Yeah i own all you guys, found youtube tutorial, got me an xbox 360 theme for the entire comp. uh-huh! and yeah, winrar fails. i'll use it if i have to on a RAR torrent, otherwise standard unzipper.
It's a shame that theme looks incredibly ugly. And uhh... Already know how to do it. You ****ing fail so hard....
Guys, quit it with the flaming. What's the use? Reynbow just enjoys making anyone sad, and XX Blivion goes along with anything he does... I'm gonna sound like your mom (if I don't yet), but treat others the way you want to be treated.
I love Linux. I also installed compiz, so I have a spiny cube like Nemi. And here's a cool desktop site if your not good at finding walls.
Exactly me boy with anonymity people can act however they want too! I mean whos to say that your not a squirrel with a traffic cone on his head? Thats the beauty of the internet. No mattter how much **** you get into it will all be k. Just don't piss off the FBI and your fine.
I have three possible desktops. At the moment, I only have the default OSX 10.5.3 theme, but when shapeshifter becomes compatible with Leopard, I will make you all **** bricks.
Just because your anonymous doesn't mean you have to act like a douche-bag. That's just plain retarded.