i like it ecpet for the fact that he is misssing an eye(i think)although uve like put up so many threads in like the past 12hr and u just show a sig dont even say anything its starting to turn into thread spamming if u ask me.
lol we should beat him with bamboo sticks and maybe he will slow down actually say words to us like atleast CnC is that to hard to ask
Reynbow, what you just did was spam. And its not spam if Im posting each in G&A. Im not breaking any set rules so GTFO!
Nice work except the text it seems out of place, also teh colour of the text should be changed a bit more to match the colours in the signature, move the text more to the top right hand of the renders head.
You're thread spamming. If this sig was a request from someone then you should PM them it. We don't need to see it or even care about seeing it. If it wasn't for someone the deal applies, we don't care and don't want to see it. Stop making pointless waste of space threads, you're only snowballing the ForgeHub community hate for you. If you really want to post it somewhere, post it in the PPC.
It doesnt matter if anyone 'cares' I still want my work to be seen. As for the community hate for me, that is your opinion. Whatever the case, I will state that I would like some C&C if that makes you any happier.
What you want from this thread doesn't matter. What you think this thread is doesn't and the fact that you don't even care about what anyone else on the forum thinks or wants when you feel like posting an a new thread based on spam in a section that is not for Off Topic and does give post count is completely selfish and should be worthy of a an official warning, or more. Don't be such a pompass ass and think you're the only one around here that ****ing matters. Like I said, if you want people to see it, post it in the PPC. Fair enough if it was the odd thread, but you post many of them with no words. Just an image. What the ****? You should know better. This is spam and that is breaking the rules. If someone created a new thread with just a single word in it that would be locked and they would be warned. You didn't even do that.
Reyn, I need some C&C because I am constantly experimenting. Posting my work separately is the only way for me to get good criticism on each one. Lets face it, people tend to give just an overall review based on what they see on an entire post of tags. People dont get C&C enough in the PPC. And to post it their is just insubordinate as signatures are graphics, and they should be posted here. As for my threads being 'spam' Is that only because I didnt post a description of each one? Seeing the image is description enough.
I used to do the exact same thing except for one giant difference, I made a single thread and kept updating it. That's what a responsible person would do, not plaster their crap all over the forums for no one to care about. Follow the damn rules, you're no different to everyone else you dickhead.
Ive tried that before, but since I couldnt double post, it failed to the bottom of the G&A. Then, nobody would check back to see it. And therefore, never got any help.
That's forum rules, not our problem. Deal with the rules, don't make up your own. What's it tell you if the only replies you get are one from me trying to shut you up or non at all, no one cares about the **** you post. So stop, post within the rules dumbass.
Although, the rules dont state that I cant post a thread with only a signature. Therefore, its not spam.
If you post many, then it is. Also it is spam, it's just a picture?! Are you ****ing stupid? There's only one place you can do that, the OM NOM thread in Off Topic. Why? Because it's ****ing Off Topic. Get it through your thick head you moron, you're in the wrong here. Nothing can change that unless this whole thread was deleted. Quit wasting space around here. You really are a ****ing retard aren't you. EDIT: Norlinksi, I'm doin' something here, sheesh.
This is the last time Ill explain it. Off-Topic is for things not related to the other boards. A signature is a graphic. Therefore, it needs to be posted in the G&A. Besides the OM NOM thread is for 'funny' pictures. Not things people actually worked on. Just because I post many threads for my signatures doesnt mean they are defined as spam. It only means I have created many over a short period of time. And since they all take about half an hour to make. Its pretty much like writing a post that takes half an hour to type. EDIT: What type of effects do you mean?
~Smudged the render out a little. ~Stretched Kanye out to form the 'skyline' in the BG. ~Used a C4D for the base of an effect and used filters to enhance it.
This is spam, and that's that. It's quite simple really. You're spamming the boards with stuff the people don't want to see. Make a single thread with all your signatures in them if you make them so often. Simple as that. It honestly can't be put more simply. Stop wasting peoples time with your pointless threads about creating attention for yourself in as many places as possible.