Have you people noticed that lots of people have been getting avatars with girls on them? Most of the pictures aren't even them. I know that it isn't important, but I just wanted to bring it up. Sorry if you don't care.
They are pedophiles seceretly disguised as women to fool people like me into their sticky web of lies and deceit, forcing us with their attractive avatars to have intercourse with them, even though they are also men. I mean..this is old news.
they have the pictures of girls so they can join that one group that my brother made. except for me, thats really me.
I really hate it, I hate it. What's the point? It's better if you put them in your sig, but as your avatar? I really agree with you, it's getting old.
if i wasnt so horribly in love with girls, id be pretty sick of seeing them too. plus, theres some users who have wonderful avatars... *points at sushi* ive always favored Kagemusha's. Theres been some annoying ones, and overall, i wish it wasnt like 90% of people doing it, but they are trendy kids...
I had the best one back in the days, cause it was Toochie, she aint scene O/ I miss that avatar now, it was nice seeing my baby's face on every single post I made, made work go by faster.
people think its cool. but it stopped being cool after every single person started doing it. only the first 6 or 7 people who did it are still cool. everyone else, you fail.
There aren't that many.... There are probably 8-10 people who are very active in the site so you see them everywhere. And if you get annoyed, get mental help. (unless you are a chick) Because you must be gay or just flat out strange.
i wear guy-ish avatars and act like a guy and let my brother talk on XBL not really psyche or am i? all those ppl wearing those damned avatars are all 11-14 year olds. i bet they google 'girl' and hope for the best