This is a video I've been working on for quite some time, lately with the assistance of my new ForgeHub Social Group "Featured Map Breakers Inc." I've been amusing myself by finding ways to jump out of some of ForgeHub's maps for some time now. I recently decided it might be cool to make a video of some of these breaks. To narrow it down (I have literally hundreds) I've limited the video to just the Featured Maps on ForgeHub, and then narrowed it down some more by making it just the "Slayer" type maps (I.e no mini-games, special maps, aesthetic maps e.t.c.) There were 3 main goals for this video, and escaping maps in general: 1. Has to be possible in a regular slayer game (or provided gametype, e.g. the COD4 OldSchool Gametype for Crash) without altering the map or any of the settings, at all! 2. Has to be escaped completely on your own, i.e. with no help from anyone, no partner jumping or any other tricks involving two people. 3. Try and escape the map using as few tools as possible, If you can escape the map by just jumping then do it, if you NEED a grenade then OK but doing it without a nade is MUCH better. In this video I follow the 3 guidelines above. In total we escape 45 Featured Maps (I decided to start from Chill Out! by iTs Nexn) of which a whopping 33 of those are escaped by just clean jumping (i.e. no nades, equipment, nothing, just good old tappings of the "A" button) This video is brought to you by the "Featured Map Breakers Inc." Enjoy! Vid Links Below. High Quality - FileFront (Download) Medium Quality - FileFront (Stream + Download) Medium Quality - MegaUpload (Download) Low Quality - YouTube (Stream) Extremely Low Quality (56K Friendly) - FileFront (Stream NOT Recommended!) Update: Here are some details regarding the maps that were escaped. If it says "Tools Required" next to the map name then it means it had to be escaped using more than just the jump button (e.g. it may have required a grenade or a piece of equipment) Maps Escaped, In Choronological Order: Chill Out! - iTs Nexn Intersection - Lintendo 64 Metalock - HeavyMetal84 H3 Foundation - Shock Theta Crash - TrueDarkFusion Unchained - Furious D 18 Spire (Tools Required) - Shock Theta Sewers - rusty eagle & Shock Theta Tunnel Rats - TwoSaltedNuts Battle of Somme - Mallet Empire - Mallet Aeron (Tools Required) - Matty End of the Line - Draw the Line Cyclopean - NeverlessWonder Pallet Parade - Cosmic Rick Terminal (Tools Required) - Matty & rusty eagle Machu Picchu - LIGHTSOUT225 Fractured - Iv0rY SnaK3 Lockdown - iTs NeXn & KR0NIC SM0KE Shift - stouf761 Renegade - TDHarding Kashmir Highlands - Iv0rY SnaK3 Distortion (Tools Required) - BuddhaCrane Reflex - Matty Shockwave - Gravedigger5454 Jedwali (Tools Required) - Brute Captain & De5troy999 Temple Nights - PegasiDelta Coldfront - LIGHTSOUT225 Gridlocked(Tools Required) - Draw the Line Interrobang - Debo37 Ramparts - BL00D F1R3 Breakneck (Tools Required) - Dom says Oi Martyrdom (Tools Required) - BlazeIsGod Troika - NeverlessWonder & Tender Bisquit Bayonetwork (Tools Required) - Thesilencebroken & BlazeIsGod Odeum - N1NJ4 Urban(Tools Required) - Shock Theta & Orangeremi Project Z (Tools Required) - Shad0w Viper & Tex MLG Impact - Kon Artist Yukon Canyon - Furious D 18 The Ire Of Fire - Felipe dos & Debo37 Vertebraille - Thesilencebroken MLG Phylum - CR0553D Ribcage - The Yellow Electric Slide (Tools Required) - Cosmic Rick Maps we were unable to escape: Overflow - Stolenpoo & Ki Jason Different Level MM edition - sendernode Pi - TrueDarkFusion & Coolant93 The Chute - Shock Theta Slanted - Shock Theta Reactor Core - Shock Theta Bottleneck - TrueDarkFusion & BetaWaffle Aqueduct - Shock Theta Eviscerate - BL00D F1R3 Hype - SuperFeiGn Project S - Tex & Shad0w Viper Sapphire - Chipsinabox Paragon - TDHarding Temple of Atlas - American10 & Sir Toppum Hat1 So your challenge is... Can you escape any of the maps we were unable to or can you escape any of the maps where we used tools without using tools? Good Luck with that!!!
