I actually like water the best. Waterbending is all about turning the enemys strike against them. It also features blood bending where you can control a person tehe lol
What's a avatar? I don't understand how you are this avatar guy. Is this some kind of magical zoombini broadcast action?
Ooh yea I forgot about blood bending. That was pretty cool. I still think fire is the coolest because it as well as airbending could be done anywhere on any terms, since there's a plentiful source of air which also fuels fire, plus, you can't say watching Ozai turn that little fireball into a freakin storm of fire wasn't sweet. The ability to summon lighting was something I wished they used more often in the series. Oh and no they actually never did cancel avatar they just aired a few of the episodes in different countries for the last season which really annoyed me.
Ya, they never cancelled it I think it was just delayed for some reason. I watched the four episodes after the invasion online before they came out, I just waited for the Southern Raiders. Ya if you think about it, all elements have there own little original power that makes them all just about even.
i liked it alot except it took forever to see new episodes i havent see the last like 5 i think but i like the animation
Ok if we're gonna talk Adult Swim anime then forget Code Geass (just kidding I think it's pretty good), Full Metal Alchemist is the shiznit.
No, american anime screws it up, watch it online in jap. with subs. Lots better. Also good ones are .hack//roots with the movie at end.
oh, dude i always thought avatar was the only good show on nick (except for sponge bob). i watched alot of the episodes, like the one where they went across the canyon and the one where zuko leaves his uncle. I also tried to watch the last five episodes, but i only saw 2 of them and i definitly saw the sozins comet movie. Why dont they put reruns on?
They do all the time, they are very random with them tho lol If you want to watch the whole series go to avatarchapter.org
It's awesome as it is, but I agree completely, I'd prefer the charachters to be a little older. Seriously. And How do they relate electricity to fire? Other than how it can start fires. That blind Charachter is awesome, would be even more awesome if she was at least 3 years older. Seriously, Nickolodeon was obviously the reason why most of the characters were between the ages of 12 and 16. The show also failed to explain how people could make contact with fire and not be hurt. Yes there were times when people got burned, But I saw plenty of instances where people should have been burned. Fire is far more lethal than that show makes it out to be. My favorite episode was the one where that one kid got high off a cactus, that was some funny ****. I also liked that one where they broke into that one king person's temple and obliterated his massive army of guards almost effortlessly. Even without the guards dying from what would be fatal injuries, that episode was epic. the one that your signature quotes was awesome too. Curse nickolodeon from preventing it's full potential.
coming up on Lifetime, Avatar the Last Air Bender. In this episode: avatar's wife was discovered cheating on him with his brother. it matters. and sadly nickelodeon has it.