
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by A SILENT EMU, Sep 17, 2008.


    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Alright so basically This map is a long hallway. This hall way is split into 2 ways vertically at points and there are many side passages leading off to the sides. These side passages often lead to a room, which lead to other passages, which lead back to the middle, which... well you get it. All these small passages can lead to great strategies to get around your enemies. It is best a team map but can be played with any of the compatable gametypes below. Smaller teams are best of 1 v 1 to 5 v 5. The weapons are balanced and the equipment can be used to temporarily block passages. The sword is right in the middle with a long respawn. It will often be the main power weapon so work together to take him down.

    Compatable Gametypes:
    -Team Oddball
    -Team Slayer

    -Carbine (8) 30 second respawn, 2 spare clips
    -Battle Rifle (4) 20 second respawn, 2 spare clips
    -Sniper Rifle (2) 60 second respawn, 1 spare clip
    -Mauler (1) 45 second respawn, 1 spare clip
    -Sword (1) 120 second respawn

    -Plasma Grenade (4) 30 second respawn
    -Spike Grenade (2) 30 second respawn
    -Trip Mine (1) 60 second respawn
    -Deployable Cover (2) 45 second respawn


    Sneak Attack

    Left for dead

    Did he see me?


    Red Base


    Long road to victory

    Sword Spawn

    Blocking off a passage
    Download Pipeline HERE

    *Feel free to post comments and rate.
    #1 A SILENT EMU, Sep 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
    Norbert220 and Gollygeeanelite like this.
  2. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    this looks pretty good... nice interlocking.. like the fence wall that shoothroughable lol... i like i like... nice job w/ the oversheld... i really do like... nice post... like how its capabl w/ alot nice layout loks fun i would dl but im out... srry... nice map 9/10
  3. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Wow. You had great interlocking, and I like the idea with a bunch of passages leading off from the main one. Looks like good layout from the pictures 5/5.
  4. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    It's a pretty interesting map, and it looks like it's forged well. I can also guess that the gameplay is at the very LEAST a bit better than okay. Nice job. 4.5/5 and a DL
  5. CommanderA17

    CommanderA17 Ancient
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    Looks too cramped for me. I get claustrophobic on maps like this so I can't honestly say I'm gonna download.
  6. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Alright, I'm going by the post, so bear with me. Judging by how you posted this map here is what i take from it. These are my opinions, not facts.

    Map Design- Very skillful. If you feel like doing a whole lot more work but improving your map, I'd make the crouch tunnel with the fence walls an uncrouch tunnel with the fence walls. The only reason I say this is because areas where you have to crouch sort of ruin the gameplay. Other than that, I love the design.

    Aesthetics- Everybody loves pretty colors (at least, I do). You might want to consider adding some cool colors with the powerups /teleporters, or whatever. Cool merging helps a lot, and you have a lot of cool INTRLOX. Keep up the good work!

    Gameplay- As I said before, judging by your post, the gameplay looks pretty good. The only problem I have is the crouchy tunnels, and so many enclosed spaces can lead to grenade spamming. It's good how you made the open rooms, so that kind of compensates for the other stuff.

    As usual, here's my rating:
    Map Design- 90/100
    Aesthetics- 87/100
    Gameplay- 80/100

    Overall- 87% -Hey, I can't rate you perfectly. If your map was perfect, then you'd never leave the couch and your fun would be absolutely endless. This would get the following rating on my grading scale.

