I know there has been several threads on the Guitar Hero World Tour Game and maybe a couple on Rock Band 2. I was specifically wondering who is getting Rock Band 2. It would be a nice thing to rock out with members of Forgehub than to play with people I have no clue. Even though there is nothing wrong with that. I know tomorrow I am going to wake up eat breakfast and go out and get me a copy of it. Rock Band for the 360 comes out tomorrow the 14th. Rock Band for the PS3 comes out October 19th. Rock Band for the Wii comes out November 18th. Link Here to Rock Band 2 Official Website Link to the Rock Band 2 Song List
I am so excited for both of these games! I'm getting my Pre-ordered RB2 tomorrow and then GH:WT when it comes out! What difficulties do you play on?
I play Expert Drums and Guitar. I do not sing what so ever. I am better at drums than playing Guitar.
I play Expert Drums and Guitar. I do not sing what so ever. I am better at guitar than playing drums. Looks like we could help each other out here. Now all we need is a singer and bassist.
I'm getting rock band 2 but probably not until my b day on oct 29. I can play guitar and base on expert, drums on hard and no vocals at all.
From what I understand, the Xbox 360 one month exclusivity deal lacks the "whole package", and only comes with the game. If that's so, then I'll wait until it comes out in its entirety. Also: Rock Band 2 songs listed by difficulty per part.
I just got it yesterday... and it is AWESOME!!! I play expert guitar and hard on the drums. Mine came with this thing where you can download 20 free songs for the game. I played the game non-stop yesterday. The only song that gets annoying is "Feel the Pain". My two favorite ones that I've unlocked so far are "Man in a Box" and "Shackler's Revenge". Okay, now I'm getting off my laptop to go play it.
You haven't DL the 20 songs yet have you? I didn't think they had them out yet. If you already did, could you tell me how
No I haven't DLed them yet. I'm pretty sure you can DL them October 10. That's when the behind the scenes of the game comes of the game comes out on Cisco.com
Wow!!! Just got RB2 and it is amazing! I am kind of mad that they do not have a set apart single player tour but that is fine. It is a great game and it has an awesome song list!
you can get the hole package but you dont have to if you dont want to pay for all the stuff again GH<RB
How do you import the songs from your rock band 1 game on to rock band 2, I don't have it and I was just wondering...
I believe you are thinking of Guitar Hero: World Your. I believe GH:WT is getting released all around the world within 1 week. I'm not sure about RB2. Didn't the UK just get RB1? Or I might be thinking of australia. You have to have RB1 to do so. It has a tab called "Import Songs" either in the main menu or options menu, I can't remember. You can import every song except for Enter Sandman, Paranoid, and one other song. That's because Activision has the rights to those bands for any future games as of right now.
Thanks, I have rock band 1 and just wanted to know how you do it. My friend has it and he had no idea, what a nub. Too bad enter sandman can't be copied over, I love to play that song on guitar.
i got rockband 2 yesterday, its a great game and all its just that it looks like they through the song list in at the last secong. it looks like **** but other than that a must have.
Favorite songs on expert drumming so far... "Come Out And Play (Gotta Keep 'Em Separated)" - The Offspring "Chop Suey" - System of a Down "One Step Closer" - Linkin Park "Carry on My Wayward" - Kansas "Go Your Own Way" - Fleetwood Mac
All I have to say. Give it All, one of my favorite songs on the game, is a ***** to play. All ****ing strums. Except for a hammer off CHORD at the end. It tierd me out instantly. Good game though. Very good.
YES!!! And Alby, do you downstrum or alt strum? Alt strumming is easy if you can keep the beat and learn the pattern, although I could see how all downstrums could be painful