Take a read on this stuff. Let's learn how this thread is meant to work peeps. New Rule: If you're going to post a sig to have cnc'd, please, cnc at least one other person's. It's really common sense. If you want to have yours reviewed, review someone else's and they'll do the same to you. It's a neat cycle. And don't expect to get Cnc'd by anyone if you don't do at least someone's. We've all had our fair share of hatred towards the CnC threads. Now, there's one for all of those. Hopefully, this will diminish the ammount of spam in G&A by a lot, so try cooperating with the thread. And inform your sig making buds. We don't want more of those CnC threads when there's one for everyone, in one single thread, know what I mean? So, yeah, go ahead, and post your sigs, comment on sigs, and whatever. This is not a ''rate the user above's sig'' thread. Don't expect a rating from the person below you, above you, or diagonal from you. Also, when quoting someone's post to comment on the sig, just clean everything out except the sig itself. Let's make it as less visually polluted as possible. I'll start: Here's a recent sig of mine:
I like it, Kinda subtle though, and i've seen better.. And i hope this works, I hate people spamming their CnC threads just to get their post count up.
*Stickied* From now on, anyone who wants CnC, post it in here! DO NOT CREATE A NEW THREAD JUST FOR CNC!!!!!!!!!!!!
u rock....majorly!!! can someone rate the sig i entered here: Like i told you in profile messages, I was actually thinking of posting this too!!! EDIT: for telrad's, add some choppy edges to it, cuz its just too plain and wavy
I don't think this is a good idea... It will get too crowded and sigs will be buried to fast... Anyway here:
terrax...you're supposed to rate my sig also??? for yours, too plain, and i HATE the border...just doesnt look good
An easy solution is to quote which sig you are rating and to only rate the sig directly above yours. On to the rating. The render is horrible. He looks stoned and he looks like he's trying to shove the mike up his nose... Then I've done my job correctly.
your sig has a radial something, and also, your sig has like lines going thatched or something...not really liking it...ill repost mine, because nobody rated it yet...
Albyhouse: I don't get it...but it's pretty cool. And why just tecks? wut bout me? Telrad: I don't really like it. I know it was for that SOTW, but I don't know...I guess the theme wasn't too cool, imo. Sdrakulich: Meh...it's okay. I don't get why she's blindfolded... Font's cool, I guess. Lord Teerax II - Would you rather have about 30 new CnC threads a day, or a universal one? Do you support spam? It will only not work if you and other members don't cooperate. I get what you're trying to say, but which option would you prefer? So just cooperate. And about the sig, I'm not digging the borded too much, but everything else is pretty neat.
Better then what I can do. Better then what I can do. Better then what I can do. Better then what I can do. This is not the rate the user above you's sig - Do not think that because you didn't get CnC, you can repost your sig over n over, asking for judgment. To everyone, Do as I just did, minus the same repetitive CnC, and let people know what they need to hear. Good or Bad (CnC)
ALBY: Your sig is hawt, but the right side is a tad empty. SDRAKULICH: There's like, no effects...good composition though.
This is probably ur best to date... The colors go nicely and also the C4d in the back is what I used for the Clipping mask on my current sig =). Also nice use of outer glow, it looks good. =)
The colors are weird...especially the C4D...and there aren't many effects... The red drop shadow isn't needed either. Rate this as well as my above ones.
for the iron maiden one, take off the red drop shadow. Black is the only acceptable drop shadow color, and even that looks bad. btw, E93 and tecks, I love you.
Thanks, ok for your first two, i like the composition, effects, etc, and i really like the sinister look for the third, I really lik ehow you made his base well, uknown, and had some effects nicely placed around that. Also, I like the colors in the middle, but the outside just doesnt go Meh, this was from a SOTW a while back (same stock) I dont like the drop shadow on the whole sig though....also, dont user outerglow if you dont know how to properly implement it...keep it up though!!!
since you said rate this... Prolly like, sold Inter maybe low mod. I think,. My favorite tag by you though.