Well with it coming more than likley soon,I made this thread,all you do is talk about,well anything from what songs you think should be on it,to if you think it should come with a firebird guiter. I think Ride the lightning,and enter sandman should be on there
Yeah, I agree with you. Enter sandman is a good song. I still don't think they should make a metallica guitar hero. Make the beatles.....
Yeah, sandman is good, but we already got that on a game. Master of puppets, of course. Anything from RTL album would be good. What other bands do you think they will have on it?
Whiskey In The Jar, that one is awesome, though I don't really like the original version. I play Guitar Hero with a normal controller!
What difficulty can you play on? I've seen people better than me on expert using a standard controller.
Lol, I always wondered how some people on the controller hit the faster notes. I always imagined them like pressing one of the tabs with all their fingers and flailing wildly, lol. Speaking, of playing with something other than the guitar, I just saw this neat (and somewhat omfgwtfbbqsauce) vid. Check it out. This is totally legit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a497Hom8Gg
If he did that,than I won 24657454 gold medals this year at the olimpycs. They should have a "hero" (lame name) difficulty with an extra purple(?) button,since everyone can play expert
Drum dude is awesome. I'd have his children if I was a woman. And a sixth button sounds like a challenge that I'm up for. I don't see much purpose, though, since expert already has one button assigned per note in the songs already...
I really think that they are just out to make money selling full games. I understand not everyone has Live, and therefore can't get DLC, but come on.
I downloaded some of these songs,and master of puppets is awesome,BTW is it possibly to play guitar hero with a rockband guiter,or vice versa?
I wanna see "Ain't My *****" and "Fade to Black" on there as well. Also, for non-Metallica songs, put "Metalingus", "Rise Today" and "One Day Remains" by Alter Bridge, "Going Through Changes" by Army of Me, and "Shine", "December" and "Brings Me Down" by Collective Soul on there.
metallica sux there only good song is st. anger, they rnt a gud rock band. tehy shud take sum tips from trivium n falll out boy
Lol you want to see a Metallica Guitar hero but you think Whiskey in the Jar and Enter Sandman will be the best songs on there? You people don't know Metallica. THESE are the songs I want on a Guitar Hero Metallica Edition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZWCp-vUFkYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgiGrXpOhYghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j39ABZyzekhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX-KjkdDozQhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uebInqG1pJI&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUoWZ_zcPpE&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7C90sLh5Okhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqTRWvmHB5Y You little boy, don't know what the **** you are talking about. Why don't you shut up and go play with your little brother who supposedly works for Bungie. Buy a dictionary while you're at it.
Easy, down boy. I didn't know I was up against such a Metallica expert. Clearly, putting down a bunch of their cover songs shows you're just know their best songs. You're quite obviously a casual Metallica fan, and probably a casual metal listener in general, so I won't flame back. Don't worry, me and my fictional brother won't get in the way of your mighty condescension again! I'll pick up one of these "dictionaries" when I'm out next.
Stone Cold Crazy and Breadfan are covers yes. Stone Cold Crazy was originally Queen and Breadfan was originally done by Budgie. In my opinion the Metallica versions are much better than the originals. All the rest of them are originals written and performed by Metallica. So I see two covers. Two does not make a bunch. As for me only knowing their best songs, I know all thier songs mate, I have every album and have been to half a dozen Metallica concerts. My dad even took me to one when I was 4. Back when Cliff Burton was god on the bass.
Sorry, I didn't know you wanted to turn this into a battle of semantics. Thanks for the update on who originally made the songs though, I could use a music expert's opinion in the future. Couldn't you argue that all of their songs are covers though? They pretty much ripped off everyone in the biz, and half their early material was written by Dave Mustaine (WHO IS A MEMBER OF MEGADETH FYI IN CASE YOU DIDNT KNOW OKAY JUST CHECKING YOU PROBABLY KNEW BECAUSE YOURE SUCH A GENEEOUS). Like I said though, I can't be assed arguing with a casual fan.
Dave Mustaine split after Kill 'Em All mate. He may have has some influence on Lightning but beyond that I doubt it. And name one band out there in the last 20 years that hasn't ripped off someone else.
Add 'Ain't My *****' 'Battery' and 'Fuel' to that list. Those are three really good songs especially for a game like Guitar Hero.