The Se-Saws

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Speed-e-cake, Sep 14, 2008.


How good is this remake?

  1. Good, I Cottage I would be proud!

  2. Meh, I prefer the original.

  3. Bad, just plain terrible!

  1. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    The Se-Saws
    Created by Speed e cake
    Original idea by I Cottage I

    Supported Gametypes:
    This map supports I Cottage I's game variant Stay, seeing as how this is a remake of his amazing mini game, The Swings.

    Map Description
    This remake of The Swings is on Rats Nest's outside area with the containers that hold the humans dangling over a the cliff. The zombies spawn in a glitch room that has a teleporter leading to the humans. In the swings the zombies have to shoot down the crate with a brute shot and that's their only option, but in The Se-Saws I tried to make it so the zombies can mix it up a bit, by hitting scenery into a mancannon and launching it towards the box (view video for details) just like in Jenga Tower. Sometimes the odd human falls out of the crate but that's not a big deal since never once has the container landed on cliff, if you can break my map by making the container fall to the cliff side during an actual match please tell me and show me a video, either recommend it to me on XBL from your file share or if you're a lucky person with a capure card then post me a link to the video.


    Zombie Spawn room.

    The crates, untouched.

    The Scenery launchers (one for each crate).

    The occasional human falls out but rarely goes unnoticed.

    Scenery used right.

    Teamwork into use.


    Big thank yous go out to IVIercinator, REDSHADOW1337 and JoshPicklyk for play testing, a lot, and to I Cottage I for making the original The Swings, and for letting me remake it.
    Totally Off-Topic but I thought I'd mention that Satellite Mice has been updated to V3.

    Download The Se-Saws
    Download Stay
    #1 Speed-e-cake, Sep 14, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
    TNF likes this.
  2. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Ha pretty cool. This is a lot like one of the maps I played on last resort. It was the same build except the zombies would jump around with gravity hammers and the people would be in a series of connecting open boxes held up by teleporters. (So they could wobble around and fall off.) It's good you changed it around so that it's like jenga tower. I'll download it and give it a try, it looks like one of the maps that'll be famous on bungie.

    Edit: Video = Epic win for zombies.
    Speed-e-cake likes this.
  3. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Yeah, it was called "the train", and everyone loved it XD. anyway, this reminds me of it and that makes me happy. I agree, this combines the train with jenga tower, without suckness! looks good, 4/5.
  4. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    Lol the zombies pwn in the video. Looks like an awesome game, I've never played swings so I can't compare it to that. Do the humans only spawn in the one box, or was it just that one game that they did. Anyways looks great I'm going to dl and play with some friends later.
  5. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I've tried that train map and personally I dislike it because the crates would never fall off but thanks for those kind words.

    The zombies Pwnd because I was infected, twice. Jk but the more people you have in your party the more spread out the players will be, 4 per crate just like The Swings.
  6. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    very nice indeed maps like this that use thrown and balanced objects are very tough and take a lot of work to figure out so well done.The overall look is very good and i am sure it will play well i am downloading and look foward to playing it.This is the kind of map i like and is in short supply
    Speed-e-cake likes this.
  7. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Looks really good and fun. I suggest turning indicators off so that way the zombies aren't sure which one the humans are in until they move it enough to see someone. And also have the humans spawn in different crates. Maybe try to make it like 2 or 3 per crate?

    EDIT:Just saw you answered that. Should've refreshed before I posted.
  8. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Yay you posted it! Anyway I'm going to give this map a well thought out review, wich is rare for me, so here goes. The first thing I'd like to touch on is gameplay. This is one of the funnest mini games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Testing with you was a blast and even the unedited version was a blast. The fact that you can get dizzy while spinning around in that box is really cool. The second thing I'd like to talk about is the map itself. You could've just put a double box in each doorway to block it but you went the extra mile to make it clean looking. Also the idea of putting the stuff you can shoot out was a pretty neat idea. I belive incorporating Jenga into this map will get you alot more downloads seeing as how popular it is. The area the zombies start in is pretty cool too. You could've just had them spawn facing the crates but again you went the extra mile to make this map even more worthwhile. I'm glad you did edit the map several times because the finished product is so much nicer than thie first one. Overall I will give this map a 5/5 for a mini-game. Really cool idea David. Great work. Great now my fingers are hurting.
  9. Lunches 11

    Lunches 11 Ancient
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    Awesome map dude. I can tell this was thought out realy well. ur plannin was impeccable more fun than jenga 2 it is more polished u got my dl
  10. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
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    I loved the first version of this on last resort, i bet this is even better. 5/5
  11. beastness

    beastness Ancient
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    i love the aesthics(prob didn't spell right =D). i think it looks better than the old last resort 1. 4.9/5 very close for that very,very,very special beastness 5/5
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Haha, that looks fun. Kind of reminds me of a game on last resort, I think it was called train track or something like that
    Good Job Kind of original
  13. KUBLUH the forger

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  14. BJFPoyver

    BJFPoyver Ancient

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    Like the idea, reminds me of Don't Fall :p One of the btter looking mini-games I've seen in awhile.
  15. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I would call this map a re-imagination of the original swings map rather than a remake. It is more terrifying being in a suspended container over the edge of a map, and that is one part that makes it better than the original. And of course you have the man cannons and wirespools which aid the zombies in taking out the humans, which further makes it better. As a result, this game is faster, funner, and more thrilling than the original. 5/5
  16. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    personally, after playing on this map like 2 days ago i thought it wasnt the greatest. though we had some fun moments, it just didnt seem right to me. i like the original swings the best because the human could fall out and it was hilarious when the human would assassinate the zombie, though i also like the fact that in the se saws you will most likely fall to your death. the original is just better overall in my opinion. and i hated when i always fell through the crate in your map lol. also the zombies starting in that one room is meaningless and does not need to be there. ok map though but not the best
  17. delaney.99

    delaney.99 Ancient
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    this map is awesome its like the perfect blend of the train and jenga it looks like it would be hours of fun 10/10!

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    this idea has already been used and made its still a good map but not very orignal i do like the room with all the stuff in it 3/5
  19. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    The swings was a big hit and i really enjoyed but i kind of wished you didn't have to keep hitting the humans to kill them, becuase it took too long and you have less of a chance of killing all the humans - which of course can be good aswell.

    But with the see saws when the humans fall out they are dead (unless they make it on the ledge which then leads to the zombies killing them give themselves a secure point). Have no aim or just bored of using the brute shot no problem there are movable scenary that the zombies can melee or shoot into man cannons for a random effect on the humans boxes.

    I admit that sometimes its annoying to fall off the edge and die or lag through the box but it is also pretty funny. Also yes that room that the zombies spawn in is useless but it adds some decorative themes to the map and builds up the sespense for the humans wondering when they will get surprised, and then next thing they know it they're upside down.

    So all in all i love the map and had my amount of time play testing lol.
  20. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    Amazing! This just awesome! I like how the zombies can knock them off with either brute shots, or they can blast items at them! I like the idea. Nice forging! 5/5

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