Debate Flight or Invisibility

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Furious D 18, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    i wouldnt choose either. i would go for ilussions, because you can still become invisable and you could do so much more like mess with peoples minds and make them see stuff and feel stuff that isnt real.
  2. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    I'd pick flight, I've always wondered what it would feel like to fly.
    Way more options than invisibility, much more usefull. [Well, unless your a ninja]

    Ever read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy? That would be awesome.
    #102 Catmon, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  3. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    Invisibility. All the way. I also want it to make that awesome shwoosh sound when i go invisible just like TF2's spy. I can see the benefits of flight and all, but I don't really know if I would want all that attention that would come with it. People start studying you.. You develope arch enemies.. Angry mobs crying out "Mutant!" and other hateful names...

    And then there will be me. Watching, invisible, away from all the troubles that came with flying.
  4. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    altho i love the idea to fly theres one problem ok heres the senario

    your flying al of a suddun a fighter jet comes up beside you and tells you to land or there going to shoot you down
    not wanting to be shot you land they knock you out(or something like that)
    now your in a room with a table lamp a table and the rest of the room is dark (JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIES!!!)
    a well dressed man walks in and says "so... how can you fly"
    you say "i dont know i woke up yesterday and i could fly"
    he continues asking questions for what seems like hours then he says
    "enough if you wont tell us well have to take it from you"
    then you say "wut?"
    and he says "were going to cut you open and see whats different inside of you "
    and you say "wut?"
    blah blah blah you become science experiment eventally dieing from blood lose(or oversurgery i guess)

    my point is that your TOO noticeable you TOO different the government wouldnt let you roam freely they want to control you
    that why i choose invisibilty for a number of reasons

    1.girls changeroom(nuff said)
    2.pranks on friends,teachers,parents and that asshole at school you hate
    3.if i was invisible i would steal ALOT come on free 60in lcd flatscreen how could you not!!!
    4.go anywhere do anything PLAYBOY MANSION BABY!!!
    5.wonder what people say about you behind your back FIND OUT and if bad pants them in front of there friends!! its a win win
    6.why have the ability to fly when you could just sneak onto a plane sit down in a unused seat and enjoy!!
    7.pants the president on live TV and listen to the world lol
    8.umm be a assassin inside or outside the military(wouldnt even need a gillie suit!!) and you girlfriend can sneak into the oval office and have hot sweaty dirty monkey sex on the presidents chair....while hes still in it!!!

    thats why i choose invisiblity flight is WAY to noticable while invisibilty you can choose who to tell who knows
    or if your an idiot you can be in the middle of a speech and just go invisible just for shits'n'giggles

    (**** sry forgot to hit the show sig button)
    #104 DxHydra, Aug 25, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2008
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    flight. invisibility would only be useful to me for stalking and creeping on chicks. if you think those are the same thing, you dont know anything about stalking and creeping on chicks.
    but i want to fly so bad.
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Being 6'3" and 280 lbs, roughly the size of an NFL Offensive lineman, I would choose flight. Honestly, just think about it. I couldn't sneak up on people and scare them, they'd hear me from a mile away. If I was gonna steal something it would be pointless since it's only me who would be invisible, not the item I would be stealing.

    Also, unless I had magic invisible clothes I would have to run around naked all of the time which just wouldn't work out in the winter. I could fly all year long for sure. Winter time would suck, but I could bundle up. And if I wanted to steal something it might actually be easier to do a smash and grab while wearing a mask and just fly away when people tried to catch me.

    So there, flying is way better and if you pick invisibility from here on out I will take your mother out to a nice seafood dinner and NEVER call her again!
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Super Human Speed. Screw Flight or Invisibility. The power to go through walls with super human speed would be amazing.
  8. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    i would have thought running into a wall with super human speed would kill you, try teleportation. your less likely to crush yourself.
  9. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I say invisibility. A really hard choice, but it could be really useful. Flying would be great for a quick escape or something, but just think of what you could do with invisibility.
  10. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    tough one i wish i wouldnt have read what i means about u... but i would say flight i mean come on flying around empressing ppl... saving ppl... IRON MAN... he never mad a suit that went invisable... no one that could fly... i think i choose flight plus u can pick up TONS of chicks w/ that not just snooping around lol haha this is a good topic... i choose flight final answer
  11. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    For example, in Halo 3, if you wear an active camo and then go onto a turret, you can position yourself so the enemy doesn't know you're there, then when they're facing the other way...

