If no one could see your rank, but it was still there(so you are matched up right), boosting and second accounts wouldn't exist, there'd be nothing to boast about or compete for. Discuss. Original Bnet thread(bump for great justice please): here kthxbi
Doesnt seem like a good idea. The very large majority like the ranking system because it shows off how you've done in matchmaking. Without it, people would just stop playing it because there's nothing to look forward to if you keep playing it. Well at least to the Hardcore players, which is the majority of Halo players. Seems more like an idea from a Casual player who's sick of boosters and 2nd accounts. p.s. I have a 2nd account.
I didn't realise people stopped playing for fun. So why are there more players in social than ranked?
I don't play Ranked except for my 45 (which I still have yet to get). If I want to have fun, I'll play Customs or Social (95% of my games).
99% for me. I occasionally go into TS and try to get closer to 30. Yes, I'm only a Captain, but a Grade 3, close to a Staff, and I don't want to be like everyone else in Social, a Staff Captain.
Eh, I would rather have the ranks shown, so I can show off my noob bars If people care so much about what others say about their rank, they can simply mute them. I pretty much refuse to play Halo unless I am playing with at least one other person that I know and enjoy playing with.
It adds a social concept to the game that gives it a more addictive feel. An option to hide it would be kinda cool for n00bz.
It makes it less competitive, to a certain extent. If I would go in a STS mmatch I would get paired up with people of my same skill/rank. I just wont lose my HS but Exp. It makes you think its not competitive when in fact its almost as. Unless is like x2 Exp.