Don't flame unless you can beat it.. for one, i don't believe you, for two, why spend 2 mins of your life posting that, for three, only post if you've got a desktop to show. NICE ^^ But it's stil pointless this dude acting all better than everyone. What a way for him to spend an afternoon, making an idiot of himself. XD Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow. 10/10 for originality. You've REALLy outdone yourself. I'm sure everyone can't believe how amazingthat was. rofl ^^ Triple post merged. And many many other times. You're a ****ing retard. Get to know the thread you're posting in if you're going to comment on how someone hasn't posted in it when in fact they have. Also, you didn't post your desktop so you broke the rules of this thread. You also triple posted, double posting is against the rules. Triple posting? What the ****? Are you ****ing retarded? Oh one other thing, blow me. May I just add that you've just made a complete idiot of yourself by doing what you just did. You're have absolutely no idea what you just did and that's why you're a moron.
I dont think his goal was to make fun of you. I think he was trying to tell you in a different way to stop flaming people. And flaming is against the rules.
Isnt that exactly what your doing? with this nice little triple post? hmmm.. i called it fail big deal sersously
I think his goal was to be a douche. I've never been warned for my casual enlightening speech before. I learn by repetition.
Sure, given it's not actually a picture of my computers desktop. But hey, it's still a desktop =D Two screens of my iTouch =D
my icons are ****ing ugly, along with the dock background, but if I change it up it slows it down too much. The app that looks like keys on the keyboard is namely, which basically is spotlight, where if you type in an app or name of anything it finds it and opens it up. Much quicker then opening up finder, going to the correct side bar, and then scrolling to find whatever you need.