I woke up an hour after the new maps were released and went to check the Bungie.net forums. This is what I found. I could not help laughing at this.
lol, even I made a foundry canvas...hey, it's useful! Foundry can be made into COUNTLESS maps, when they said it was a forgers dream, i guess i didnt realize how much potential it has once cleared :/
What makes it even funnier is how many "First" canvases there are Just go on BN right now, you'll see
I had started making a blank Foundry until I decided to check if it had already been done before. Of course, it had. I then decided to do a post the first ever canvas of Rat's Nest. I know for a fact it was the first one because I did a few searches for it, before during and after I made it to make sure. Then 10 minutes later, the guy who did all the other maps released his of all the maps.
That map didn't even take 5 minutes to clear. I downloaded the game Tuesday morning and had blank canvases for all of the new maps, a soccer field, my own rat's nest race track, and a rvb style standoff map before noon. All of the other guys are really slow lol (the soccer field and race track were good, didn't like standoff too much though).
Lol, I was wrong. I thought there would be a ratio of like 4:1 of maze maps. Suprisingly enough, remakes of Halo maps and other maps are taking over. Yeah, it wasn't all that hard. There weren't anywhere the weapons could of been hiding... i.e. near a rock. Everything was easy to find and delte.
yeah i rofl'ed pretty hard at the millions of "FIRST CANVAS FOR FOUNDRY" i just waited for the one from that U1...someone(cant remember) that made the other maps.
I'm a sucker lol. I made my own canvas versions. Personally, idc about the waste of time. It helps me better understand all of the maps, their secret weapon spawns, and tactics on them. This, in turn, improves my play and may even give me ideas for a forged map.