As all of you know, I love avatar the last airbender. Actually most of you know me as the "Avatar Guy". I created this thread to find out how much of the forgehub community watches avatar or has seen an episode before. If you havn't seen it before post anyway. If you have seen an episode try to remember what the episode was about, or what the setting was. I will try to figure out and tell you what the episode is.
saw it, tootally gay, they went to some abandoned city and played a game of quitiich (harry potter game)
No, the last episode of avatar was the movie sozin comet which aired on july 14. It was 4 episodes long. If you get a chance watch the end.
I liked it was okay, but i didn't see the point really the fire nation will destroy the avatar no questions asked.
There is actually way more to it. Ok the fire nation does not want there to be four nations, they want it all to be fire nation. In the past Firelord Sozin tried to carry on with this plan but Avatar Roku ( his best friend ) wouldn't allow it. After Roku figured out that Sozin began his plan he warned him. After Roku passed away avatar sozin used a comet to wipe out all the four temples so that the next avatar couldnt stop hiim. The next avatar in the cycle was air. Aang was born, he figured out that he was the next avatar when he was a young boy. After all the stress from being the avatar, and kids not letting him play with them anymore because they thought the teams were unfair, he decided to run away. Aang got caught in a bad storm and got frozen in ice. A hundred years passed, and katara and sokka found him. Aang relizes that the world has been totally tormented by the fire nation, and that his home temple has been destroyed along with the others. Along aangs journey to the Northern water tribes he meets friends and allies that eventually help him in the future. Zuko, the new firelords son got banished from his home for speaking out of term. He believes that by finding the avatar he can regain his honor and be welcomed home. After mastering water, aang finds his next teacher, toph, who teaches him earth bending. Along book 2 team avatar finds out that there will be a eclipse which takes firebending away from firebenders for a short time. At the same time zuko has been traveling with his uncle iroh. During the avatar series aang has had a crush on katara, and just wont tell her. Along book 2 aang experiences different journeys such as losing his pet bison. At the end of book 2 aang tries to rescue katara and from the crystal catocombs from which azula has her imprissoned. Zuko and Katara are both in jail and kind of have a conversation. Katara discusses her loss of her mother, and zuko explains how he is lost in life. After aang, azula, and iroh arive zuko decides which side to take, azula's or the avatar's. He fights with azula and after a long fight aang goes into his avatar state which to go into he has to put apart his love life. In the middle of his avatar state he is shot by lightning by azula in the back. Katara heals him with spirit water from the north pole. After hiding in disguise aang finally wakes up and continues in his journey. In this book aang plans his attack on the fire nation and zuko spends time with azula and her friends. Aang finally invades the fire nation with the help from allies and friends from the past. During the attack aang has trouble finding the firelord and learns that the fire nation knew about the attack. After a failure half of the crew was taken to jail and the other half which consists of the kids got on oppah and escaped. While this all happened zuko confronts his dad and tells him that he will be joining the avatar to help stop him. After ariving at the western air temple zuko tries to join there crew. After a long time trying to join the crew, due to all the trouble in the past from him, he joins the crew. After a couple of episodes members of the gang has trips with zuko. Aang and Zuko learn the ancient art of firebending, Sokka and Zuko rescue people from jail, and zuko and katara finds the killer of katara and sokkas mom. Sozins comet is approaching and firebenders gain max power from the comet. Zuko finds his uncle and emotionally apologies to him. During sozins comet aang runs away and learns how to take away bending. When aang finally faces the firelord he begans to lose, but after taking a strike the firelord triggures his avatar state and defeats the firelord. He doesnt kill him he takes away his bending. While this is going on zuko faces azula and takes a shot to protect katara. Katara then defeats azula. The ceremony has begun because aang has restored balance to the world. All the people are let out of firenation prison. Zuko asks his dad at the very end where his mother is because she was taken away when he was young. Finally aang and katara kiss---The end!
I have seen a few. My little bro watches it, its okay. Though I don't really like Nickolodean much(Or however you spell it). Exept for spongebob I guess lolz. But yeah, its okay =]
not that much into it, ive seen a few, but nothing special to get hyped up about. but pretty good i guess. i dont really like new cartoons. i like sticking to my oldies. plus, cartoon network is way better.
dude I have only one thing to say, how old are you and why would you be alle crazy about a sho that makes no sense whaotsoever, well thats actually two things but still its a pretty dumb show.
Titmar I dont even need to watch that video to know that avatar the last airbender is the easiest game to get 1000 gamescore in. You get it my getting high combos or something like that. Dude Quit trying to seem cool, I am 15 and yes I watch avatar. At least I am brave enough to say what I watch, I really dont care what people think about it. Also I know you watch some little kid show and dont tell anyone about it. You will probably respond with " no I dont" but trust me I know you do Edit: And if its a dumb show, why was it in the top ten watched shows during the summer, ya lots of people really think its ( in your terms ) "dumb"
I'm almost embarrased to say this but I've seen almost every episode of Avatar I liked it so much. I don't know what about it made me like the series, could it be that it was one of the USA's better animes, or the neat plot it followed. I'm actually contemplating buying the series on video with some of my birthday money because I wanna see the episodes I missed (mainly the episodes that weren't aired in USA). But I couldn't pull myself away from the series. I like the whole basis of the story how people can combine martial arts with nature. I loved the four part finale to the series as well, particularly the battle Zuko and Izula had at the palace, I always thought the firebending was the coolest and that battle affirmed my belief. But yea I loved the series and I think that'll be one that I could watch over and over again.
I don't watch it, but I have a friend who knew everything ever created about Avatar, ever. He knew each episode by name and episode number! He was a hardcore fan before it got cancelled...
I watched it, but then got out of cartoons. I hardly watch TV now. Just American Dad, Family Guy, and South Park. I know those are cartoons, but they are aimed at an adult audience. It was kind of cool but then some pop-up popped up on a website and had some Avatar porn. Needless to say every time I see the picture I remember the mental scar I have of it. Damn you internet!
I have seen every episode except ember island players at least three times. See even grif admits he watched it lol. There is just something about that show that I love so much and Im addicted! BTW: AVatar never got cancelled the final episodes ( sozins comet ) was on july 14 I believe or thats when southern raiders started
I watch it if its on,and I like it. I'v seen all the episodes,and movie.BTW nice summary of the avatar series I +repped you