This **** makes me sick. source SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian animal welfare authorities launched a nationwide hunt on Thursday for a man filmed punching and kicking a kangaroo unconscious. The video, which shows the man using kickboxing-style attacks on the kangaroo as his friend laughs while filming, was sent to the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) in Western Australia state. In one scene the man pulls the kangaroo towards him and uses his knee to hit the animal's chest and the man punches the kangaroo's face as the animal struggles to remain standing. A final punch knocks the kangaroo to the ground where it appears to lay unconscious. It is unclear whether the attack resulted in the death of the animal, which authorities believe was injured, possibly in a car accident. The RSPCA said it had launched a nationwide appeal to catch the men responsible for the attack and video. "We are appealing to every media outlet in Australia to help us track down the cowards behind the vicious attack on this kangaroo," RSPCA spokesman Richard Barry told reporters. "Thankfully this sickening footage has now been removed from the website where it was first seen. The next stage is to ensure that those responsible for this film are brought to justice," said Barry. "Only a coward would attack an injured and obviously terrified young animal much smaller than himself. We want these cowards to be caught, charged and prosecuted," he said. (Reporting by Michael Perry; Editing by David Fogarty)
This was ****ing sick. I never watched the video though. I am, I am at a loss of words of how much this sickens me. There are people who beat their dogs and when are asked why, they say "who cares. it's a dog." That sickens me too. I struggle to see how anyone could find this amusing, although there's a chance they were drunk but still that is no excuse. I just watched it and I sickens me even more. How can anyone be so heartless?
It makes me hate people all the more. No other animal in the world do these types of reprehensible acts to another species. I really hope that asshole get caught and beaten to death.
Great! I was waiting for someone else to say it first. I completely agree. Prosecute is the wrong approach, I'd like to see him persecuted. It is very true, no other animals do the crap we do. Humans are such a corrupt and sick race; well at least the majority of us are.
I had a kangaroo sausage the other day at this gourmet hot doug place called Hot Doug's. It was the best, if not, then top 3 things i have ever eaten. So good.
well then, as long as he didn't suffer, it's all ok. now if you attacked that kangaroo for food, thats ok to. just to fight it. your an ass ^_^ i hate animal cruelty. may he have 500 kangaroos beat him for all eternity when he ends up in hell. may they have syringe needles at the end of their feet and paws.
Wow that is so disgusting! What could get in your mind to do such a cruel thing? If you were beating it, would you even feel guilty or absolutely horrible? Animal cruelty just flat out sickens me of how you could do something to a poor creature who has done nothing to you.
How stupid can people get? You really think that causing pain and agony to people or animals is funny?
You've been to Hot Doug's too! I keep forgetting you live in Chicago Titmar. That is one of the best dog places on earth! And this is completely disgusting (kangaroo punching)....who on earth would do such a thing?
Well the only punishment suitable for this guy is to have him be tortured in the same way the kangaroo was. First we need a car to hit him...
Wait, so if you attack a kangaroo; punch it the hell out. THat's okay as long as you eat it? I'm pretty sure that's not what you were saying but if you were, that is anything but okay.
If i could meet this man i would do this. kick him so hard right in the balls so that he falls over start bitchslapping his sorry ass then pull out a desert eagle and shot his feet and legs and leave him for dead. Thats how i would handle it.
I really hope that guy gets his ****ing ass whoooped. I respect animals a lot and hate when this kind of stuff happens. Exspecially when theyy dont understand and are completely innocent
No, this man deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. None of which involves torturing him. It aggravates me to no end when some person commits a despicable crime, and others say he deserves to suffer uncommonly. I totally think this was a horrible thing to do, but he does not deserve to be tortured. An eye for an eye is not the way to go.