Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    No experience? You could say the same for Senator Obama. Governor's do way more for the people in any state than a Senator will. I live in Georgia. Ever heard of the Tri-State Water War. Governor Purdue has done so much for my state, but I couldn't tell you who my senators are because they don't do that much for the people.

    I fail to wee what the interests of women are then. She sets the example of being succesful, managing a family, and having a loving husband. Let's look at Hilary Clinton. To begin with, not very pleasant looking. Doesn't have the balls to divorce her scum-bag of a husband because the marriage is political. So basically Hilary Clintan is setting the example that women should marry for self-ambition even at the embarrasment of her not-so-significant other.

    Palin is a great example for women everywhere. Has a great family, great marriage, great success. Oh wait, you must mean that she doesn't support Abortion, am I right? Serioously I laugh at the feminist movement for outcasting Palin. For such a great example of a fine woman they are alienating her which is political suicide. Instead of coming together to meet common goals, they would rather try and bring her down, which is failing. I't like trying to wreck Cinderella, except Cinderella isn't helpless.

    I can respect any person of any faith, but Obama is not Muslim nor is he Christian. As for that conversation, A) I don't rant, I discuss things with people, B) I probably was misinformed at the time, but I know better now, C) I still respect the man even if I don't agree with him.

    As for Obama. No duh he appeals to Black people, I mean that doesn't even need to be stated. I was saying why Palin is a great nominee for McCain. I mean half y'all are retarded. You're like omgah, lols at teh pregnant chick, she sucks, shes a devil woman. In your eyes, but you have to recognize that politically she is a great choice.

    Palin is and idealistic, grab em' by the balls, washington outsider and a woman. McCain is experienced in washington politics and knows how to compromise. I simply want you democrats out there to know that you are facing a tough ticket whether or not you want to believe it.
  2. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That argument would work if McCain was independant. He isn't therefore that argument has no power. If he had his own ideas for America then he would've been kicked out of the Republican party. They want themselves to be in power so they nominate a Republican for presidency and if he changes his views, well, he isn't a republican anymore.
  3. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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    I know, right? She makes my mother feel like she could be president too!

    And why wouldn't the feminists outcast her? She's a lot more conservative than even McCain.

    Oh, I acknowledge it. It just creeps me the hell out that people are falling for McCain's VP pick trick.

    And always remember, what happens in debate, stays in debate. Less than three, rusty. Less than three.
  4. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    The thing is, this is Republican hypocrisy that we've been seeing the whole election. It's wrong for the democrats to do this but it's A-OK for us Republicans.
    That's fairly sexist. Are you saying every woman wants to be marry a husband, raise a family and be rich? This whole section is sexist while reading it...


    For once, I agree with Feminists here. nobody has the right to decide what a woman wants to do with her own body. Unless you are the woman herself, you have no right to decide wether she's aloud to abort or anything that pertains to her body.

    Politically, she's the worst choice they could have made. It tears down their whole campaign. They say experiance should be leaders. Yet, we see a non-experianced chick as vice-presidant. Hypocrisy.

    What happens if McCain dies? You just wasted a vote on some woman who doesn't know **** about what she's doing.
    Now I know you're sexist. What does her being a woman have to do with anything? A candidate shouldn't be chosen wether they are a man, woman or black. They should be chosen for their ability to win your vote. Obama has charisma and promotes what people want. The people are getting tired of Republicans so they need to GTFO!
  5. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    That was in his level though he sais that because shes a woman and on the west coast means McCain will win, when Obama's voters approve of him more for the the same reasons rusty has said, and it wasn't very intelligent either and Obama's name isn't on spell check like for McCain so stfu. What I said was like what rusty said but better.
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    First off I didn't know you were for the republican candidates Rusty.

    Second, is for Telrad.Thought I greatly agree with the womens' rights I have to say its only right because the Ideal of marriage is off. I mean lets start off with basic facts and move to presidents debates shall we?
    Most of the title of marriage is joint title, I so believe in co rights in this case- I.E. if your married your going to have similar views GENERALLY on what you want to do with YOUR child I mean yes It is the women's body that host the child but in older days it was expected for the man TO HELP with that child. And I think much of this crap of individuals over groups and such is very much ruling out the need a marriage with Is a very sad and dangerous thing. But that's for another day another time. MUCH of Rusty argument points not to sexiest view of women but a women that Loves the life she has. I mean What is life then? If you look at it as that it should free up being sexiest. I know that a few years ago during the Regan campaign the other side Tossed out a female Cabinet member or used her as a Get votes because she is a women and he lost horribly. IF you think for a second McCain did that I would think that you decided your vote to decided your vote to quickly.

