Ok,my second montage song thoughts would be Numb-Linkin Park and No more Sorrow-Linkin Park.I want my montage up to at least 8 min.,so tell me if these songs are good.
Try not to add songs that are overused. And I'd say that Numb is a painfulling overused and done to death song. Whislt it is a good song and it may be fitting, it is just such a well known song that it takes away some of its impact. Try finding a song with nice drums for awesome snipers and a song that isn't too well known, or one that hasnt been used.
I'm going to guess you like rock and I don't listen to it but This Is Why I Rock is a great song gets me pretty pumped. That newest Linkin Park song with Busta Rhymes is pretty good and like Linubidix advised neither is overused. How can you use numb anyways I cant imagine that while killing people.
I recommend Viva La Vida by Coldplay. That would have so many no-scope moments in it and you would be the first to ever it seem like a bloody masacre instead of a soothing flowing beatiful song.