I love apple, i don't hate apple, i actually love apple. But i have been saving up all me money and i went to the apple store all excited expecting to get the new purple 16gb nano, AND THERE ARE NONE IN STOCK, i have called all the stores in florida and no one has them. I hope they get some in by tommorow.
I'd be sorry if i cared. But the fact of the matter is I don't. Plain and simple. Good luck with your future. BTW, this is off topic chat. And for the record, apple sucks. At computers I mean. iPods and the iPhone and everything else is good.
I would like an iPhone, and would get one if the monthly payments weren't so high. But yea, other than that, I don't like apple stuff. PC's are much better in my opinion.
I hope you realize that "PC" stands for personal computer.... and the discussion of this topic is obviously about how apple can stock up on items. according to this guy, its pretty bad. lets stay on topic a lil' bit please.
Umm I don't know where you live in Florida, but in my city a mall has like an iPod vending machine and they always have them in stock... Good luck with your hunt!
now im worried, im getting the new iPod touch tommorow. maybe nobody found out yet cause it seems im the only 1 that knows about it at school.
How the hell did they fit 16 gigs in a nano? That thing must weigh like 10 pounds. I had a 4-gig nano for a while but the little devils kept on breaking. If you do get your nano, DO NOT rub your socks on the carpet then touch the click wheel.
What the **** are you talking about? I can't ****ing stand Windows Vista and i've had it for months already. The only Windows I could ever stand was XP and 97. **** Windows, <3 Apple.
**** Apple, <3 Linux. Vista is a POS software that even Microsoft acknowledges it's problems. Apple is a little better, but not by that much. But anyways, I was trying out one of the new Nanos at a store in one of the malls here. And it just looks like the old Nano, but the screen was stretched up. It's hideous. I'd rather get the old one.
wow i just went to the mall today and there were no more touches OR nanos, just the crappy shuffles but they get new ones wensday.
well i like the new one, and to the guy who said it weighs a lot, it is SUPER light, and ITS PURPLE, HOW COOL IS THAT EDIT: WTF, my mall says "WE DONT KNOW WHEN WE ARE GETTING ANY"
That's why you stick with XP/use Linux. I can hardly <3 Apple when the application quits unexpectedly every 4 seconds.
Well, hopefully soon, this 'debate' about which OS is better than the other won't even matter to me, because hopefully I'll be able to borrow some money to buy a new notebook with more disk space, so I'll be able to triple boot between Windows/Mac/Linux easily. Or better, I could just use Ubuntu as my base OS and have Windows/Mac on virtual computers instead.