Debate Hiding in halo 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by viprikr, Sep 19, 2008.


Is It ok to hide In halo3 slayer game?

Poll closed Oct 4, 2008.
  1. No because there not playing the game >:(

  2. yes cause its fun >_<

  1. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    ya i mean it is fun if you are with your friends and you want to be dicks. but most are like8-13 year olds like my bro who suck at halo and use it to rank up
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    You're serious? No.
    A lot of the people over at Bungie look to people who hide (HLG, HiddenMasters, HdnOoc..) so they can see what to expect. HLG isn't what you think it is, they've been known to inform Bungie of the super-glitched spots, and if they feel it hinders gameplay, they'll take it out (eventually...).
    Narrows had one of the most amazing hiding spots. The one where you'd jump at the wall beside the map, get into the gap, and then crouch jump into the small crevice in the side.
    I remember numerous times of me getting in that one on team doubles, and my friend and I would just laugh because it was funny. Games are played are played to have fun, although some are more competetive than others, they have to realize that it's a game, you can't take everything too seriously.

    Plus, if you haven't tried it, I suggest you do. I've had great experiences from it. =)
    Warfang likes this.
  3. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    So what your saying is HLG guys on youtube are just bungies ***** lol
  4. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Oh ya, that's exactly what I said.
    Seriously though, if they find exploits and what not that give considerably high advantages, they'll inform Bungie.
    Although sometimes they'll exploit until they're done with it, or until players may know where they are. Plus, for Bungie it takes them forever to actually fix these spots.
  5. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    This fact, among others, contributes even further to my belief that Halo3 will be more fun as time goes on. By the time I began playing Halo2, all the campers and hackers had filtered out. The only people left playing Halo2 were those who truly loved the game. Halo3 is merely undergoing the phase in which folks play just to obtain a false sense of accomplishment by cheating others.

    Summary: It's not so much cheating as it is just playing the game for the wrong reasons. Video games are meant to be enjoyed by both parties. Things like the topic at hand tend to ruin that.
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Who's saying that that is the wrong way to play? People bought that game and they can play it in whatever way they want.
  7. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    That's right. As long as your not modding, you should be able to play the game however you'd like.
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Agreed, there isnt a manual for Halo that says'
    "Hiding is cheating, go out and die."
    Have fun however you want to.
    But no mooding.
  9. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
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    Hiding is definitely not cheating. It heightens the gaming experience of H3 in my opinion. Halo is a great game because it branches out into many different categories (hiding, jumping, glitches...,killing, and just plain messing around with physics). Also, saying that hiding is cheating because that is not how the game is supposed to be played is like saying jumping is cheating (being able to move quickly around maps). In addition (to the jumping), it is not cheating or lame because you are jumping and avoiding death in a firefight, it's called being intelligent.

    Also, hiding can be fun for both parties. If i were to finally play vs. some HLG members, I would be excited. It is a great game of Hide and Seek (IMO) and you heighten your knowledge of the hiding section of H3.

    Oh, and modding is (obviously) cheating. Just had to add that.
    Warfang likes this.
  10. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I completely agree. Anyone that says that hiding is cheating, has no idea what they are talking about. It's just another way to play Halo 3.
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  11. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    So now that we all agree that its not cheating, just another tactic, and that modding is cheating, can we close this thread? everything that needs to be said has been said, and those who have lost to the HLG and are complaining are just annoying.
  12. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Don't close it! I actually like the discussion that is forming here. That's just my opinion though.
  13. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I don't think that everyone here is in agreement. There are probably some people that haven't seen this topic yet etc.

    And closing a debate is bad. A debate is continues and never ends.
  14. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Yes but this debate was horrible from the start. Idk about anyone complaining about being killed by a hider. I mean if you don't already know all the hiding spots, that's just plain suck.

    Threads that were stupid from the start are just stupid. and need locks.
  15. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    ah... but murdoch, new maps will be realeased, new secrets revealed, and with ghost-jumping i think that soon enough people will be able to hide in such great places never thought of before
  16. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Hiding is not cheating it's a style of play.
    Most people who do this either do it because they're not as good at the actual game and use this tactic, or by people who just want to piss people off.
    I looked into it for a while but it can get pretty boring :S
  17. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Cheating? No.

    Ruining the game for the other team? Absolutely.

    Actually, them not having fun is a direct effect from you hiding, thus it is your fault they didn't have fun.

    People who say it is a tactic or strategy are correct but it is in very poor taste. The people you are playing against loaded up Team Slayer (Or Doubles or whatever the case may be), to face another team.

    By hiding you are ruining their time and getting them frusturated. And for what? Some kicks 'n giggles? Well the only way I can see that you're having fun by sitting behind the turrets in Snowbound or climbing the bases of Valhala, etc, is that your enjoying their frustration. If you're going to play just to frusturate someone, just don't play. You're intentionally being a ****.

    I see it as a real-life equivilant as going up to someone and intentionally irritating them. The only difference is that in real life, you'd probably get punched and by being an irritating punk online you don't have to face any consequences for your actions because they can't do anything back.
  18. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    but this is our game, we can play it however we want, even if its distastefull to them, they just need to learn to look better, anyway, when you go HLG the other team can get power weapons, and if they find you, you will have a hard time winning
  19. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I can also go take a dump on my brother's pillow right now. Just because I can though doesn't make it any more morally right, I'm still being an ass.
  20. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    It's not fun to play for either person. That isn't the wrong way to play as in he's cheating, it's the wrong way to play as in it's ****ing gay and ruins the fun of the game.

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