Darn you Bhuddacrane! After all this time, after all this wonderful splendid time I find out Breakneck is breakable. At least tell me, is it difficult? I have some stuff left over, should I be fixing it? : ,( The video itself was very nice, even with your "low quality". I can't even begin to think of how you made some of those jumps. I even laughed at your choices of music, they went perfect with the video!
Wait, have you not tried to break objective, mini-game, etc. featured maps? Or you just didn't include those in the video?
lol. funny that you could break out of all of those maps. when i was playing them they look unbreakable. But i guess theres always those guys that can. : ) Any way must of taken you guys some time to figure that out and i applaud you. Good Job! P.S. The music went great with it. :}
Yes, I will shortly post a list of: -Maps that were escaped with clean jumps -Maps that were escaped using something extra (maybe someone could find a Clean Jump method) -Maps that were not escaped (Try and find a way to escape them) I highly doubt you could do it in an actual game. Infact ALOT of the escapes are highly unlikely to be achievable in an actual game. It's not so much about them being breaks in the map as it is about being a challenge to try and escape them and with as few tools as possible, which is why I use the word "Escape" rather than "Break"
Wow... I am now depressed knowing that it is almost impossible to make a map unbreakable... unless you do full roof and make it super small...
wow great job guys, i pride myself on my map-breaking abilites, but this...this is something else man!!! I joined the group already! -sdrakulich
Yeah its finally done!!! The music was really funny and had some nice A/V syncage. I wish the quality was a little better but im not gonna complain about that. Like Buddha said most of these you wouldnt get in a real game. It was fun finding all the little tricks of the featured maps though. This should give people something to think about when they are making a map... there are many many possibilities that some dont even think about. Oooooh my favorite part was the very end on electric slide where you nade jump up and it says "but when im way up here, it crystal clear, and now im in a whole new world with you" and you can see me in the background behind the sign.... funny stuff. Its like we were singing to each other....*not creepy at all* LoL
wow u already got 2 people to join the group after only 1 hr. Its kinda cool seeing my name on the vid even tho i did like nothing That was cool tho
Yeah Mental I did do a bit of A/V syncing where possible, I was very limited since I wanted to place all the maps in Chronological order, but I got there. Yeah the quality isn't the best, which is why I may put up a "High Quality" version at some point (When I can be bothered to have my PC spend 10 hours rendering the vid ><) What I did, Stratigon, was to include members in the credits that had actually posted something in the group. You'll notice I didn't include anyone who simply joined the group but never actually posted any messages.
Damn, you raped Project Z with that mongoose... Bleh...I hate you. Though, you sir, have mastered escaping maps... What is that jumping called, where you practically jump off of nothing?
"Edge Ghost" Jumping - It's a jump from Halo 2 that carried through (and is much easier) in Halo 3. Essentially it's when you jump out of an overhang, it makes absolutely no logical sense, but that's Halo physics for ya!
That was pretty damn slick... I can't believe you 'escaped' Electric Slide already That must have been some pretty fast work I hope you realize this means you will tons of people out to 'escape' Corruption, but I guess you will have escape-proofed that map seeing as you know all the tricks of the trade lol
darn you buhhda do you have any idea how many countless hours we spent beta testing introbang to make sure there was absolutely no way out of the map. oh and you missed alot on ribcage theres at least 2 other ways i know of there that are much easier and you dont have to be like jesus to do them.
I only leave breaks in on purpose. I was aware of the break in Distortion when I released V1.3 but decided to leave it in because it was obscure enough to not be realistically possible in an actual game. There is infact a break in Corruption but it's not what you'd expect and you could never ever ever break it in a normal game. The hint to breaking it is that there is a reason I specified which gametypes it supports. I purposefully only showed 1 escape method per map, otherwise the video would've been like 3 times longer! I knew 5 methods for getting out of Interrobang for instance. I only know of 1 other way to escape Ribcage that doesn't involve using any nades, weapons or people (i.e. a clean jump) and it certainly isn't easier. The whole point of the video is to escape using as few things as possible, not about escaping it in the easiest way possible, otherwise you would've seen a heck more nade jumps (which, lets be fair, is not as fun to watch). If your 2 easier methods of escaping Ribcage can by done as a clean jump then I'm interested though.