Well, i saw Linu making all of these seay covers, so i thought i'd give it a go, but instead of a DVD, a game. I think this game looks awesome, so, i decided to make a cover. I know its not amazing, but its my first fake game cover, so give me a break. C n C plox [EDIT] I Will edit out the xbox live part later v1 Spoiler v2 Spoiler v3 ALSO, if there s any spelling errors i did not catch, please tell me. Also, i will add the signs in the front
That looks awesome. I'd swear it was real. Front cover looks the sexiest. Although I'm not sure if it's there in the US but it is missing the rating. Just saying if you were wanting it to look really really professional. Back Cover is also great. Nice use of pictures, it looks exactly how it would on other covers. Only major critisism I have is that the text on the back seems too big. I think perhaps iyou should shrink it. Otherwise, great job.
oh, that is looking really sexy now. All it needs is for the text to be reduced and we'll see how it looks.
S'looking great. Another peice of my critisism: I feel that top of the back cover looks a bit dull. The spot next to the text. Maybe adding a faded Batman logo.
Ho, lee, ****! This is ****ing amazing LOCK. Everything looks so damn professional. You could haz a big company job making covers someday! You should print it out and put it on a gamecase. Then post it here. It'll be awesomesauce right? EDIT: Dude, send it to the creators! They might use it and pay you tons of money. Which, will be contributed to me for suggesting it...
The part between "Descend into Madness" and "Description" ? I don't know hat size it has to be. Linu, do you know?
yeah, that part; above the top picture and next to the paragraph. When I printed mine off, I used a program which had a template of dvd covers and resized the picture accordingly.
I dont have the program any more, or didnt reload it when I upgraded to vista. I think it was Nero something. I dont know the exact size. Try grabbing a ruler and measuirng a cover.
LOL, yeah, they probably have some way more skilled artists already at work. I want to find a way to send it to them though, it would be cool just for them to see it. Also, linu, ima make one a month like you, i think it sounds fun, since these takes a while to make
It's really nice, and looks completely realistic, but I'm not liking the description text at all. Try something else...
Wow....... that looks exactly as an Xbox 360 game would. The only problems I can see in Version 3 is that immersive is spelt with only one 'm' where it says 'an imersive gaming experience' and the fact that although it says Xbox Live on the front of the cover, there is no information on the back of the box about Xbox Live features. You know, where it says in separate little boxes things like 'Co-op 2-4' and stuff like that. Other than that, it looks perfect. Great job. Thnx, Monsta Masha. P.S. Where did you get the template for the cover?
This is kinda stupid of me for saying, but the game developers are shooting for a "T" rating, not "M." But I think it looks realistic. When I get that game I'm going to print that baby out and put it on my game, lol.
LockDown you simply amaze us with your Art, Looking at other Official Batman covers this one Beats them all. The Amount of game/dvd/anyother covers that have started they'll end up making a sub forum ^_^, And the fact that use gimp instead of spending hundred of Dollers / Pounds on Photoshop, is inspirining, do you have any tips on gimp, Ok goining back to the Cover, you really thought a lot when creating this, and it sounds like you will be selling it to the creators, good luck, and it would be extremly cool if they did use it