Trying to find the secret of Sandtrap

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by J A Y, Sep 7, 2008.

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  1. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    This reminds me of when Recon was being "unlocked" by people. All of that "rockwall" crap. I think Sandtrap even was mentioned at one point, but it doesn't matter. Why? Because I seriously doubt any secret will be unlocked anytime soon. If it hasn't been found yet I find it unlikely it will be found soon.

    That said, good job on all of the investigating you've done into the biblical references. I knew about the Behemoth and the leviathan, but not the Ziz. That stuff with the definitions is also pretty cool. Keep in mind that bungie likes biblical references, and this might just be another fun one they decided to throw in.
    I look forward to seeing if this goes anywhere. =P
  2. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    so... no insight into into under the sand-filled section of sandtrap ?
  3. youngian

    youngian Guest

    im not for all this easter egg stuff but if it floats your boat heres something off the top of my head . what about ziz"hornet" protecting smaller birds"banshees" . hun nothing? owell hope i helped.
  4. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    hmm... maybe how that one guy said that the aegis wasnt just a shell, if so maybe we could enter it, and maybe the control room could have somthing to do with it, maybe a switch that drops missles or somthing on the elephants... just a thought
  5. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    If you just had to do something with the banshee or hornet it probably would have accidentally been discovered by now.

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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    Blue base = Leviathan
    Red base = Behemoth

    I have screenshots in my fileshare
  7. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    then give us a link to it
  8. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    um... or you could go look at the side of the elphant? just a thought though.
  9. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    does it look like i'm on xbox right now
  10. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    well, i mean when you get on, or if you cant right now you could have said it

    P.S. im on here & my xbox at the same time alot
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Who knows, we don't have a webcam spying on your life, k?

    And I think that this is being taken a bit too seriously by the fans. If Bungie said, "We may be including a new vehicle in matchmaking", people will start speculating about new vehicles, and further on go on to start inventing vehicles of their own, such as a boat or bike or whatnot, before Bungie says that they're including Mongoose's in.
  12. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I think that your right about the Bohemoth,Leviathon and Ziz. I also found out about the Bohemoth but not the Leviathon or Ziz. I remember hearing about it about 2 weeks ago in matchmaking. These 2 guys were talking about it for the whole match. But I think that they're all connected too. 1. The Bohemoth - Elephant. 2. The Leviathon - Elephant. 3. The Ziz - UNSC Frigate. There all connected in a strange way. Add me on XBL and maybe we can do forge and test some things out. My Gamertag is: DA HITMAN 117 Also, Has anyone ever noticed that Sandtrap is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has Elephants and a Ship in the sky?
    #52 STEClash96, Sep 14, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2008
  13. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
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    wow, the halo community would crumble if there werent people like you who have no free time.

    EDIT: That was not meant to be an insult by the way
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Have you noticed that Valhalla is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 with a river, some trees, two Forerunner bases, and a waterfall?

    Have you also noticed that Last Resort is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a windmill and a vehicle gate?

    Have you also noticed that High Grounds is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has an unlockable gate, but only in Asymmetrical games?

    Have you also noticed that the Pit is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a troop hog in it?

    Have you also noticed that Guardian is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a circular middle structure?

    Have you also noticed that Narrows is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a Forerunner bridge over a huge pulsating energy coil thing?

    Have you also noticed that Isolation is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a Flood chute for easy access to the bottom of the map?

    Have you also noticed that Snowbound is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has auto-targeting perimeter turrets that can kill you in only a few shots?

    Have you also noticed that Construct is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has 5 or so lifts and is suspended over a huge waterfall?

    Have you also noticed that Epitaph is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a floating platform in the middle that can't be knocked down?

    Have you also noticed that Foundry is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that is inside of a shipping warehouse, and has a crane?

    Have you also noticed that Rat's Nest is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a Pelican in it?

    Have you also noticed that Standoff is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has satellite dishes and missile silos?

    Have you also noticed that Avalanche is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has an interior man-cannon grotto and several man cannons jutting out of the walls and ground?

    Have you also noticed that Blackout is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that is set on a rig of some sort in the ocean?

    Have you also noticed that Ghost Town is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a forest theme, along with broken buildings?

    Have you also noticed that Cold Storage is the ONLY map out of ALL the maps in Halo 3 that has a big monitor eye on one side of the map?

    Yeah, I rest my case.
    The Storm 59 and Bloumbas like this.
  15. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    most of these are true, however, construct and valhalla have a water fall.
    theres pelicans outside the pit as well, not just rats nest.
    and the gate in last resort in unlockable, its mostly as vehicle gate though. anyway. it dosn't matter, i see your point
  16. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    I never posted anything about modded content? what are you guys talking about?
    But had i posted something about modden content i downloaded
    it might have 2 garages you coudl go in
    also if i had, it would be heart to get an elephant in, even though if i had posted it, it took up almost all of sandtrap.
    hypothetically of course
  17. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    but wouldnt that be against the urles, but can we get into it? If so, epic win
  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Distributing modded content is against the rules. Also, if you're using someone else's mod and you get caught, they can get in trouble too. So if you're gonna play around with mods, do it offline.
  19. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    yeah... is it ok to do it through PM? i really want to see it, or where can we share them? im really oumoed for that map
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It's preferred that the discussion of distributing your modded content is kept off of FH. E-mail or get on XBL or something. But don't make FH the messenger that gets killed.
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