O Hai pplz! I heard a rumor that only 20% of people with xbox 360's are on their first one. I would like to test this with a poll amongst you pplz. Fortunately I am on MY first one. I know ALOT of people with RROD tho. Fortunately, i have never had red rinds either. Please vote on the poll. It only takes about 3.5 seconds and it will prove how crappy the system is. Thanks!
I have been on the same xbox 360 for two years. I only got the red ring once. Everything else is fine
Not. True. And for many different reasons. The life of a 360 is directly related to the package that you buy. (core system, pro, or elite) My [master chief green!] pro package is about a year old now and shows mostly no signs of decay, whereas friends of mine who cheaped out and only bought the core system have had to mail it off multiple times. On the core system, you not only have to buy a hard drive just to play on live, but have to either use a corded controller or pay to keep replacing batteries, and is a hassle to begin with. Also, the health of your box is affected by it's environment, whether you pack it up and move it alot, and whether you keep it upright or horizontal. It is a documented fact that the original xbox 360s were shipped and sold with sub-par soldering and were prone to failure. This problem has been fixed in the newer models. All of these factors can contribute to the rrod, or even just a power surge while you are playing, but it is most certainly NOT because the 360 is a crappy system - it is because the system's owner treats it like crap. Fact is, the xbox 360 is the best gaming system made to date, (aside from a multi-thousand dollar gaming PC) and I don't appreciate this so-called "testament" even if you are on your first box.
Well i do agree somewhat. But better grammar, and correct punctuation might have made this a little bit stronger.
then explain to me why my pro rrod'd after less than a year. It really didnt matter between the core and premium. Now i'm a believer in my elite, and the day she lets me down... None of this means it's a crappy system, it was an unexpected thing which most game consoles go through at some point in time.
I have a pro and i have had no problems besides a freeze every once in a while. Well, i guess this discussion really brings up.....what is RROD and why hasn't microsoft fixed it?
From the poll so far, it seems the opposite of what i was told. Very few have used more than 1 and those who have i am very sorry to. I guess the rumor has already been annihilated. I'll continue the poll to confirm it even more anyways.
I've had two. The reason is my brother and I bought one near release. I then bought the Halo Xbox when it was released so we could both have a box when I left for college. I have yet to get RRoD on either console.
If the 360 is so crappy,why do you play it? I'm on my first and probobly only xbox,because: 1.there expensive 2.I have a elite 3.elites have better mother boards,and cooling systems
You should average the numbers xbox's to people. For every person that voted, they have owned 1.63 xboxs on average. That is a pretty crappy average if you ask me.
Mine just got the red rings two days ago and it sucks. It really gets you pissed at microsoft. It's a great system but they break all the time. I love my 360 and I was almost finished a map and then it broke. I was like... wtf?!?! and then I was sad.
For good games duh, when was the last time you asked your friend what good games were there for the PS3 and the answer was other than MGS4?
Well, I am on my first, although I've only had mine since Christmas. My buddies and I have compared our systems based on how much heat they give off, and mine gives off as much after a 6 hour session than theirs does in 30 minutes
I can't explain that any more than I can explain why you disagree even though you appear to be on my side. I'm sorry to hear your box died so quickly, but my argument is not for a specific cause of failure - it is that the 360 is not crap. It is a piece of hardware bound to wear out eventually just as you said. Besides, my pro damn near croaked after less than a year too. Mid-session, the screen went black and it rrod'd for no apparent reason. When I turned it on again, all I got was a white screen. After I restarted it a few more times, it ran, but appeared to have wiped my hard drive. After another ten minutes of feverishly reconnecting and rebooting, and more importantly, slapping the side of the box in frustration, it miraculously decided to work again. My saves were not deleted, and its been months since without any further problems.