Any one out there who has a foundry designer page printed and want it made? embed the pic here and i will make it for you. O.K the real purpose here is to give me some ideas cause im out. Thank you in advance. You would get 3/4 of the credit though
I don't have a picture, but I was thinking of a little mini-game mario map. You know, jump across lava (fusion coils) and level up ( oversheild)
well i kinda played it, but not enough. I was kinda thinkin like a competitive map or sometin. im not good at aesthetics. i want to learn though
Well heres a map I really want to make but probably won't get an opportunity in the next 2-3 weeks. It would be one flag (So teams swap positions each round) One team spawns in the middle One spawns on the outside Both teams start with plasma pistols The team on the outside can pick up snipers and shoot the team on the inside 1 point is given for a kill After 2 minutes the round ends and the teams swap positions
nice, idea. you should make a group for this ill join. im out of ideas too, but im working on like ten maps that ive already planned out. maybe u could help, cept i dont know how good u are? if you have a map pm me the link. PS:Youve never played mario!!! how dare u, lol
i am so good that when the best guy in the world saw me he said, ooooooo and i was like hjafskvncf. no JK im pretty good i would like to forge with you. i guess i will make a group then, i will send you an invite. p.s. i killed mario. 0_0
WAT YOUR GT. group started, everybody who sees this thread and has an idea please join the your blueprints clan.