why is the commando armor soo rare, i never see it. is it beacuse its hard to get? or beacuse evry one likes ascetic? thinking of switching to commando, should i?
I think the reason you never see commando is because most peoples xboxes are glitched and can't unlock them. I remember finally getting mine and then three days later it says it's locked again. This must be a recurring phenomenon. If I could I would certainly wear it.
Didn't bungie give it to us, for free, like after some time? I'm also sure they did. Yes, I think that's exactly why they gave it for free to people anyways. Kinda like the Security Shoulder. They glitch in and out, but the sec shoulders werent given to us. We still have to get it ourselves. Check this thread out.
Everyone has Commando, Bungie gave it to us as a result of AU1 I believe, if not, it was with a Mappack or something. I don't really think that it looks that cool anyway, I'm fine with my Spartan.
I always liked the spartans better. They have really cool armor permutations. Elites are pretty cool but they're not the same. I would choose ascetic though, it is the coolest of the elite armors. And yeah, I thought everyone got the commando armor cause it glitched.
commando was never glitched, only the shoulders were. and bungie only gave us the shoulders. ive got commando so shpuld i use commando or ascetic
Elites are either crazy people or douches in Swat (I show them cause I can own Elites, its just a change of pace for how I usually play).