Reynbow, will you get off the ****ing attention thing? Youre just proving youre a ****. And, if its so simple, then get a moderator to inform me that it is truly spam. EDIT: Wouldnt I have gotten an infraction or a warning already if the mods agreed with what youre saying?
I wish you 2 would realize we are not even really talking and its more like fighting with words, on a webpage, so just give up no one is going to win this even though I do feel that Smeag is making more sense, just both of you STOP THIS ****ING **** NOW, crazy sausage wallets...
If what youre stating is true, then why would Reynbow start such a thing when not called upon? Is he that much of an asshole? hmmm.....
If you want to carry a grudge then fine. Nevertheless, I never had any problems with you in the first place. I just thought you decided to pick me as one of your newest 'victims'
You think I 'picked' you for no reason? You brought this **** on yourself, I'm not the only one who thinks you're a dumb****. GTFO Please =D
I agree that 0834 CNC threads clog the already clogged G&A section, but it's not just smeagle. It's several people. So just stop fighting before it's reported and/or the thread is locked.
Smeagle, don't you understand. Reyn feeds off people getting mad on teh internetz. The more annoyed you get, the happier he is. So if you just stop showing how annoyed you are by him. He will leave this thread i bet.
Actually, I am not very annoyed at all. Just proving him wrong. Which, is true because he has only restated false facts. Whereas I have showed him where he is mistaken.