, competitive play is essentially playing a game withen a set rules. Now, where does it say in the book of Halo ranked gameplay that you are not allowed to hide? Nowhere. If you don't like this, quit. As it seems you just don't like competitive communities. Competion is about playing to win. Many people find this fun. As soon as you hit ranked playlists, you play to win. If you play with honour rules in Ranked, you deserve to lose. I'll point to a favorite kids game. Now, I'm not sure if you played it but it's called hide and seek. Many children play this and they aamuse themselves with this. Even the hiders. Are you calling those children assholes? The same can be applied to kittens and puppies. They sometimes decide to hide just out of site of their owners to play a game. Again, as soon as you hit that playlist, no honor rules are entered as well. Then quit. Lucky start? If they killed you in the most important part of any Halo game, you have a very good chance that your going to lose anyway. THEN THE MAJORITY NEED TO LEARN WHAT COMPETITION IS. Do soccer players go into a match saying they won't perform a curve just because a goalie can't block it? No, they'd be laughed at.
It's being overly competitive, and it's just not fun. Video games are about fun, not intense competition. I want to play people my skill level who aren't little pricks and hide. ARE YOU AWARE THAT HIDING RUINS THE FUN FOR THE OTHER TEAM? Because you still haven't addressed that. Are you trying to say Halo is more about competition then it is fun? Because if that's the case you need to get your **** straight. The thing is that I see people who I am better than winning. They can't beat me in a firefight so they use CHEAP tactics. Undeniably CHEAP. And that's the only way they can win. Not all. Some people who hide are better than me, but the vast majority are not. Bottom line is that the person who wins in a ranked game is more often than not the biggest prick who will resort to using cheap tactics rather than playing the game straight up. I don't know if anyone else ever noticed this, but Halo 2 had sort of an honor code. Even in the high ranks. The majority of games I played, no one would use the plasma pistol or sword because it was undeniably cheap. Like hiding. That's why Halo 2, while not the better game, was more fun online. Because the people on it weren't extremely competitive douche bags.
I believe I said that for some people, competition is very fun. For you and many more, games are for single player or friends. You're asking the impossible. People will always want to find a way to play the game that suits their style. Also, how is hiding being a prick. I'd call that being pacifist. Dur, I don't know how to quit a game I'm not enjoying. Let me slam my fist into the TV screen and throw my controller out the window. Also, Where did I say that the whole game was like that? I said RANKED and HARDCORE. Everywhere else, honor rules are applied frequently. Oh you sly editer you... In ranked, it's skill v skill. With skill being composed of their aiming skill, map awareness, tactics and intelligence. Apparently your aiming skill and basic tactics are perfect but I guess your map awareness and intelligence are bad... You see, here's the problem. The reason you lose is because you keep some semblance of morality in ranked. As soon as you're in that playlist, morality doesn't exist. Halo 2>Halo 3 but that's something I already talked about in another topic. You must have had very good games because just about everyone used those when I played ranked. Hell, I was the biggest sword n00b on Midship. Reason I didn't die was because the other team were retards and thought that I would obey these honor codes that they didn't tell me about...
Now you're trying to twist what I'm saying. I like competition, but not when one person plays in a cheap manner to win the competition. I'll ignore the pacifist comment as it was retarded. You honestly think I care that much? No. I annoys the **** out of me. I want to play a people who ARE MY SKILL LEVEL, not people who got their rank by playing like a little *****. I don't go in to MM to quit or look for people, I go in to MM to actually play the damn game like Bungie intended it to be played. Are you saying that ANY PART OF HALO is more about competition than fun? Because you need to get your **** straight if you think so. Your basic stance is "I'm going to win no matter what, even if I'm ruining the experience for thousands of other people." It's a video game. It's supposed to be fun to play. You are a prick. u sly editr u