Towering Rage This is a map I made a long time ago, and have been detailing it lately. I believe it is finished, but I need more people to play it. So please give it a download and tell me what you liked and didn't like. Here are some photos to get you acquainted with the map. this pic shows the back of the courtyard area. and this is the front of it this is inside one of the walls/bases. sniper bases as I call them that should be enough to get you started but there is much more to the map then you'll notice the first time you play it, so play lots o games. also this map works with most game types, best games for it, I think, FFA Team Slayer Oddball Ctf all MLG gametypes and King(any type). Also try games with specific weapons, like team rockets or snipers or swords or duels.
ok good job getting the pics. anyway, good job with the map, you have a nice bridge going on there in the back. sorry about the little amount of review in this post, just did it so i could get the nasty pic fixing post out of there for you. 4/10
From the pictures all the map looks like is a circular area surronded by a wall, and it didnt look like it had much cover but then again you can't relly tell how big the area is from the pictures.
there is lots of cover, but most of it is built into the map, not crates and such except for the middle which was suppose to resemble a small loading zone of some sorts.
Well in the first picture it looks that if you want to get to the back part you will get killed quite easily since there is nothing to hide behind, same thing with the little catwalk part near the top of the level.
the map has alot of power weapons, so a way to counter that is to provide less cover in their area. You should try the map out... it balances out nicely. But it is for more hardcore gametypes/player, like an isolation or hang em high, or even ascension, favoring BRs(pistols 4 hangemhigh) and snipes.
Are there any hallways? or paths in or behind the boxes? You only show 1 part other than the courtyard. Also i can't DL since my Xbox broke
well the map is mostly symetrical so there are two hallways like that in the third pic, and you can also enter the hallway three different ways. up near the sniper rifle there is the staircase the leads to the top level of the walls(in the back of the courtyard), and outside in the back of the courtyard there are stair cases the lead to the very back under the staircase that lead up top from the snipe, that is connected to an open double box that leads into the hallway directly, but if you go towards the corner instead of the open double box you can fit behind the double box, if you just played it you'd understand the whole map.
Good job on the post, this map looks good however I would add more cover throughout the map and make a v2 with interlocking. Good job
thismap has to many power ewapons and the map looks very empty make some structures int he middle, take out some of the power weapons also make the middle mutli leveled so that its not a control the wall map
Looks too open and boring. 3/5 and no DL forzz you sry. You need V2 and add a lot of stuff too it. I hope you do.
There is way to many power weapons on this map witch i know will ruin the gameplay, and the aesthetics aren't that great either try harder next time. 2/5
you must actually play the map, im not looking for *proppzzz losers just play the map, its fun and then give me some real feedback, be the gamer you say you are. also, i wasnt trying to make it look good and all this talk about too many powr weapons psh, why not take advantage of every weapon bungie gives us? lamewads, scared of alittle power between your legs?
You could use more cover, the map looks far too open. And the cover you do have out there blows up. 4/5
The 'courtyard' as you call it looks a mess it looks like you just threw random stuff in there. Cover seems non- existant. 3/5 Good try tho
The map looks decent, but nothing special. I see several spots with sloppy interlocking. Also, there is a space in between the fence boxes and the windo and people will fall down there... The upper area looks kinda random and could mess up the flow if the man cannon is the only way to get up there. You should add a geomerged centerpiece and some cool aesthetic touches. Maybe rethink your overshield placement? Overall, I am not impressed by the map but it looks like you did a decent job... 3/5
ive thought about moving the os but couldnt think of a place, but i think ive thought of something, and i will def make it look better over time i just like to get the basics of the map out there and tweak the map any way necessary... appreciate the feedback, not enough of it on this site, just bullsh*t
Maybe you should place the overshield where the sword is located, and get rid of the sword. I also suggest you remove those crates and truck and add a geomerged tunnel... or something there. I also like to make my maps better over time. If I receive negative feedback I improve my map. I think that you should make as many versions as you want so it will end up being perfect. keep forging, I look forward to seeing an improved version of this map!