    Now on to more of an argument. THAT LAST FEW OBAMA Supporters have just shouted out a short phrase, " O he supports the people" or He is for the People... I simply ask How is he for the people... because that is campaigning Not any proof ..I just want to know what he really plans to do? I don't want to insult any one but I need your point of view then more of the same.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    What I mean is that ultimatly, it's the womans choice wether to abort or not.
    I think I phrased it a little wrongly. I meant that it's a little sexist to think that a woman would vote because Palin is what they want to be when they grow up.
    He is for the people because he promotes a better economy. He promotes getting out of Iraq. Both of those are for the people.

    McCain wants to get Iraq selfsustainable which means doing what America is doing now. The only reason he wants this is so that Iraq will be an ally. Doing that is too much for America right now. The American economy isn't doing so well nowadays...

    On another note, why is McCains website so annoying? And why is he so vague about his economy plans? He says he'll tell foreign countries that America doesn't want their oil and that'll lower the prices?
  8. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I believe this to be one of the reasons she was chosen for VP, her inexperience only serves to highlight Obama’s own lack of experience. One of her greatest weaknesses is off limits, if it is brought up, it becomes a weapon to be used against Obama. It’s a trap that Obama himself won’t fall into, but many others will.

    Another, more obvious reason why I think they picked her is because she appeals to those Americans looking for someone they can identify with.

    For example; when she goes up against Biden in the vice presidential debates and fails (if you’ve watched her interview with Charlie Gibson, it should be obvious that Palin vs. Biden is so much a mismatch that it almost seems unfair to put Palin in that situation) her inability to debate Biden will very likely strengthen her campaign. Biden will come off as an angry, know-it-all, liberal elitist who's picking on Palin. Palin will retain and strengthen her image as an everyman/woman who doesn’t need to be knowledgeable because she’s a simple hometown girl with simple hometown values.

    Allow me to say it again; Palin being completely crushed in the debates will, most likely, help her campaign. Let that sink in for a moment.

    If you seriously analyze Palin she begins to look less like a candidate and more like a game piece, chosen solely because she’s a smart choice in the election season, a useful tool for drawing in more votes. The republicans are acting like they can switch her out for someone competent once elections are over. But they can’t. This playing piece of the political game will be in office for four years after elections are over and her purpose has been served.
  9. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    "In her long-awaited first prime-time interview - to ABC News' Charles Gibson - since appointed as running mate to Senator John McCain in the Republican presidential ticket, Alaska governor Sarah Palin was able to display her foreign policy knowledge - which does not include understanding the meaning of the Bush doctrine of preemptive war. Adding to the chorus of Americans who suspect Palin is not prepared to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency in case McCain wins the election, the neoconservatives who gave her a crash course in international relations before she sat for the interview did not fail to commit a series of blunders." ~ Pepe Escobar
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Argument can be viewed vice-versa. Both either have experience or none at all. One has served in the executive branch and on hasn't. Take it or leave it bud, it's up too you.

    Well damn you got me. It isn't like almost every movie, romance novel, or every girl's dream was that at one point. So if not every woman wants success, they must want failure. If they don't want financial stability then they want to be broke. Doesn't want a loving equal in life, will settle for a dildo instead. Doesn't want to pass on her legacy, must want to never teach, encourage, raise, love a child. Of course that is a highly interpretave exaggeration of your post much like yours was of mine.

    Her body, which contains life. Abortion is a heated topic so don't act like it's every woman wants choice. Many believe in abortion. Many believe in pro-life.

    I find it funny right there. They say experience...but what do you say? That's a lot of what I see in this electionon both sides. People telling you how to think, how to vote, what to believe. So in the end it isn't you voting, they are.

    Chick! What! You're sexist!! To clarify, she is not VP, but the nominee. So, now she's a hypocrite for having the same amount of years in national public office as Obama does. Hypocricy.

    I'm glad she doesn't know what crap is and that she knows how to run an administration. It's like there is some big disparity between being a governor or a vice-president. The decisions are still the same except for their magnitude and scope being larger. I think as a grown woman, she know what her opinons are, knows what her worldview is and those will dictate her decisions. She knows what she will be doing, but you may not agree with it. A lot of what I am seeing in this thread is hatred for republicans. Republicans must be ignorant selfish bastards unless they become a democrat in which case they know what they are doing.

    Uh no. She's the wild card in the election because she is a woman. People aren't going to vote for McCain or Obama because they are men. People will vote for Palin because she isn't a man. And that leads me to your next point.

    Well guess what Palins magical ability is? She's not a man. On top of that she has been a governor and blah, blah, blah, blah.

    As for the people, we will find out election day, just how many people.

    On a final note. Screw party politics. It's ruining America, it's time for people to vote for the individual and not a party. I hate it when people use party affiliations. I don't say Democrats are self-centered, greedy, flip-flopping, no good, dirty, rotten cheat. Nor should the same be said of Republicans. No, no that person is the scum between my toes.

