To all of my fellow forgers. Do you guys just go to a map, and think of something and work on it, or do you just get a piece of paper, the designer or anything else and plan it first. Personally, I do both, (most of the time being thinking of something quickly). Please comment and let me know! Mutual, ForgeHub is 1337 Upcoming maps Monotony(20%) working on geometry Phobia(0%) planning Aqueduct(0) planning All 3 will be in the ForgeTacular Map Pack Does anyone have a 2d layout designer thingy? I really need one!
Please don't double-post... Next time just edit your previous post if you want to add something that you forgot. Personally I tend to start with a canvas and fool around until something looks good to me. Sometimes I just spend time getting geomerging to work for me (still finicky). But once I get started I work and work and work until the inspiration runs out or I get stumped at how to make something work. At that point I usually set it aside until I think of an idea/solution or I'll plan it out on paper to make sure I don't run into resource problems. Really it depends on everyone's individual preferences, and in the end you shouldn't use what works for others, you should use what works for you
ORLY? I tend to make one thing, then keep adding on to it. I have a rough idea of what I want it to be and forge accordingly.
I geomerge a box and build it off of that. No, I actually get inspired by things I see in nature, and mapulate them.
well, my map uranium was a first 4 me: i actually had an idea to start with, even though it is lot more than that idea, but for some reason, i can never get good ideas lol