I have a great video that i did in a team social match. It includes 4 banshee shutdowns, a 10 kill comeback and a banshee backflip splatter all in under 1 minute. My Fileshare: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Or watch it now on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_UtLUKaZac Plz tell me if it is worthy of Bungie Favs or even Recon.
Thx. I thought it might recon worth because there is only one other Youtube vid of a banshee backflip. its okay though. Feel free to comment on Youtube
I liked the mid-air splatter, but that's it. Anyone else can do the rest. You did a Banshee backflip. And that is recon worthy because... Dude, and I'd like to tell you that it's not recon worthy, but bungie is so messed up right now, that they might do anything.
Theres this thing called GameVee - Look it up, the quality is great compared to this. But, as for the video it might deserve a fav, but not recon - though i may be wrong.
I think it is Bungie Favorites worthy and you are an amzing Banshee pilot! That backflip splatter was insane!!!
Yeah, I only exept to ever get you on Bungie's Favorite's. Though some one got it with killing himself with a cone. Soooo, you might, you never know/....
Yeah, I only exept to ever get you on Bungie's Favorite's. Though some one got it with killing himself with a cone. Soooo, you might, you never know/....
That was pretty badass, but you can't really say its the best seeing how their is a video of a getting 67 kill streak or something like that, but thats pretty cool.
Now, if you had won the whole game yourself, got all the kills, or even won in less than 5 min or something you deserve recon.
Neither, you have talent and all, but it's missing the WOW factor. The big "PEZZA!" where the person will want to watch it multiple times.
You thought you could get recon because you performed a banshee backflip that has only 1 clip of it on youtube and a trick that gets performed thousands a day?
Wow! never thought anyone would say it was set up. Well anyways, if you want to, download it to your 360 and watch the other players views. You will see that it was not set up.
Thanks for ur opinion. when I posted this thread I was hoping for someone to give an experience that they seen so if you could link me to another banshee backflip splatter, that'll be cool! and did you even watch the vid?
Two words for you..... CAPTURE CARD!!!!!!! Pretty sick video though.... Definetly Bungie favorites if its not .... MAYBE recon but idk....