    In all reality you should say it's time for Bush to GTFO and not republicans, because if you're going to be close minded against the whole party then you are doomed for dissapointment.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    On the topic of abortion: It should be a woman's choice, and I'll explain below.

    Laws are made based upon what the society deems correct (basic laws). When the majority of society has a specific view, that opinion is generally made into a law or guideline. The problem with abortion is that not everyone feels it is wrong. Since our society cannot find common ground, neither option should be enforced.
  12. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    I foresee abortion being legalized once religion loses it's grasp on everyday society. I am all for abortions, as long as they aren't used as a form of birth control.
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Chips just wanted to make sure that you know that abortion IS legal right now, some people just want to get rid of it. Personally, I don't know. I think that for single women it should be a personal choice, and for families a family decision. But, if I get married, I just wouldn't let my wife abort a baby. It just wouldn't be acceptable in my family. But there are more serious situations.
  14. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Gah, I hate it when I accidentally leave stuff out. I meant it to stay legalized once religion loses it's grasp. It may be un-legalized sometime soon....
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    No it can't. If Obama talked about experiance so much, you'd be right. But he didn't. McCain said he was experianced so he deserved to be President and not Obama. Then, McCain picks Palin for VP while Obama picks Biden.

    Biden covers experiance while Palin covers sex appeal. Voting on sex appeal =/= smart.

    No, no, no. You are sexist because you'd assume that a woman would pick Palin because Palin is what they want to be. That's like if a person asks a kid to pick a person out of a crowd to be that kids leader and the kid bases his choice on the fact that the person is very good looking. The obvious choice would be the person who would take care of you.

    Eh? I have no idea what you're trying to adress? If abortion is legal. The individual woman can CHOOSE to abort or not. That way, their personal belief does not interfere with others.

    To the less intelligent, yes.

    The more intelligent would tell you that this would be the flaw of democracy. You are eitheir conforming or not conforming. Eitheir way, you're conforming to something.

    The even more intelligent would give you a ***** slap for what you said.

    See my first point...

    What country do you live in? Being the Governer of Alaska is a huge difference to being a heart-beat away from being the president of the United States which, unless you've forgetten, is a superpower!

    On her world view, the video above you're post shows what her world view is. She thinks Global warming is a joke invented to scare little children from littering the streets! She thinks the US is a country which is doing Gods work as showen here.


    First of all, Palin is Vice-President...

    And second, are you even trying?

    The problem is, Democrats have similiar opinions and Republicans have similiar opinions. That's why they're called Democrats or Republicans. Simple as. Sure, many Republicans are probably people I'd get along with in day to day life and the same applies for Democrats but on running the country, I'm with the Democrats. They may not have the exact views that I have for running the country but I agree with most of what they say so therefore, I vote Democrat.

    Saying that we shouldn't be voteing for someone based on their party is taking the 'Don't judge people based on X' and applying it in the wrong places as people in the Republican party have simliar opinions and people in the Democratic party have similiar opinions.
  16. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Her family is great on the outside, but you must realize that because of her stance on abortion and sexual education her teenage daughter is pregnant. I wouldn't call that a great family asset. The Feminists are very right to alienate Palin. They have no common goals. The fact that Palin is against a base freedom that all women should have is highly offensive even to me and I'm not even a woman!

    Obama is Christian. I don't mean this as an offense, but how can you not know this? It is good that you still respect him. I respect McCain, Palin, and other Republicans for their ability to stand up for what they believe, as well as for the good things they have done (as many or few as they are). However, Palin is nothing more than a political stunt. The party can't possibly think that she would be able to ascend to the Presidency and act in the position with any competence, can they? Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure that running a country and running a state are VERY different.

    "As for Obama," you may be surprised that he does not appeal to a large portion of the black community. They generally consider him to be an outsider in their mindset, in the sense that he is well taken care of, wealthy, well educated, and has very little knowledge of street or sub-/urban (that is not a typo; think about it) life. The majority of the people he appeals to are middle class, blue collar average joes that are the meat of the country. Reason being, his view on the tax cuts, healthcare, and the fact that he went out of his way to connect and speak to the everyman at every chance he got, among other things. For example, in a rally in San Francisco last year, my stepfather stepped up to Obama and had a conversation with him about his beliefs (and also about Darfur). He related to me that Obama seemed like a very intelligent and capable leader that truly had the best intentions for the average American.

    As for McCain, his 70th birthday was a few days ago. He celebrated with lobbyists, corporate leaders, celebrities, and other people that we all are completely unconnected with. Clearly, you can see where his loyalties lie! Interest in the high-end of America and special interest groups.