    If you fly as fast as a commercial airliner, you won't be able too dodge a bullet.
    Besides you probably won't even think fast enough too.
  12. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Invisibility. Hands down.
    I could be undetected wherever I go.
    I mean, have you ever been somewhere you're not supposed but have gotten caught?
    Bummer eh? I mean, having flight it'd go down like this.

    "Hey you! Stop right there!"
    ..and you fly off.
    Now you're detected..

    With invisibility, you'd never hear those dreaded words.
    You could spook people out by making objects 'float' around them.
    You could commit crimes WAY easier. I mean, no camera footage, witnesses, etc.
    You could save money in numerous ways.. Sneak into/onto a vehicle.
    Like someone said earlier, you could do detective work and get paid hefty sums of money.

    ..and for those who are like, "Flying gets me the women!"
    With invisibility, you could do so much stuff to impress others.
    - Helping hand. (ex. Some woman gets mugged, you turn invisible, mug some other woman and take the cash you get from that lady and give it to the first victim to make up for her losses.)
    - Magic tricks. (ex. Push your finger into your skull, but really, whilst bending your finger you slowly make it invisible to make it look like it's penetrating your head.)
    - Make unwanted facial hair, deformities disappear.
    - "Hey baby, wanna feel my invisible ****?"

    So many more possibilities.
    #112 Jimbodawg, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  13. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Last post explained why.
  14. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I'll be the first person to admit I am a spook, but the people who choose invisibility are usually self-absorbed tools. They care about OTHER people, or rather, the power it gives you over them. I mean think about it, if you were the last person alive, would you still want to be invisible?

    Playing pranks on firends? The novelty would dry up in an instant.
    Girls locker room? Grow up.
    Stealing stuff? Well, by all means, if you want amnesty from being a tool, pick invisibility.

    Dropping people in the ocean wins out over invisible punches and then getting your ass kicked with a lucky punch from the other guy.
  15. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Invisibility FTW! I could be the ultimate assassin. I could just run around with a machete killing people. And no one would know! I'd get a lot of money from people hiringme to kill other people like Obama and the cops couldn't catch me. Lol win.
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    The only thing invisibility is good for is hiding. Flight had more possibilities and hardly any cons. Invisibility is useless in any sort of soft grounded area because people can just follow your foot steps. If you are in an enclosed room you're screwed because you only have the X and Y axis to hide, flight will give you the X,Y, and Z. Also flight would be more money sufficient because you wouldn't need a car for gas, one less airline ticket if you plan on going on vacations, and you wouldn't have to be using your muscles so you wouldn't get tired. Infrared glasses basically kill all the invisibility lovers here, if you were in a situation where people knew your power and you needed to escape flight would win overall. Yeah, they can see you, but just a blur because you would flying as fast as a jet, the invisibility people would be going slower and the enemy accompanied with infrared glasses would be able to find you and you're power will be useless.

    Flight has won!
    You have defeated Invisibility.
    Flight received 300exp.
    You have received $200.
    #116 CaMOfo, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  17. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    or are around but invisible, as the case would be. I would definitley choose invisibility, flight would be fun but the predator can't fly and he seems to get on allright. besides, imagine what you could do with invisibility! (i'm 15, you can probably imagine what i'm thinking of hehe...) now who wants to steal some motorbikes, and scare people by making stuff float, and sneak into the "staff only" rooms in shops and see if there are actually secret agents being trained like in wayne's world, and everything else you've allways wanted to do but never had the (invisible) balls to do it!
  18. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    what, and you couldn't use invisibility to sneak up on tha guys/girls that were annoying/bullying her and publicly humiliate them, then un-invisible in front of her and get her that way? flying they'll be all like "oh, so you can fly can you? cool. now i'll just be going off to have an invisible kiss with that invisible dude behind you who's currently stealing your wallet so we can go and buy a shitload of icecream and then do the obvious with it... hehe..."
  19. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    I agree. time control would pwn either ability any day. invisibility is still the best out of these two though.
  20. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    also OMG so sorry I have my sig on i never realised...

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