So I just finished another WWE dvd Cover. Here it is: Not my favourite but I still like it. As I've said previously, I try make them look as professional as possible.
TBH, I think it needs a little red, I would put it in the title somewhere, I would also make the rating a little more organic. But otherwise, fantastic.
Like it, not as good as your others, but still awesome. I like the front picture, its really good. Also, the font/text on both the front and back are amazing. I think it is lacking color, but then again, its prob a dark subject. Keep up the good work, you could really go some places with your talent.
Thanks Lock and HPM. I'll add some colour to it. But right now I am on the lap top and do not have access to the photoshop file.
Maybe switch the green ground under the guy on the front cover to a different hue, the green isn't working for me. A shade og brown like tan would look nice.
Pretty good, but you can do better. It just looks budget. Change up the M rating a little to match it up with the title.
Its interesting to see how the rating images vary through out the world. Wait, Australia rates movies M? not R? Or am i just dumb? sorry, don't know that much about Australia.
Nice work Linu, it looks sick. If you can, make a Porn DVD cover and PM it to me LOL JOKES! XD that would be awesome, anyways keep up the manip's and DVD covers it is a real sweet skill.
Our ratings are. G - General Audiences PG - Reccommended for ages 13 and up M - Mature MA - Mature Audiences, 15 + R - Restricted, 18 +
Pretty much. but people under 15 can go see M movies without a guardian. But they cannot go by themselves to an MA movie.