    The problem here is that the neoconservatives have control of the GOP. I have nothing against traditional Republicans, in fact, I would probably vote Republican were the party the same one that it was 20 years ago. I personally want the neocons out of Washington, not the Republicans, persay. In that list I include Bush, Cheney, their cronies, McCain (he's not quite as bad as the terrible two, but he's gradually getting closer), Palin, and others that believe as they do.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Those are the way laws are made in a democratic society.

    Let's agree to disagree on this one chips.

    Senator Joe Biden has his own doubts about being the nominee.

    No, sexism is being an elitist about your sexuality. I respect women as an equal. But you have to realize that it is a great assumption though. However, let me be more specific for you. Palin will attract most middle-aged women an older. That demographic age group also happens to comprise of more active voters.

    I'll level with you. I've heard young women verbally say they would want to be Palin. Not because of Party affiliations, but because of her charisma, family, and husband.

    Telrad you tell me what women want to be then. Failure or Success?
    Do women want a loving husband or a deadbeat? Loving family or loss of legacy?

    And Palin has done a fine job taking care of her State and family. You don't think that she would take those same qualities with her to the White House?

    Guess what this country is full of idiots, idiots who can vote. Conforming? Are you communist or something? Democracy is supposed to be the fulfillment of liberties and freedom where each individual can express themselves throuh speech, art, and music. The day anyone conforms is the day they give their own thoughts and opinoins away and to think freely.

    So, I guess you're going to give me a *****-slap then because you're part of the even more intelligent. But if you're not then how would know what a even more intelligent person would say, because you don't sound highly intelligent nor overly stupid.

    I live in America. I almost wish I could live someplace where I could get away from all this, but then I realize that I would be failing to do my duty. My duty as an American to contribute and make this country better and ultimately make this world a better place.

    Alaska is about half the size of the United States, so I'd say that she is at least half qualified.

    And this is just for lols.

    You leave me speechless at you incompetence to understand that she is the Vice-Presidential nominee and is not an incumbent running for office again.

    Only as hard as you want me too.

    The party system creates a failed system. The senate wasn't meant to be the battlegrounds between two parties, it was meant to be the place where people could find common ground on relavant issues. The party system is a perversion of what our legislature could be.

    By stating that you are willing to perpetuate judgementalist attitudes on both sides. I'm not saying don't vote for a particular party, I'm saying vote for a particuliar candidate.

    If we as Americans take the attitude that we are individuals seeking common ground then we break donw stereotypical barriers. Party politics builds up barriers that block communication, progress, and change.

    No her daughter is pregnant because she had sex. Abortion is not a tool to be used to cover up our mistakes. Plus, abstinence is one-hundred percent effective, because you don't have sex. If you don't have sex you can't get pregnant.

    Oh yeah, it's a base-freedom to take a life. All women should have that right, taking a life. I don't want this to become an abortion thread so you can talk about this all y'all want too, but I'm bot getting into it anymore.

    It is an offence to me that you call him a Christian. No christian can sit in a pew for over twenty years listnening to a racist preacher and be a Christian. Obama is using christianity as a tool for this election, I don't respect him for that.

    But it's useless to people that don't understand. It really grinds my gears when people talk-the-talk, but odn't walk-the-walk. If Obama really were a follower of Christ, then he should be on fire for him, following the Great Comission. Obama is like lukewarm water, he is not Christian.

    He is going to appeal more to the Black community more than McCain will.

    That makes me sad. This isn't a game in which we should be picking sides. We're in this together y'all, they're aren't losers or winners, we're Americans and we should support and respect whomever wins.

    I would vote Democratic if it were during the years of Reagen. No matter what I think we'll be getting another "caretaker" president.
  18. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    McCain ftw!!! Barrack is a one term senator who, up until '06 no one in America had heard of. McCain actually has some credentials and should be prezident.
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Seriously, I resent you, no offence. This sort of attitude proves their are idiots out there ready to be herded by sheep. I'm somewhat glad you support McCain, but you don't seem to support him for any rational or thorough thinking.
  20. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    It's not neccesarily that I support McCain... It's more that I don't support Obama. I used to like Obama until I did more research and learned about his Islamic Background, Anti-Patriotic Wife, his Preacher and his known terrorist aquaintances. His Islamic Background is a problem becaue once you are brought up one way you don't change. Or at least it is very difficult to change and no matter what a few roots will cling. Also his wife has as much control as him due to a man's listening to his wife. His Preacher is a problem because after 20 or so years that kind of racial bull **** gets etched into you're brain. Also his known terrorist aquaintances should have gotten him kicked out of the Electoral race to begin with. It is apparent by the company he holds that he most likely does not have America's best intrests in mind. Also McCain is a war hero that has proven his devotion to America by persisting through the Hanoi Hilton for years. He also has been a politition for many years and has proven his worth in Congressional matters. So I do have reasons for my supporting McCain!

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