Focus tied for 3rd best map out of 19 total qualified maps in the HALO 3 FORGE OFF CONTEST! <click to view Focus Created by ER1C0 (Convey 1.2) It's a risk looking at the conveyor belt, because you might just get a bullet to the brain. 2 - 6 players YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS IN CUSTOM GAMES FOR THE CONVEYOR BELT TO WORK AT IT'S BEST Preview: Gamevee Video: | Halo 3 Video | XBox 360 Video | Focus (Includes Conveyor Belt) *The preview doesn't seem to be working for some reason and I have no idea why Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Assault Capture the Flag Infection Juggernaut King of the Hill Oddball Territories VIP Custom Gametype(s) Story: I renamed this map Focus because I feel that it best suites the map's design. What I mean by this is that while you're playing you need to focus well. If you don't, then I hope you like getting killed. If you don't like getting killed... well, that's your problem. Description: Includes: -conveyor belt (wide, pallet width) -on/off switch -level 1 is all geomerged into the ground except walls and open single boxes -99% merged/interlocked -balanced -symmetrical map layout -more New things I've added/changed: -geomerged crates (awesome pic below) -all game variant objects added (playable with CTF, Oddball, VIP, etc.) -sniper rifle respawn time changed and clips changed -mauler respawn time changed and clips changed Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch *And I'm sorry, there are no objects placed in the water... I know, I know, it's just not a map without an object placed in... water. Pictures: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Overview Central view Conveyor belt view Attacker's view Defender's view The lift view 1st floor side view I know, crate magic looks awesome!! Notes: -Just in case you missed it, YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS IN CUSTOM GAMES FOR THE CONVEYOR BELT TO WORK AT IT'S BEST . Download Focus
DAMN nice map. I like how you have the thing from pallet parade. It adds somewhat of some suspense. I also like the interocking of the walls. The wep placements are okay, but could do better. I don't like the power drainer in the middle either. I would put a bubble sheild instead. Nice geo-merging from what I can see. Good geo-merging of the crate too. All in all, a 4/5
Nice job i commented on the other one... nice job interlocking is smooth geo crate lol is nice touch... does it take so much tele port tho???.... i like the layout it is nice nice job on the vid. convey. belt is nice... um i dont like the ledgy thing on the drop open box... i like the man cannon... um... other than that the map is good +rep for u nice job... 9/10
Definitely an awesome map. I really like the layout of this map. The fact that it has four levels, plus the little pallet track is impressive enough. I am finding it a bit small for gameplay though. All in all 4.3453483838/5
this is definitely very well forged the converbelt is very good it took me forever when i did my first one I will give this a 94/100
This looks great, well designed, and your merging was superb 5/5. Looks like it will have great gameplay 5/5
The first one was good, but this one is great. The aesthetics are so much better than the first one, and i hope the game play is to. 7.3/10
Wow amazing map. The aesthetics are incredible! Coveyor belt definitly made it awesomer. I think the interlocking and geo merging was great. Everything about the map was AMAZING! One of the best maps i have seen. But what does the map reviewer say. Map reviewer: Overall:5/5 aesthetics:5/5 Unique:5/5 Interlocking:5/5 Geo-Merging:5/5 Lifts (grav lifts): 5/5 Use of Teleporters:5/5 Switches:5/5 Video: 5/5 YOU ACED THE TEST I have never made the map reveiwer that long but you needed it.
thanks, but it is a little smaller than I'd like, which is kind of a problem... but that's also why I recommended the map for 2 - 6 players... after 6 players it gets a little chaotic
Seems like a unique alternative to pallet parade! I'll give you a download and I'll play my heart out on it. It just looks so....epic! The map looks smoothly forged, you incorporated ramps, and you even included a freaking pallet river! How epic can you get? 5/5! Edit: I played the map and it is pretty good! The pallet river doesn't work right sometimes though and it takes seconds to reach the snipe towers opposite to each other so one person could hog all the ammo. I saw that below, you geomerged all the boxes and the basement design is alright. I can really tell you put a lot of time into this map, I still give it a 5/5!
wow i dwnloaded this like 2 days ago.. alread another version germerged crat is good, kinda useless, mabye asteticaly pleaseing have you gotten the crat to stay still?
Damn this is kickass bro. I like how the conveyor belt moves but the flag doesn't. Depending on gameplay this could be feature worthy. A real well made map. Good job sir.
Very nice looking map. The interlocking is very nice and the conveyor belt looks great. It's the only one I've seen after pallet parade. The layout is interesting and the weapon placement seems good. Very nice job on the map.
Map looks great but it didn't build up to your hype. The aesthetics are good but, yea. Well, good map overall. Oh, and BTW, why did you say to play in customs? That's the only way to.
my hype? what does that mean? The conveyor belt only works good in custom games not in forge. I just said it so that when you test it/view it or something don't go into forge right away (like I do for map viewing), just go into custom games like you'd normally do for a game. Thanks for all the comments everyone, I hope to see more EDIT: does everyone think the weapon/equipment placement was done well? I'm thinking of removing the regenerators and maybe adding a bubble shield somewhere... I might also remove the deployable cover on the attacker's team and replace it with another trip mine, or something like that.
The slight tilt in the merged crates is kindof annoying. Also, the conveyor belt doesn't always work; I'm not really sure why, because it seems amazingly well built. (I know it's not the best in Forge mode, in custom games it sometimes doesn't respond properly either.) Your design is flawless. Weapons are placed perfectly. It is absolutely stunning aesthetically. You took the simple idea of a conveyor belt, built an incredible map around it, and then took it a step further by making it look comepletely awesome. Props to you, amazing job. 5/5.
they don't spawn tilted, but they kind of move by themselves to look tilted... Idk how to fix it... And I've noticed that the deployable cover can wreck the conveyor belt, but just simply deploying it on the conveyor belt, which then backs up the pallets and overall delays it for a min or 2. I'm glad you like the map and I'm glad you gave constructive criticism. Thanks everyone for the support, -ER1C0
True, I guess. I have noticed a little problem with your man cannon elevators. If you position yourself correctly before entering them, they can shoot you on top of a wall above, that can lead you right out of the level. This can be done on both sides. Maybe placing something to stop people from achieving that height should be placed there. I mean, I did it during game play, so it became quite frustrating when I had to kill myself because of an unintentionally jump out of the variant. Maybe a second version should correct this problem?