is modding wrong?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by youngian, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Halo 3 Modding sucks anyway lol, my friend showed me a few where all it was were movable guass turrets and parts of the scenery moved around alittle on last resort. who would want a zanzibar wheel on the beach anyway?

    H3 Mods kinda suck, but on the other games that are meant to modded are even better. Garry's Mod Hacks anyone?
  2. youngian

    youngian Guest

    well im not sure about that and a bit offended because i modd halo 1 and its not like you just press a few buttons and zam its there .it takes a **** load of work to make the simplest of modds (i use the older programs ) but i understand what you mean by that .
  3. youngian

    youngian Guest

    exactly .
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'm not against modding at all, but i'm not particularly interested in it either.

    You bought the game. You own it. You should be entitled to change it however you want.
  5. fluffypancakes

    fluffypancakes Ancient

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    yeah i know right ! its your property.
  6. Conspiracy0

    Conspiracy0 Ancient
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    Not at all. (I don't need to explain why, so stop saying this is spam.)
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I think if Bungie says it is wrong, then it is. When the day comes that Bungie says, it r B k guyzzz. Then it will be fine. But that day will likely never come.
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Yeah, ask permission before you just yank my stuff, k? I would have let you post it, but it's common decency to ask permission.

    Anywho, while you bought the game, you didn't buy the right to disrupt other people's experience with the game, such as online.

    Which is why I find it appalling that kids will just run around with mods such as Flamethrower spawns and Bots littering the map, especially since they have no ****ing idea how to do it, and just take it for granted. Their idea of a mod is, "it lets me shoot rockets from an smg". Just horrible.

    Also, when a modder distributes his content, accidentally or not, it is linked to his GT as the originator. This way, if a friend of yours plays your modded gametype for no gravity, then puts it on his fileshare, and then gets banned, you take the fall as well, because they can examine the gametype.
    Linubidix likes this.
  9. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Who mods Half life on the Xbox360? Just use the computer versions.
    haha! =P

    Modding is wrong - and illegal (in most cases) - unless the publisher tells you otherwise. Period.

    Modding can make things fun,- and in that respect it isn't wrong - but the publisher has the right to protect their game and its content. You modding their content is wrong, and so if they think you are modding, they have the right to act in ways they think will protect their game.

    Personally I think good on bungie for baning anyone they think has been modding. It makes the online experience better. That said, I would be pissed if I was banned for modding when I had not been modding.

  10. youngian

    youngian Guest

    i'll modify your face!

    sorry i just always wanted to use that one !

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