I was lookin at the competitive maps a i remembered that the original foundry had no interlocking watsoever so i was wondering why didnt bungie interlock foundry, were they lazy or did they not know about interlocking/geomerging?
lol hes right cas i think it was the offical y35 that posted a fixed up foundry map for lmc2 and was outta the contest for it, something to do with the fence walls i think
Interlocking and geomerging are glitches, kind of like the old Halo 2 trick where you could appear to be lowring your weapons by looking down. Bungie didn't know about it.
Oh I'm sure they knew about it, I just don't think they did that. It would create a bad image for them.
They didnt. It's a common misconception. The 'interlocking' on Foundry is because they didn't use Forge to make it, they used a special program.
What if we could recreate their program. Would it count as a modded map or a specially forged map? There are already numerous spawn editors for both Halo 1 and 2 on all systems, so Im sure somebody could figure out the coding for maps and create a program to display and allow real-time editing of spawned objects. As long as advanced editing (in other words, editing of damage, effects, or other non-spawn data) was not included in the program, I dont see why Bungie would care. In fact, I think I will email them about it now...
Good luck with that, though Bungie is nice. They wouldn't be like "OMGWTF GTFO N00B!" Original Foundry was made with bungie's special map editor program that is 100x advanced than forge.
The corner wall is interlocked. I actually just noticed it today. I'd assume that they'd use a program, and yet if you look closely, many of the walls on foundry are crooked, and weapons are not always at the same degree. On construct, some battle rifles lean exceptionally farther away from the wall on opposite sides.
H3 Guerrilla and H3 Sapien remain developer-only tools until Bungie decides to release them or get leaked.
I noticed that too, but then I figured it had to be some kind of accident. And Bungie would have had to use Forge to place the objects, due to the fact that The Forge can manipulate them.
well thx guys i did notice that little wall thing but i never really recognized it. wat i shouldve said was why didnt bungie after making default foundry and testing it did they not go back in and edit the things that could've been annoying (bumps, etc...) ?
There was an old thread about that being sunken in and I think it just went in a little farther than bungie realized. That is all.
Is that wall think the only part of foundry that is interlocked? I think If I remember correctly the fence is in the middle?