my new map for use with one flag one bomb and so on. To make I used floating, interlocking, symmetry option,geomerging,and effective spawn placement here is an example but trust me it is a very small piece of the map.To make I used interlocking, geomerging, and under the map and instant respawn. their are two bases. the temple, which by the way i barely showed you any of cause it has many places. As well as red base, the room and hall at the back of foundry. they have active camo and halfway inbetween the temple and the base are overshields. the flag and bomb arming place is at the back hallway and also a sword. their is a river with spots for hiding but not really at the entrance to the temple. the temple is symmetrical in design but meant for asymetrical gametypes like one flag and one bomb. at the temple their are stairs made out of boxes sunk into the ground and a floating shield door wiht active camo in it to hide. but someone could throw a grenade and kill you their so youre not invincible. The grav lifts are so you can get to the sniping spots with carbines. also in asymetrical gametypes a turret will spawn at the front of the temple that is the map. yay if you like it dload it if you dont please state why, that way in the future, i can make better maps. I reedited the map so you can not get out of it and now it looks alot better. I also added a box and two signs for cover. Now i believe I am done but if you had downloaded it got to the link and re download it cause the new version is alot better. some weapons. 2x Carbine 2x Shotgun 2x Needler 1x Beam rifle 1x energy sword 1x Brute shot 2x plasma pistol 1x power drain 2x active camo 1x overshields 1x plasma rifle
More pics, less begging and less exclamation points. It might even bring in more people. who would've thought. Anyway, as far as I can see, it looks like an alright map, but no DL.
more pics with a better veiw... fix the post too hard to read... put more into the post... from what i could see it looked good just not straight... give us a weapon list n a layout or something i feel lost... but looks like u put alot in to it as far as appeal no get it straight and work on the post... idea was good layout was alright... n thats all i can comment on due to i was starved of info lol but work on the TECH-knee-K keep them coming
This looks like a really good map for a first post. Most of the interlocking looks clean, and the idea seems good. I might have to Dl this weekend. Next time though, put spaces inbetween your pictures so you don't get such a wide post. That can deterr people from reading it
looks really fun and well made i was telling others that they need this and that but i think this map just looks good! there is nothing it needs from the looks but ill play it and get back to you
Okay map layout and it looks like you put a fair bit of effort into this post. I suggest you clean up the map (interlock/geomerge) and make things parallel or perpendicular. A lot of the objects don't appear to lie flat and i think just by looking at the map i could get out. Keep on forging though man, i absolutely sucked at forging but as i went on each map i made got progressively better. And mods you can't possibly give me an infraction for this post, and if you do.....
Your map looks very good. Must have tooken a long time. Some more pics would be nice though. Maybe an overview??? Also here is a review by me. Interlocking: Yes Geomerging: Yes Balanced Gameplay: Yes Score= 3/3 I liked the stairs that where geolocked leading up to the whole with the floating active camo.I also liked the closed in hallways with the energy sword in it.
The pictures are kind of messy and more of them will give you more DLs. But the map itself looks like you spent some time on the interlocking and actually thought about the weapon placements. 3/5 keep forging.
"Okay map layout and it looks like you put a fair bit of effort into this post. I suggest you clean up the map (interlock/geomerge) and make things parallel or perpendicular. Most of the interlocking looks clean, and the idea seems good! The pictures are kind of messy and more of them will give you more DLs." Overall 4/5 =)