Why isn't Ubuntu the number 1 operating system?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Why isn't Ubuntu the number 1 operating system?

    Geeks and regular people everywhere are complaining about Vista, and even Microsoft admitted its flaws, just watch the Mojave ads.

    There's a great office suite and Ubuntu Studio, a version created especially for audio, video and graphic enthusiasts. The interface is easy to use, media capabilities and even gaming are now mainstream on Ubuntu.

    So why aren't users switching 'en masse' to Ubuntu?

    In this article we're going to look at the major reasons why Ubuntu hasn't become the default operating system.

    1. FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)
    FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence public perception by disseminating negative (and vague) information.

    Microsoft has been found guilty on numerous counts - recently when Novell(of SuSE Linux) bought 'protection' from Microsoft's software patents. The so-called news was covered all the way through mainstream media, to the common users, who didn't stick around for the debate, and most people still think like this:

    'Didn't Microsoft threaten to sue this Linux thing?'

    2. Hardware Manufacturers
    Installing and using Ubuntu is easy - but Windows users aren't used to compiling drivers from source code, if they find them at all.

    [Digg haters: Let me get this straight, a large part of the hardware out there works out of the box, but there are still a lot of people out in the cold.]

    Spending weekends searching for alternate madwifi and alsa drivers isn't what most people look forward to.

    Microsoft paying off hardware manufacturers for their loyalty, aka the recent Foxconn scandal, and the manufacturers themselves are ignoring the linux platform when creating drivers, to reduce costs. They can afford that Linux because the marketshare is very low. It's the snowball effect -reversed.

    Every time when the printer or webcam doesn't work - we lose another potential user - and the marketshare doesn't grow.

    Particularly talented people code away their free time to create drivers - but it's increasingly difficult considering new stuff comes every other day.

    3. Normal People
    Although the majority Windows users are confronted every day viruses, spyware and bloated apps - they are used to it, it's been like that since Windows 3.1.

    Joe: I have to buy a 3GHZ Dual Core CPU and 2GB of memory so I can run Norton Antivirus and Word on this new Windows Vista?

    BestBuy: Yes.

    Joe: How much? …​

    The latest version of Ubuntu, 8.04, works smoothly on my budget Acer laptop - and rarely spikes RAM usage over 400MB. That leaves me with 600MB free, a fast operating system and no disk caching. And yes, I use Compiz for those flashy effects.

    My battery lasts 3 hours on Ubuntu but just an hour an a half on Vista. Why is that?

    It seems that people don't mind spending hundreds of dollars on closed source commercial software. They even put up with ads in their software - just so they can send animated smilies (aka Yahoo Messenger).​


    Secure, free and lightweight - just three of the reasons to take on Linux.

    4. Learning curve
    Let's say you made the jump, but everyone else around you is using Linux. If you want to share a file over a windows network, you have to read the samba documentation and manually edit a configuration file[Or install a GUI config that sometimes works]. What if you don't have 30 minutes to do that? It should have worked out of the box but it didn't. Why did you give up the right click > share?

    5. Visibility
    When you go to to buy an new computer you have to ask for Linux most of the time, which is only available from a handful of manufacturers. The choice is limited.

    When will the average Joe consider Linux? When it's next to a Vista machine on the shelf and he sees it's twice as fast on the same hardware and cheaper. We're seeing some progress in that direction, especially with Dell and Asus.

    6. Consumer vs. business
    Businesses have been using Windows, well, since Bill Gates was a teenager. Imagine millions of workers not finding the Start button on the desktop computer. Imagine a company spending huge amounts of money to retrain everyone. Imagine all the work hours lost. Although Linux is free - it has a price tag: knowledge.



    Ubuntu hasn't gone mainstream despite Canonical's and open source community efforts.

    Linux, in my opinion, will continue to rise slowly and only within the few who are passionate about their computers until at least two of these deterring factors are eliminated, which may not come soon. But that's okay, because we have our terminal.​

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  2. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    this might make sense if ubuntu was also compared to mac. But then it would ask why isn't everyone using macs, making the article pointless. I will NEVER buy a PC with vista or XP or any other OS from "that company" for as long as I live.
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I have to wonder this also. It is much cleaner than Vista, better yet any operating system I've seen with better features as well. But my Ubuntu requires me to buy a new internal wireless system, which I honestly just don't have the money for.
  4. KB

    KB Ancient
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    It isn't the number one operating system because us Americans have probably never heard of it. Microsoft is known for customer service and it delivers well... (at least XP did) I would switch to Ubuntu and give it a shot but this isn't my computer =p
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    So, quick question Reyn, when you download it, and install it, do you have to redo your entire set-up?

    I'm sure this is a dumb-question...but ya, like, everything on my vista right now, do I have to move it, via cd/or something to get it onto Ubuntu?
  6. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I have no idea what you mean...
  7. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I think he is asking if all his files on his computer will still be there once he switches to ubuntu, or if not if he has to back them up onto a cd.
  8. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Dual boot? It's built into the install if you want to dual boot or not.
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I think the biggest reason that not many people use it is because, to be simple, people are stupid and lazy. This isn't meant as an insult, mind you. It's just that Linux in general takes too much effort on the end-user's part to make it work efficiently. Take, for an example, compiling. This is one of the harder parts of Linux, especially for people who are very used to .exe's and .dmg's. Using makefile is tricky if you don't understand it. One of the things that Linux needs to implement in order to be more user-friendly would be this function.

    Also, replying to AlCapwnage's first post.

    "Why isn't Linux compared to MacOSX?"

    This is because they both derive from the same basic operating system, which is UNIX. This is similar to how Windows is derived from DOS. And besides, the market share for Mac seems considerably miniscule when you figure that it costs money, whereas Linux doesn't.
  10. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I agree with the FUD part the most. People really don't know much about linux and that is why they aren't switching to it. They just deal with vista and let their computer slowly rot. However, I think you should mention something about macs because they are very similar in how they operate to linux, even though linux is a bit more similar aesthetically to PCs. So, I think people are switching to Macs because they see it as the alternative to an operating system that is slowly destroying the fabric of time/space (Vista). People don't know much about Ubuntu, so they decide to get a better running computer, because if you still are using a PC you will still have some PC related problems. I support linux however, because it uses UNIX, so Mac and Linux users can live in peace.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The only reason Macs don't have to deal with the same 'hardware drivers' problem as Linux does is because Macs all have the same hardware.

    The real only reason that I don't just go out and buy a new MacBook and just install Linux on that already is mainly because I don't like how everything is the same. Apple is a tricky bastard. They can make you think that you're creative and original by using the same type of thing. iPods? Check. iPhone? Check. Mac OSX Leopard? Check.
  12. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I never remember Apple saying using our products make you creative or original. Using Photoshop can bring out your creativity and originality, not the Mac you use it on....

    EDIT: Nemi, lately you've been posting lesser quality stuff. You're loosing your Nemi-ness..
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I have to agree with you a bit that Mac is trying to take over the market and get everyone to buy the same stuff, like what you mentioned. But there are many mp3 players out there you can buy, tons of phones, but only a few operating systems. I use leopard because it works great, it is beautiful, it is powerful- like really powerful, it doesn't make a sound- seriously the thing is as quiet as something that is like... really quiet, and it has all of the applications that I could ever need for anything.

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