Favorite 'Underrated' Forger on Forgehub

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X5, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Some of my maps are half assed though lol. But yea I like Linu's maps alot. I've just now started liking chips' so horray for us lol.
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    No, I think you kinda missed my point.
    Lets look at real life. In society, celebrities set the Trend. Hollywood defines fashion, as well as sports, music, and many other things. Those who are famous. Say if someone like me wanted to start a trend, by wearing a unique style of clothes. Well it isn't happening, because the majority of the world hardly knows me, my new trend would just be looked upon as weird. But say Hollywood actors and actresses started wearing the trend. Well then, Beverly Hills stores start stocking up on the trend, then it continues through the chain of stores and consumption, till it reaches Targets and Wal-Marts. Next thing you know, everyone is going with this new style (obviously not EVERYONE, but you get my point).

    The same is everywhere else. On FH we are a community, our own society if you will. Loyals, Premiums, Mods, Staff, all of them are our celebrities (and people like Nemi and Reyn). If a small, unknown member played a map, thought it was the best map he ever played, and went around, getting as many people to play it with him from FH because he loved it that much, most people would look over it. Should a "celeb" do this however, and attention will definately be drawn to the map.

    See, unlike a new member, or one without much status on FH, "celebs" (sorry, but I don't feel like typing out that list alot, so I will say that word instead) are respected. Why? Because they deserve it. You don't just get this stuff handed over to you every christmas. No, you work for it, and when the higher ups think you deserve it, you get it. Why shouldn't anyone listen to these members?

    So when they do comment a map, it is like setting a fashion trend, people will (from what I saw personally) flock toward it. But don't get me wrong, maps that get comments by these "celebs" certainly deserve it. No map I think doesn't get anything it deserves. Although I disagree with many feature choices, they still deserve it (but this is neither the time nor thread for this).

    Anyway, back ontopic with underrated forgers. I just posted my opinions on what made a forger underrated, you do not have to agree.
  3. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    I also think Spagettii has some pretty wicked maps. Take Winged for example.
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Sarge 525 - Hill Zone
  5. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    awwwww... No luv for Zendarrun?

    I work hard on my maps! Ungrateful bastards.:mad:

    I may be a hateful, uncaring jerk, but My maps need love too!
  6. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Anyone but Zendarun for being ignorant. Other people also want love.
  7. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    i personally think that i was very underrated for the longest time.. but id have to say that Metallic snake. i did a map with him and have seen his others maps. he hasnt released much tho so that is probibly why.
  8. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I don't have a clue who you are...I'm pretty sure a whole lot of people don't know who you are either (on FH at least.) This thread states that you should name someone of whom you think is underrated, and that means other then yourself. You are the weakest link, goodbye.
  9. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    Zendarrun is not ignorant!
    He is self-centered!

    I really need to find a good design for my next map....

    Besides, I like many underrated forgers! I just can't remember who they were.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I would have to agree, actually. You guy's map, Blindside (sadly I have yet to play it) looks very well done, however, although you mostly helped Metallic with the map, I feel (from what I read comment wise) that you got most of the credit for it.
  11. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Thanks for saying my name :D You did spell my name wrong, but it is the thought that counts, right? Just wait until I make my final map XD It is going to be amazing.
  12. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    id have to say you sweeny. Short Circut(FAIL) was godly and was very fun. i saw your new opne too it is also godly but so much for the jump tactics lol
  13. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    blackmagic105 hes my favorite cause he has ton of extremly fun maps and helped me learn forging, now were partners at it.
  14. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    I would definitely say Linubidix. He's well-known throughout the community, but his maps aren't too famous. And I've got to say that Squared Circle is pretty friggin' good.
  15. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    One of my friends is a talented forger, he puts so much time into his maps and the aesthenics are amazing. TheXShadowXKing is really good. IDK if he posted anything yet, but he has so many maps underway that are awesome i can't wait til he gets those up.

    what about ESG berserker, I think thats your name, e something right?
    lol exactly hes underrated but he has talents check some of his stuff out.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    will you stop referring to everyones maps as fail?
  17. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    EGS Berserk, and thank you. I guess I am kinda underrated...:'[...Lol my download record is on Clockworks and its still only 321 total :[ but thanks for the support. My favorite underrated forger would be boyle06 and JEEF. Boyle has a new map pack coming out and ive got to say, beutiful work. and JEEF well he has this one map that resembles Hardpoint, just much better and hes been forging on it for over a month. Hes 46% done O.O"
  18. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
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    That Briansoupy guys makes some cool maps....

    EDIT : For the sake of not being down-repped any further, this was a joke. ; )
    #78 Soup & More, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  19. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Me!! one good map that got 1000 downloads (almost)

    No JK, Zaffaman makes simply amazing aesthetic maps
  20. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    um EGS Berserk...
    have nebody missed
    Clockworks i traveled the pages looking for his name n got nothing so i will throw it in...
    he fixed it numerous times to sugestions poured everything into it... n his C-blok Beta was pretty good... not straight n such but layout n game play were win sauce

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