do you think that bungies strict policy on automatically banning someone that has a modified xbox or modified data on there xbox is just?because i personally think that they are completely overreacting. because i have had a few buddies of mine banned for even be suspected of modding although they have never modded a single thing in there lives.i myself do not mod halo 3 but i do still mod halo 1 from time to time so i know why bungie may not want anybody to modify there system, because of the apparent risks involved that may ruin your system . i think that it is pretty hypocritical for the company that released halo CE to want to punish those who mod now. but i want to know what you think . do you think modding is good or bad? why? NOTE: this is for any game not just halo. im just using it as an example. there are other games that people mod on 360 like halflife.
well, if you mod a map that if anyone DLs its a trap and your Xbox dies, or cheats in MM, NO but if its just an awesome, creative map, and doesnt signifigantly harm your Xbox, then im completely for it
When you play their game on an Xbox 360, you are agreeing to their terms of use. If you break those rules then you should be punished. It's as simple as that.
If it's just for a good time such as in LAN, then I say it's fine, but if you are using modded controllers and the like, then no, you should be banned. I don't think that they are overreacting at all. I am sure that it is in Microsoft's ToS it is stated that modding is not allowed, making it illegal anyway.
This is more about modding in-game content. A modded controller will only affect the way you play the game. Modded in game content, as DTL said, is agaisnt Microsoft's terms of usage which you must agree to.
in my opinion, no, it adds more possibilities and a new style of game play that takes skill and knowledge to create. but like everyone said you agreed to a contract you could say when having xbox live and modding maps is breaking that. i heard halo 1 is an easy and adds to the awesomeness of the game, ive heard that there's a website devoted to that but from what ive heard and thankfully not experienced modeing halo 3 maps will consult with ban. simple.
Think of it this way: You just finished your life-long homework project. Then, you friend sees it, and takes your idea. He then adds more stuff too it making it his project. How would you feel? You can, and should, be banned for doing such a thing.
It's only bad if it's used for cheating. For example, map mods are actually pretty fun to play, some being pretty hilarious. But if you use it in matchmaking it's not fair for the other players, and you are already pretty terrible for using them anyway.
Terrible analogy. It is nothing like map stealing. So if it is socially acceptable, that makes it legally acceptable? I can understand what you're trying to say but modding is against the laws of xbox and if you do it, it is completely justifiable to ban your modding ass.
I was using a small example. How is it not like map stealing? The only difference is the fact one is being sold, and another isn't.
It is similar but I wouldn't compare the two. They're two different things in my opinion. In map stealing you are taking some one elses creation and claiming it as your own. Whereas in modding you are altering the physics and rules of the game.
i think he meant map stealing as in stealing bungies map, not just someone else's. but then, if he meant that, then just foring something would be map stealing.
Ah, but I was saying: "taking you friends idea, and adding more too it." I made sure I made it clear, check again.
What you suggested was more plagiarism. Taking someone else's work and adding some different words; plagiarism. Which in most cases is cause for an automatic fail and in some countries it is illlegal. I know what you were trying to say but as I said, it isn't the perfect analogy.
I say no as long as it doesn't negatively effect the people that it is used with or against. EX: Maps with random bots in the middle = good Making your spartan fly like superman and the AR shoot tankshells = bad
Plagiarism is taking something someone else did, adding little to no enhancements to it. If you were to take it and put it in your own words, then it would be legal. You are correct on it not being the best analogy, but you first said it was the worst analogy. Shame.
Originally Posted by Nemihara "Glitches and mods aren't bad. It's when bad people use them is when bad stuff happens. When cheaters and etc. people get a hold of these simple to use tools to exploit a system, bad things happen that damage the reputation of each community. Halo 2 modding, for an example, is a very cool and fun thing. With it, you can form new atmospheres for a map, reskin it, add a new vehicle, new weapon, or even add an entirely new map. One fun map I used to have was a bunch of spinning Zanzibar fans. Each wing of the fan was a platform that players would have to fight to stay on. It was very unique and very fun. Another mod I had added a chainsaw to Halo 2. Yet another added Jackal shields as a usable weapon, while more mods continued to be developed, like toggling active camo on whole vehicles, or rebounding machine gun shots, and even a weapon that would start an airstrike of missiles onto a target. H2 modding took a turn for the worse with the advent of simple softmodding capabilities with the Xbox 1. Cheaters used modding tools created by the smart, good, and hard working people, and forever left a stain in the Halo modding community that will never go away. For an example, 'hacker' is a term misused by nearly everyone to refer to a person who can penetrate a computer/website's security and vandalize the contents as a prank or steal information for money. The thing about this is that nearly all of these pranksters and/or criminals are simply that. They aren't real hackers, nor are they particularly smart. In fact, many people in the real hacking community consider them lazy. It's the real hackers that find the ways to manipulate the program and make it do his/her's bidding. Programming, in fact, is hacking. Glitching is equally as wrongly negatively implicated. It's not bad at the core. There are some really amazing stuff I've seen with glitches that many people use to this day, and I'm surprised you people are so damn negative. I'm sure you've played the arcade game 'Space Invaders'. In that game, when it was first developed as an original for the game console Atari 2600, the programmer used a glitch with the programming of the console to trick the game into displaying several enemies. That game single-handedly brought the birth of video games into near-full maturity. Glitchers find ways to create loopholes in the code and produce things that the developer didn't orignally intend for the program to do. One of the best known from Halo 2 was the superjump. It was a bug with the mapping of the bsp of the map that would cause the player to fly high up in the air. When cheaters found out about this, they used these glitches to cheat the game in online matchmaking, ruining other people's game experience. It's not the cheaters and otherwise bad people who use these tools that the modders, glitchers, and hackers take the time and thought to search out, log down, and then otherwise create, that pisses me off. What really pisses me off is how the general population basically accepts how the media portrays them. As bad, evil people. When you mod, glitch, and hack, it's not bad. When you mod, glitch, or hack, it's not evil. Modders, glitchers, and hackers are the smart ones, and they are the ones who bring you all of the things that you use today. So before you blindly assume, 'Mods, glitches, and hacks are all made by bad people', set your facts straight." nuff said
I personally think that modding is okay as long as you don't try to make the game less fun for other people, e.g. cheating on matchmaking, and as long as they don't try to sell modded games for profit. If you make the game more fun for yourself, great, if you want to make something more fun for other people and distribute it for free, I personally think that that is, again, okay.
Ok, here's my belief: Modding isn't ever wrong unless it's being used to cheat. I understand why console games have modding seen as a bannable offense (in most cases), but in the world of PC games, mods are a godsend.