Who would have thought they would have active running webcams in there but hey. Sure they aren't always particularly interesting but who wouldn't want to check out the machines. Anyway here's the link Large Hadron Collider Streaming Webcams
wow, thats pretty cool, i like this website for LHC related stuff as well http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/
Yeah... I also posted that link 2 days ago, you fail http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/33978-end-world-wednesday-8.html#post450156
I actually thought, when I saw the red lights, that something wrong was going on... Then I realized it was a joke... I shat bricks though...lol
I think we both know I don't feel much, if anything. And it's me we're talking about here, I superseed you =]
Thanks Rey you scared the living @#$ out of me, nice post lol I scrolled down and looked at the parking lot then noticed it above but Ya.