    Very Good
    Mace likes this.
  7. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Whoa! Very original concept. You put a lot of heart into this map I can see. You made A LOT of stuff float, including the doors. I like the fact that you (or someone you know told you OR suggested it) put in deployable covers, that is a nice addition that can stall your enemies for a couple seconds. So yeah, this map looks really fun. Just a few unneccisary suggestions, you could make it aesthetically pleasing by adding in some shiled doors that look like flowing water, just a thought =D
  8. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    This looks great. I'm so glad I got LIVE working. I will examine it and give you a better review. But from the pictures:
    Gameplay looks very cool. Maybe you should give each room a unique feature so that way people can say something like "I'm at blah room." Just adds to team strategy. I don't really see any other flaws but, like I said, I will give you an official review soon.
  9. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Amazing map, I love the map design and the split verticals levels.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments guys. I'll think about adding more scenery in the map and will definately add it in my future maps. Also on a side note, Bungie wouldn't let me put assault in my map description because it had the A word in it so that is why it is spelled asault lol. Feel free to keep posting comment or suggestions.
  11. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I have to agree with this. I dont like the crouch halway, though I do love the look of your map. I suggest you scale everything up, so that all the largest hallways can be jumped in without hitting your head on the roof, and the smalest (crouching) halways be scaled up so that you don't have to crouch, but you don't have any room to manuever or jump when in there.
    I know this changes the way the map fuctions, but I for one hate maps in which you have to crouch.
  12. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    In the left for dead picture when you first look at it it looks like the dead red guy is a bunch of blood spilling out of the blue guy, but anyways. Nice map. It doesn't have some great aesthetic thing but it is very neat, and the game play looks like it would be a fun competitive gameplay. 8.7/10
  13. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    nice love the levels buy i hate crouching that and more scenery
  14. i_support_elites

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    i personally think that the crouching idea is cool, it gives you a sense that your hiding and you can shoot them whenever you want.
  15. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    alright EMU

    instead of just saying nice intorlocking, ill give u a scenery suggestion.

    take a sender node and place it out of the map area, then take reveivers and place them on their side and merge them into the walls throughout the hallways.

    this would make it so the green tele sections are in the hallway, distorting vision, and creating a "permanant green smokescreen" then it would be like an energy blocker but you can shoot through it..

    judging by the pictures (sorry im grouded atm) i think that the receiver would cross the whole hallway. but that's only eight receivers.... if you take a sender node on a diff channel and put it outside the map then take a TWO-WAY node, the two way will act as a receiver and could also be used to cloud the hallways(1 sender 1 two-way per channel). thats 16 clouds to fog the hallways if you please. ;)

    and also you could place receivers under the ground to make the green come through the floor. adding this to the open rooms could create a forest-y feeling.

    just an idea, if you want to kinda see what i mean look at the racetrack Rolling Thunder by: Blade_Monkey51 (i think it might be BladeMonkey_51)
    if you want you could send me an FR and i could help you do it =) (srry i only get my xbox on weekends now)
    p.s. rep is well appreciated ^^
  16. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    Whoah, this is a really cool map. I actually like the area you can crouch. It's kinda like you can hide there but not really because it's fence walls lol. It's very original and has a really good layout. Aesthetics are good too. 5/5
  17. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I played this today. There are some big problems. The sniper and the sword are too good. I suggest replacing the sword with a rocket with only 2 shots or maybe even a flamethrower. Maybe replace the sniper with a pair of fire 'nades or something else. Otherwise, it was loads of fun. my favorite spot was the maulers spawn. My friends got so pissed cause he had both maulers down there and i no-scoped him in the face before he could kill me

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    The snipers (if skilled) control the main hall and make you take side passages and use the deployable covers effectively. The sword is powerful but that is why it is right in the middle and has a long respawn. If you are playing with teams of at least 3 v 3 the sword will be a power house weapon but not impossibly good. Just how it is meant to be. Try doing some 3 v 3 + Multiflag and you'll see what I mean.
  19. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I did 3v3. The sniper was just too good. Cause it owned the main hallways but then the guy could just turn and nade the side pipe or noscope them. It was just too good. Also, the sword cause a lot of camping. You could get away with keeping that but the sniper, I believe, is a definite map-killer.
  20. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    Alright so I finally got around to playing this with a bunch of friends for a few games today. First we played 4 v 4 MLG 2 Flag CTF. It was really fun but I think the sword is a little bit unbalanced but it is fun to try to get it or to take the sword guy down. We ended up winning 5-3 and overall it was a very intense game. The main hall was nearly suicide if you stayed in it too long so you had to go around or use the deployable covers effectively. Next, we played team oddball 3 v 3. This was also very fun because we would always try to hide in the passages with the ball and try to block them off with mines and stuff but we usually just got killed. It was hard to control the ball but fun. All in all it was a great time.
    Norbert220 likes this.

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