Hiding In a team slayer game in halo 3. Is It cheating or no. discuss I think its cheating cause those people are not even playing the game.
definite cheating... lol what u mean did u ever platy halo 2... its definitely cheating beyond question... well if there hiding and in the lead not if they have to eat dinner and stand in the least traveled place to min. deaths.... but other than that cheating when in lead=cheating
Depends if you glitched to get that hiding spot. If you just hide without glitching, it's called tactics, because if you were fighting in the war, then you hide. Do you call that cheating? If you glitched to hide, then that is cheating. If there is no rules, set in the game, against it; then it's not cheating. Otherwise you're just being a sore loser.
What is up with all these stupid debates recently? And it's not cheating. It's using knowledge of the map from previous experiences to play better. Saying that that is cheating is like saying your skill at sniping is cheating. Sounds like you're pissed off because you encountered the HLG and lost That's no reason to come complain. Especially on debate forums.
hey, if you mean just hiding behind a crate, then its cmpletely fair, me and my friend once hid behind the turet case on the lower floor of construct... they pased us like 5 times. to me, Video games are meant for fun and if you are going to be all mad about somone beating you with HLG tactics, you shouldnt be playing it.
... You're kidding, right? Cheating is useing an outside force to help you win a game, such as gameshark. This includes sabotage and the like. Hiding is not cheating, plain and simple. Also, it's they're, not there. There is saying that someone is there. eg, the ball is over there. They're is the abbreviated form of 'They are' which is what you were looking for. If you wanted to use 'there', your sentance would've been "It's cheating because they're not there." Which is also wrong as in that case, you'd be more of a cheater in that sceanario.
I don't think it should be allowed because it doesn't make the game fun for everyone. Also Shishka said he would ban everyone who hid in Halo 3 matchmaking if he could. Obviously Bungie does not like it.
Just because one of them say that they like hiding doesn't mean that Bungie doesn't like it. I understand the hiding spots that are stupid like the one at the bottom of Narrows but others...
Yeah, I guess so, but I'm pretty sure Bungie agrees that's not how you play the game. I just don't agree with the "glitches" that are hiding spots. Hiding behind the crate on Construct is ok, but if you escape the map, that is when I don't agree with HLG.
Well it doesn't matter if that's the point or not. It's just another tactic. One time me and my friend got the lead in doubles and hid till we won. It may have not been fun for the other team, but it's not ours, nor Bungie's fault if they didn't have fun. See you could say the same thing about losing. Sometimes it upsets you in the game. Or even dying. That doesn't mean Bungie is going to turn those off. It's part of the game so get over it.
I don't really care as long as they aren't winning by a lot and we need to catch up. Sometimes people hide because they have to go the the bathroom or someone is calling them. I am sure people don't do it every single time.
It isn't cheating but it is a lame ass strategy. People pay alot to enjoy their games by actually playing what the package sais, it doesn't say you will spend 10 minutes looking all around the map. Bungie did not spend 3 years for people to get a kill than hide.
That's a pathetic argument. The person isn't obliged to stay the full game. They can eave any second they want.
I would not call this cheating. I sometimes do that when I have to leave, or if I am not feeling like playing so I hide with my friend in team doubles. As long as they do not glitch to hide, it is perfectly fine. I just don't hide/ leave when my team is losing/needs me. I only hide on rare occasions. Mostly team doubles. As Sampson put it: [/stupid] <-- did anyone take that yet?
not cheating, but cheap, hiding is a tactic used by weaker animals to hide from predators, it screws with ranks and ruins the game
Games in halo are ment to be played a certain way. Hiding in hard to get to places is not slayer. It's hiding. If you want to hide go play a custom game.
... Is GoW meant to be played having a sniper as a CQB weapon? Is it meant to be plyed run-n-gun? Well, it is. The way developers meant for a game to be played and the way people play it can be completly different. Slayer is to kill the other team and not let the other team kill you. Hiding prevents the other team from killing you. Funny how that fits with the description of slayer!