Recently my Xbox got the Red Ring it has been about a week and a half since i sent it out and microsoft still hasen't gotten it. How long does it usually take for your xbox to get back?
I live in Alberta, Canada and I sent it by UPS im also not sure where the xbox's get sent to. I think it went to Toronto
best thing to do is to go to where you bought it and return it for a new one, just keep the hard drive. worked for me, just dont leave any games in it.
Dun wory i got it too I did the towel thing and IT WORKED.......for a whole day then broke again. Just go buy a new one.
Well actually i sent it out about 11 days ago maybe 10 and every so often i check on the xbox website the status and it still says they havent received it, but on the UPS website it says they delivered it almost 6 days ago. So i can't bring it back, can't do the towel trick. Since i already sent it...
I just got the rrod to. I laughed at my friend when he got it but it aint funny any more. I don't know what I'll do now after football practice. So do you just call microsoft then send it in or what?
You can send a repair request on line, but it diddnt work for me. just go to the xbox site and get the phone number then call them and tell them it broke. Then they send you a message on your email, on the email it has a Prepaid shipping card which you print out and tape to a box with your xbox in it. Make sure you take your xbox hard drive out and all the games.
Ok thanks. Ya knowing me I probably would of left my hard drive and halo in it. One good thing though is that since my parents are divorced I have two 360's so I'll just bring the one over from my dads and put my hard drive in it. I feel like such a nerd....but I'm not about to start playing that game Tribal Wars which is what all my friends are doing who've gotten the rrod lol
yeah the red ring has caused me alot of problems, but if im craving halo or CoD4 i just go to my friends and play their