UNSC Dialga

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by STEClash96, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Hello there to all ForgeHub members and Guests, from close and afar, Today, I will show you my best ship map ever. Yes, It's on Avalanche and it's quite Chaotic but fun with large party's. I'd recommend 4 v 4 up to 8 v 8 with 1-Flag or 1-Bomb. There is also A gametype set up for the map too but you don't have to download it if you don't want to. You can also just use normal 1-flag if you want to. I'm very fond of ship maps and I expect them to be good or at least better than some of my ship maps. If there not, They're sh*t. But anyways, The ship has been tested with the game variant it's setup for and 1-flag and 1-bomb. It's very fun with 6 v 6 as I played the map mainly with that amount of people. This is also my 9th map post and is maybe one of my best. I am also working on another map just to let you guy's know. For people who liked maps like Driscoll's "pleymo" then you are sure to like this one, It's more than 50% done with nice geo-merging and interlocking. I'm not going to tell too much but it will probably wrok bestwith 2 - 10 players when it is done. It will be made for: FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, 1 - Flag, 1 - Bomb, Multi team (Maybe), KOTH, and maybe Oddball too but it's still in need of work, I showed my friend JJNMLADAMOU (I know it's a weird name) A sneak peak and he said it was one of the best maps he's ever seen in his life. The map has exellent merging with the wall and ground on Foundry. Now, It's time for more info about this map. Also, This map takes up the Whole size of Avalanche, That's why there's so many weapons and Vehicles on the map for Big Vehicle Carnage.


    JJNMLADAMOU (And Guest)
    Me (And my little brother)
    Feared Halo (And Guest)
    Craft A HorsE
    Mad Man367 (And Guest)
    Deadly C

    Special thanks to the testers.


    2x Spartan Lazers (1 for attackers, 1 for defenders)
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Shotgun
    1x Gravity Hammer
    1xBeam Rifle
    1x Fuel Rod
    ?x Covenant Carbine
    ?x Battle Rifle's
    ?x Assault Rifles
    2x SMG's
    2x Spikers
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Flamethrower
    2x Brute Shot's (Not to sure)
    1x Sentinel Beam
    1x Needler
    2x Plasma Cannon
    1x Machine Gun Turret

    4x Banshee's
    2x Warthogs
    4x Mongeese (Not too sure)
    2x Ghosts
    1x Wraith
    2x Hornets
    1x *Immovable* Scorpion
    2x Prowlers


    1x Regenerator
    1x Flare
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Power Drain
    ?x Plasma Grenades
    ?x Spike Grenades
    1x Active Camo *Asymmetric only*
    1x Overshield *Symmetrical only*

    [I][U]*All of the Vehicles, Equipment, and Weapons were wrote down from my memory.*

    PICTURES, Hope You Like Them:[/U][/I][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=4]

    Attackers base Overview:

    Land Way up to ship 1:

    A little "Outpost":

    Back View Of Ship:

    Front View of Ship:

    Mongeese escape way (Take if you have stolen enemy's flag and you are with another person)

    Top of Ship:

    Another Outpost:

    Once Again another outpost:

    Gameplay Shotz:

    My brother and his friend in a prowler:

    I'm in the gun turret, Mad man367 is in the passenger and JJNMLLADAMOU was driving.

    Me Getting owned by a Wraith:

    ODST Warthog Drop Pod:

    In Order to drop the wrathog you must get into passenger and shot the fusion coils or have the gunner shoot the grav lift:

    Example of warthog drop pod:

    Me in a Banshee owning my brother:

    I kept on saying ShOOP DA WOOP!!! When I sht down a Banshee or Hornet, I'm Sneaky with Spartan Lazers, He he!!!

    If you missed the link at the top then here's the link to the map: [URL="http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=53159766"]Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing[/URL]

    Link to Official Gametype: [URL="http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=52872504"]Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing[/URL]

    Please Comment, Download, And rate!!

    FeedBack is always appreciated. (Sorry about the Spelling)

    -DA HITMAN 117

    xFr1ct10nx likes this.
  2. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    Well this is a very fine map not the best not the worst, but very fine i will download and see how good this is and i will post on this later my review, but for now 7.8/10 the aesthetics are very fine not sloppy, but it doesn't have that much to do.
  3. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    No, I did'nt post this aerlier, You maybe thinking of one of my other ship maps, As I do make a lot of ships and there's a 1/5 chance the ones I do make will go on ForgeHub, I was'nt too sure about this one but I just did to see how many stars it'd get and see how many people would download it.
  4. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    It looks pretty good, though the ManCannons as the back thingy, looks a bit bad.
    The inside of the sheap though seems very vlear and is big, layout is great.
  5. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    The Mancannons are at the front of the ship and are there to look like front cannon's. Not as the thruster for the ship to hop into lightspeed or something. lol
  6. emerging killer

    emerging killer Ancient
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    you know you really should credit your work with acknowledgements so people don't think you stole their idea or anything, i am just saying that when copying my idea of the warthog drop you really should thank me for the idea or something you didn't even ask me or anything you just went willy nilly and took my idea and didn't give me the credit i deserve. bot it is an awesome ship overall, and i love the helipad in the back

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    You don't thank Bungie everytime you release a map do you? It's not yours.
    Anyways, a very nice ship, construction is great and gameplay doesn't look too bad either.
    I'd put some tripmines in there as well as a little extra cover. Overall great.
    STEClash96 likes this.
  8. I3lue Dragon

    I3lue Dragon Ancient
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    to me it looks very nice, but is there anymore to the inside? if so i would love to see more shots
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Great map, I like the ship and the warthog drop. One thing is the ship could be bigger, and it could be better designed. 3.5/5
  10. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Great to see you finally posted this HITMAN. Sorry I couldn't test it but you know why - silly little brother :(

    Aw, well now that's out of the way I can say that I'm, impressed. Not to say that I didn't expect this from you, just the amount of effort gone into it. The ship is quite a spectrum in itself. It's not sloppy like many of them are, it's constructed really cleanly.
    The many escape routes and vehicles on the map are a bonus as their is more air-play.

    The warthog drop is a nice touch to add as is the immovable scorpian. Wraiths are inaccurate for long range shots so I think you chose the better option.

    I was waiting for a map to be created with more on the ground too. I love the mini outposts you have made. They look very authentic too as they are geo-merged into the snow at an agle. Not to mention the movable objects.

    One thing I would add about the weapons though is the placement (as in where you have put them). I know that you haven't mentioned this anywhere but I think if you put some power weapons at the outposts (which you may well have done), it would encourage more people to go down there. So, its not really a bad point in itself, just some advice.

    I love a bit of carnage, great work!
  11. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Oh Sh*t!! I forgot to take pictures of the inside!! I'll do it as soon as I get on my xbox, Thanks for reminding me but the ship has 2 levels just to tell everyone.
  12. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I could see that from the outside lol XD
    Look forward to seeing the interior - if its as good as the map at the moment, I'm sure it will be great. It will be nice to see whats on both levels.
  13. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    great map, just dloaded it. you did a great job with the interlocking and such. maybe a little to many vehicles, but i guess thats wat avalanch is for lol. i like the ship more than any other one ive seen. im accually working on one myself. i like the mancannons in the front as guns and the warthog drop pod. 4/5 for now but ill get back to u later.
    STEClash96 likes this.

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